Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi". Teachers' Universities What proverbs fit Kipling's fairy tale "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"

Yakovenko Natalya Viktorovna, primary school teacher.

Theme: R. Kipling “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”

Purpose: familiarization with the work of R. Kipling “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”
introduce the works of R. Kipling, teach conscious and expressive reading, develop the ability to analyze what is read, and highlight the main idea of ​​the work;
develop speech, memory, enrich the vocabulary of students;
to cultivate an awareness of the value of showing devotion, attention and care to friends.

Equipment: vocabulary work, illustrative material, book exhibition.

During the classes.
I. Organizational moment.
II. Checking homework.
Reading reviews of the work “Cosette”
III. Work on the topic of the lesson.
1. A word about the writer.
Joseph Rudyard Kipling - English writer and poet (1865-1933) From the moment the first translations of Kipling's works appeared in Russian, his talent was noticed and recognized by readers. A. I. Kuprin noted the brightness and originality of the English writer’s literary talent: “He is original like no one else. The power of the means that he possesses in his creativity is literally inexhaustible. The magical fascination of the plot, the extraordinary plausibility of the story, amazing observation, wit, brilliance of dialogue, scenes of proud and simple heroism, subtle style or, rather, dozens of precise styles, exotic themes, the abyss of knowledge and experience and much, much more make up Kipling’s artistic talents, which he rules with unheard-of power over the mind and imagination of the reader.”
In 1923, Kipling's Fairy Tales were first published in translation by two major children's writers - K. I. Chukovsky and S. Ya. Marshak. And from that time to this day, these translations have been recognized as the best.
2. Reading a textbook article.
3. Work on a book exhibition.
Fairy tales “Where does a whale have such a throat”, “Why does a camel have a hump”, “Where does a rhinoceros get its skin”, “Baby Elephant”, “The Tale of the Old Kangaroo”, “Where did armadillos come from”, “How the first letter was written”, “How the alphabet was invented,” “The cat walked by itself,” “The moth that stomped its foot.” The fairy tale “Mowgli” is the most famous in our country. Kipling's "The Jungle Book", which includes the story "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi", opens up to readers the distant and mysterious world of the jungle and its inhabitants.
4. Presentation of the story “Rikki-Tiki-Tavi”.
- Rudyard Kipling traveled a lot; in his youth he spent almost 7 years in India and combined his work at the newspaper with studying the life of tropical animals. His story is dedicated to the brave mongoose, a snake fighter.
- Look at the picture for the story. In what country does the action take place? How did you guess? Look what a mongoose looks like. (Brief information about the mongoose and cobra is presented by children who received the task prematurely.) What animal does it look like? (weasel) What is the name of the snake? What do you know about cobras? About their habits and behavior?
5. Primary reading of the story.
The teacher reads the most intense, poignant moments of the story “the great battle” of the mongoose with Nag in the bathroom, the scene with Nagini and Teddy on the veranda, the fight with Nagini in the hole.
6. Repeated reading in parts and analysis.
I part.
Read excerpts of the text that describe the appearance of the mongoose and the features of its character.
- Why did the mongoose get such a nickname? (his battle cry was rikki-tikki-tikki-chk!)
- Where did the mongoose live?
- How did he end up in the Big Man's garden?
- Who saved him?
- Read the episode where Ricky met the Big Man's family.
- Did Teddy like the mongoose?
- Did the Big Man’s family like the mongoose? Find lines that talk about this.
- How did he get to know the house?
- Try to reconstruct the text using the key words: scoured, did not drown, poked around, burned, climbed, ran, lay down, dozed off, jumped up and became alert, ran to find out, did not sleep, drove in.
- Who and what did these verbs tell us about?
- How do they characterize the mongoose?
(Restless character, inquisitive and brave animal)
Part II.
- Read the conversation between Teddy’s father and mother?
- What conclusion can be drawn about the mongoose? (Mongooses are faithful and devoted friends of man)
- What is the conversation between the mongoose and Darzi about?
- What misfortune happened to the bird?
Describe the appearance of Nagg.
- What words should you use to describe the scary image of a cobra? (a quiet hissing - a terrible, cold sound; a huge black cobra, five feet long from head to tail, evil snake eyes)
- Why did the mongoose become scared for a minute?
- Did Nag experience fear “in the depths of his cold heart”? Why?
- Re-read the episode of the appearance of Nagaina, the evil wife of Nag. Retell it. Find words to characterize her and use them in your retelling.
-Who warned Ricky about the danger?
- Try to draw a picture that can be drawn for this episode. How do you see Ricky?
- How can you portray a Naga? (She reached up to reach the nest hanging on the thorn bush)
Nagini? (Wounded and furious, she squirmed)
Conclusion: This scene showcased Ricky's resourcefulness and courage. At the same time, Rikki-Tikki was still inexperienced.
III part.
Independent reading task: tell how the mongoose behaved during breakfast. Why, when everything was calm, did Rikki-tikki let out a war cry?
Reading part IV by students aloud, analysis.
- Why did Rikk-Tikki go to travel around the house at night? (He felt that cobras would come into the house, that people would be in danger.)
-What conversation did Rikki-Tikki hear behind the wall of the house?
How did Nag and Nagaina decide to get rid of people?
-What feelings did the mongoose experience when he heard the cobras talking and saw Naga? (Indignation and rage, horror.)
- Why was it very difficult for the mongoose to defeat Naga?
- Tell us how the fight between Rikki-Tikki and Nag went?
- Find the beginning. How did the action begin? (Naga's plan with Nagaina)
- How did the action develop? (Ricky watches the action)
- Find the climax. (Mongoose fight with cobra).
- How did the action end? What is the outcome? (Big Man's Shot - Naga's Death)
Conclusion: during a battle with a very strong and dangerous enemy, little Ricky showed resourcefulness, fearlessness, perseverance, “and although he thought that his death had come, he decided to meet it without unclenching his teeth.”
Read part 5 on your own.
- What moment in the events that took place on the veranda of the house the next morning after Nag’s death do you consider the most tense?
Draw a word picture.
The end of the part from the words “when she slipped into the hole where they and Nag lived...” is read aloud, in turn, by several students.
- Why was the fight in the hole difficult? How can you prove that it lasted a long time? Why didn't Rikki-tikki go home right away? Read how we welcomed him home. How did the mongoose take the boy’s mother’s praise? Did Rikki_Tikki have the right to be pleased with himself? How will you confirm this?
7. Title of each part.
I. Meet the Big Man's family.
II. Meeting with Nag and Nagaina.
III. Death fight.
IV. The celebration of victory over the enemy.
8. Homework.
1) Read, if possible, the entire story.
2) Write a review message “How does Rikki-Tikki appear to us?
3) Picture plan, retelling of passages that you especially liked.
4) Write a review about the story.
5) * Reading the works of R. Kipling.
V. Summary of the lesson

Test on the topic R. Kipling “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”

Objectives: to check the level of primary assimilation of the work.

Part I “New Resident”
1.Author of the work “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”
2. What was the mongoose's name?
3. What did the tail and fur look like?
4. What did the eyes and nose look like?
5. How did the mongoose fan its tail?
6. What event almost killed the mongoose?
7. Who found the mongoose?
8. What kind of help did Ricky get in the house?
9. How did the mongoose spend the first night?
10. Where did the mongoose sleep the first night?

Part II “Meeting with the enemy”
1. Where did Ricky run after breakfast?
A) to the garden;
B) to Teddy’s room;
B) to the forest
2. From behind which tree did the voices reach Ricky?
A) cypress;
B) birch;
B) blackthorn
3. Whose voices were these?
A) birds;
B) frogs;
B) hedgehog.
4. Why did Darzi and his wife cry?
A) the socket is broken;
B) all the chicks died;
B) the chick was swallowed by a snake.
5. Who is Nag?
A) python;
B) viper;
B) cobra.
6 What did the mongoose’s mother feed?
A) chicks;
B) mice;
B) dead snakes.
7. What did Darzi warn Ricky about?
A) the appearance of a person;
B) the appearance of a predator;
C) the appearance of the cobra Nagini.

Part III "Battle"
1. What danger did Nag and Nagaina see in the house?
2. What did you decide to do to get rid of the mongoose?
3. Who hid in the bathroom, and for what purpose?
4. How did the battle end?
5. What did the Big Man say about what happened?

IV part. Savior.
1. Did Ricky calm down when Nag died? Why?
2. Where did he overtake Rikki Nagini?
3. Where did Ricky have to go in pursuit of Nagini?
4. How did the fight end?
5. What did Ricky do after the fight?
6. How did the mongoose feel after the fight?

Restore the order of the chapters

New resident
Meeting with the enemy

What new have you learned about the life of a mongoose, its appearance, etc.

The protagonist of Rudyard Kipling's Rikki-Tikki-Tavi is a young mongoose named Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. He lived with his parents until a flood happened and he was swept away by water. People found a swallowed mongoose in their garden, and they decided to leave him to live with them. People knew that mongooses were friendly to their owners and also good at catching snakes.

Rikki-Tikki liked living with people. He played with the boy Teddy, and the boy's parents fed him delicious meat. Curious by nature, Rikki-tikki ran around the huge garden that grew around the house. Once he heard in the thorn bushes the plaintive lamentations of a tailor bird named Darzi. The mongoose learned that a chick had fallen out of the nest and was swallowed by Nag, a huge cobra. Before the conversation between Rikki-tikki and Darzi ended, Nag himself appeared, who, together with his cobra wife Nagina, tried to deal with the mongoose. But they did not succeed, Rikki-tikki managed to dodge the snakes, and even bit Nagini.

Returning to the house, Rikki-Tikki wondered what to do next. He understood that he was still young and inexperienced, and so far he could not cope with two adult cobras at the same time. While the mongoose was thinking about this, a small gray snake, which was no less poisonous than a cobra, crept up to the boy Teddy.

Rikki-tikki bravely rushed to save Teddy from the snake. While he was fighting with a nimble opponent, the boy called his parents for help. But their intervention was not required. Seizing the moment, Rikki-Tikki killed the gray snake.

The people's joy knew no bounds and during lunch they allowed the mongoose to walk around the table, right in the middle of the dishes with treats. At night, Rikki-Tikki slept in Teddy's bed, but sleep did not come to him, and the mongoose went for a walk around the house. He met the rat Chuchundra, and she told him about Naga and Nagaina's plans to sneak into the house and kill people.

The cobras were afraid of the young mongoose, and they hoped that after the death of people, the mongoose would leave this house, and their life would become calm again. Under the cover of darkness, Nag snuck into Teddy's parents' bathroom and decided to wait until the morning until one of the people came in. But Rikki-Tikki disrupted these plans. He waited for Nagaina to crawl away and boldly attacked Naga. A terrible noise arose, and Teddy's father ran into the bathroom and killed the cobra with a gun.

The next day, Rikki-Tikki went to look for Nagaina. From Darzi, the tailor bird, he accidentally learned Nagini's secret - twenty-five eggs were buried in her pumpkin patch, from which small cobra cubs were soon to hatch.

Imagining what would happen if cobras were born, Rikki-Tikki decided to destroy the eggs. But it was necessary to somehow distract Nagini. Darzi’s wife volunteered to do this. She pretended to be wounded and sat down right under the cobra’s nose. She chased the bird, and the mongoose ran to the pumpkins. He found the eggs and destroyed all but one.

At this time, Darzi’s wife flew in and shouted that Nagaina had crawled onto the veranda and people were in danger. Grabbing the last egg, Rikki-Tikki ran there. He saw that Teddy and his parents were sitting at the table, afraid to move, and Nagini was ready to bite the boy.

Rikki-Tikki managed to distract the cobra by threatening to destroy its last egg, and the people left the veranda. A fierce fight between the cobra and the mongoose began. At some point, Nagini grabbed the egg and tried to escape. Rikki-tikki chased after her. Darzi's wife showed him the way.

Nagini managed to hide in her hole, and the young mongoose rushed after her. A lot of time passed and the birds decided that Rikki-Tikki had died. But soon the mongoose came out of the snake hole and said that Nagini was dead. From fatigue, he fell asleep without moving from his place. Having woken up, Rikki-Tikki returned to the house, to the people and ate heartily during dinner, after which he went to sleep on Teddy’s shoulder.

The mongoose Rikki-Tikki-Tavi continued to protect the peace of people all subsequent years, and not a single cobra was able to deceive him and get into the garden.

This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​Kipling's fairy tale "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" is that the brave and courageous win. Rikki-Tikki is a very brave mongoose, he was not afraid of two huge cobras and managed to defeat both in turn.

Kipling's fairy tale "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" teaches us to be attentive and careful, to recognize danger in advance.

In the fairy tale, I liked the main character, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. He is brave, courageous and at the same time very inquisitive. Rikki-Tikki appreciates the kind attitude of the owners of the house towards him and does his best to protect them from danger.

What proverbs fit Kipling's tale "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"?

No matter how long you hold a snake, you can still expect trouble from it.
Happiness helps the brave.
It is good to live in honor, but the answer is great.


1. Who is Rikki-Tikki-Tavi?

b) mongoose

2. Why was he called that?

a) he looked like a toy

b) he made such a cry

c) the name consisted of words that the father came up with

3. Determine the theme of the work.

a) about animals and people

b) about war and war heroes

c) about conservation of nature

4. Choose a proverb

a) Friendship is not service, but with whom to be friends, serve.

b) Chickens are counted in the fall.

c) A thief steals not for profit, but for destruction.

5. Connect the words in columns and encrypt them.

a) beginning 1. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi is a favorite in the house

b) plot 2. Hunting for cobras

c) main part 3. Saving Rikki-Tikki-Tavi from the flood

d) climax 4. Big man and Ricky kill Nag

e) outcome 5. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi is proud of himself

6. What kind of literary device is used in these passages: “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi stood silent as death; acting with paws as brakes; he began to toss around like a dog tosses around a rat; Rikki-Tikki-Tavi's tail became like a sliver; Rikki-Tikki-Tavi sat on his tail and hind legs, like a kangaroo; there was a mark on Nag’s head like a noose.”

a) personification

b) comparison

c) epithet

7. Which hero was not in the fairy tale?

b) Darzi bird

c) Big man

d) Nagini

e) dolphin Duke

8. Determine the type of fairy tale “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”

a) about animals

b) household

c) magical

9. What was the main character trait of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi?

a) curiosity

c) stupidity

10. What funny thing didn’t happen to Rikki-Tikki-Tavi?

a) almost drowned in a bathtub of water

b) stuck his nose in the ink

c) burned his nose on a burning cigar

d) bit a neighbor's ear

e) rode into breakfast on Teddy's shoulder

KSU "Correctional junior high school - boarding school for orphans with mental retardation"

Department of Education of the East Kazakhstan Region





Primary school teacher 1st category

Noskova Tatyana Vitalievna



1. Continue getting acquainted with the works of children's classical literature, the works of R. Kipling and work on the fairy tale “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”.

2. Increase the level of perception of works of art, continue work on proverbs as an element of ethnopedagogy.

3. To cultivate moral and spiritual qualities: kindness, compassion, caring attitude towards all living things and responsibility for one’s actions.

4. Corrective and developmental work on expressive, fluent and conscious reading.

Equipment: presentation for the lesson, textbook, notebooks, test forms, cards.

Preliminary work: exhibition of books about animals, children's drawings “Our Little Brothers”.


1.Emotional mood for the lesson.

Children speak in chorus and pointmovement.

Good morning sunshine!

Good morning heaven!

Good morning me!

Good morning, my whole family!

Teacher: It’s not without reason that proverbs say,

It's impossible to live without them

They are great helpers

And true friends in life.

Sometimes they instruct us

The wise give advice

Sometimes they teach something

And they protect us from harm.

And today in class I would like to remember one wonderful proverb:

“Reading is the best teaching” (slide-1)One student reads, the other repeats.

On the board is the epigraph of our lesson, let's read it in chorus.

The best day is today.

The best rest is work.

The biggest need is communication.

The greatest wealth is health.

The greatest gift is love.

Teacher: Show love and compassion to all living things that surround us,

We study in literary reading lessons. Today in class we will read,

reason, think and express your opinion.

2. To check your homework, you are offered test tasks .

(tests are attached)

3. Sound warm-up. Cards with letters on the board:A O U E I Yo

Read it in one sitting

Read in a whisper

Read it out loud

Well done!

On the board there are cards with the syllables: FOR ZO ZU ZE ZI ZO

Read the syllables in a whisper

Read the syllables loudly, with a feeling of joy

Read these syllables with question intonation

Please sing the syllables to the tune of the song “Little Christmas Tree”

Well done!

4.Updating students' knowledge.

Teacher: so, the topic of the lesson is R. Kipling’s fairy tale “Rikki – Tikki – Tavi” (slide -2)

Student's message about the writer's work. (slides 3-9)

Joseph Rudyard Kipling was born in India in 1865 and died in 1936. His parents were English. Kipling traveled a lot, working as a journalist, he traveled all over the world. Been to India, America, Africa and Japan. But still, India was closer to him in spirit. In 1907, Kipling won the Nobel Prize for Literature. The most famous work is The Jungle Book, in which little Mowgli, together with his friends, learns the eternal Law of the jungle.

Teacher: our task in the lesson is to find out what great mystery and beauty lies in Kipling’s fairy tale “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”.

Working on part 1 of the fairy tale.

Who can we call the main character of the fairy tale?

Why? (slide 12 photo of mongoose)

Find an excerpt from the text for the illustration in the textbook on page 112

Find the sentence in part 1 and complete it “There is nothing more difficult in the world...” p. 113

Find in the text a description of the mongoose p. 112 1 paragraph

Tell us how the mongoose got into people's houses? page 113

Why was he called “Rikki – Tikki – Tavi”? Support this with words from the text

5. Visual gymnastics (conducted by student)

Curious Barabara

Looking to the left

Looks to the right

Looks up

Looks down

Sit down a little on the ledge (look at the tip of your nose)

And she fell down from him. (look at the floor)

6. Work in a notebook . We write down the number, great job with commenting.

Lesson topic - R. Kipling “Rikki – Tikki – Tavi”

7.Finger gymnastics (conducted by student)

The morning has come, the sun has risen (elbows on the desk, circular movements with palms)

Hey, brother Fedya, wake up the neighbors (circular rotations with thumbs)

Get up, - (extend the thumb)

Get up, pointer, - (extend the index finger)

Get up, little heart, - (extend the middle finger)

Get up, little heart, - (extend the ring finger)

And you, little one - Mitroshechka, (extend the little finger)

Hello, little palm! (clapping hands)

You have a diagram in your notebooks, let's fill it out and make a description of the mongoose.


brave mongoose faithful

noble curious brave

What character quality is the most important in your opinion?

Why do you think so?

8. Physical training . (conducted by student)

And now the guys are up,

Together we raised our hands up.

To the sides, forward, backward

Turned right, left

They sat down quietly and got to work.

9. Cards for individual reading. (for students with low technique

readings) (cards included)

10.Work on part 2 of the fairy tale.

What other heroes are there in the fairy tale, tell us about them?

(Boy Teddy, his mother is Alice, his father.

What else does a mongoose call its father? (Big man)

Why? (people seem big to animals and the mongoose felt that the father was

head of the family)

What other animals are talked about in the fairy tale?

(Darzi - a bird - a tailor and his wife, Nag - a huge black cobra (slide -12)

Find the description of the cobra in the text, page 115

Find a description of Nagini.

11.Vocabulary work:

A foot is one third of a meter, approximately 33 cm.

Blackthorn - thorny bush

Jabble - speak quickly

A hollow is a small depression in the ground.

12.Individual work . (for students with low reading ability)

Find in the text a description of the appearance of a mongoose when it is angry

(combined reading: teacher and student read one word in turn)


- Did birds help the mongoose in the fight against cobras? How? Confirm with words from

text. (reading dialogue: teacher - student)

13.Work on part 3 of the fairy tale.

Find a passage in the text about what Nag and Nagaina are up to? page 117

Find the most tense moment in the text. What literary term is he

called? (climax) What is it about? (description of the fight between a mongoose and a cobra.)

Reading in a chain. page 118

14.Work on part 4 of the fairy tale.

Did Mongoose stop there, or decide to completely protect

your relatives from snakes?

Find a description of the fight between the mongoose and Nagini? page 119

Find a description of Mongoose's meeting with his family? page 120

Find the main idea of ​​the fairy tale, page 120.

Did Rikki - Tikki - Tavi have the right to be proud of themselves?


Conclusion: Were we able to find out what mystery and beauty is hidden in the fairy tale? (slide 14)

Is this proverb suitable as a conclusion to the fairy tale we read?

Do not bow to the enemy, do not regret life for a friend.


What is fact and what is fiction in this fairy tale?

Read the title of the fairy tale. What else could you call it?

15. Reflection.

Continue the sentence:

During the lesson I learned something new about...

I answered well. But I need...

16. Grades for the lesson.

Notes with individual wishes.

- Alyosha, you helped me a lot today!

Lena, you made me happy!

Regina, you pleasantly surprised me!

17. Homework.

1 group. Come up with a short story from the life of Mongoose and Teddy.

2 group. Describe the appearance of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi (chapter 1) - for weak students

Thank you for your work!

Section tests.

1 . What was the name of the boy, the main character in A. Kuprin’s story “The White Poodle”?

A) Andrey

B) Sergey

B) Igor

2. What proverb can be used to describe the main idea in A. Kuprin’s story “The White Poodle”.

A)Friendship is more valuable than money.

B)The native land is a golden cradle.

IN)Language opens the mind

3 . What did the sea witch demand from the Little Mermaid for her desire to become human?

A) beautiful hair

B) elegant dress

4 . How many princesses and daughters did the sea king have in H. C. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Little Mermaid?”

A) 3

B) 6

IN 1

5.Which fairy tale is this excerpt from?

“And suddenly some poorly dressed old woman with small red eyes, a sharp face wrinkled with age and a long, very long nose that went down to her chin came up to them.”

A) A. Green “Scarlet Sails”

B) H-K Andersen “The Little Mermaid”

B) V. Gauff “Dwarf Nose”.

6 . What herb did Dwarf Nose need to add to Queen's Pie?

A) mother and stepmother

B) sneeze for your health

B) wormwood

7 . Describe the characters in V. Hugo's story "Cosette"

Cosette is greedy


The stranger is kind


Thénardier's daughters are indifferent


The Thenardiers are hardworking



8 . What was the name of the doll given to Cosette by the Stranger?

A) Katerina

B) Maria

B) Sophia

9. At what age did Arthur Gray leave his parents' home?

A) at 15 years old

B) at 10 years old

B) at 25 years old

10) What did Arthur Gray name his ship?

A) Anselm

B) Secret

B) Brave

Key :1-B, 2-A, 3-B, 4-B, 5-B,6-B, 8-A, 9-A, 10-B

Cards for individual reading.

Card 1.

Read syllable by syllable, observing punctuation marks.

He kicked and thrashed as best he could. Rick-ki - Tik-ki peeked behind his collar, sniffed his ear and went down to the floor and began to rub his nose. Rick-ki - Tik-ki and - chalk right - in the city-to-dit - xia co-fight.

Card 2.

Read with expression. Pay attention to the punctuation marks at the end of the sentence.

The mongoose shook off the dust and sneezed. This is our savior! You asked who is Nag? Not a bad place for hunting. And this is called a wild animal? What if he bites a child?

Kipling Rudyard fairy tale "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"

Genre: literary tale about animals

The main characters of the fairy tale "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" and their brief characteristics

  1. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. A mongoose, still young, but very brave and fearless. He entered into an unequal battle with cobras and emerged victorious, thanks to his courage and bravery.
  2. Nag and Nagena. Cobras, husband and wife. Evil, treacherous, cruel.
  3. Darcy and his wife. Birds are tailors. Fearful.
  4. Teddy and his parents. The owners of the bungalow are a boy and his mom and dad.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"
  1. Heavy rain
  2. Dead mongoose
  3. Mongoose comes to life
  4. Mongoose exploring the house
  5. Darcy
  6. Nag and Nagena
  7. Karet
  8. Ricky saved Teddy
  9. Chuchundra
  10. Overheard Conversation
  11. Battle in the bathroom
  12. Smart wife Darcy
  13. Destruction of eggs
  14. Veranda of Death
  15. Last Stand.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The little mongoose was washed away by the rain and ended up with people in a huge bungalow
  2. The mongoose likes people, but does not like the cobras that live in the garden
  3. Ricky meets the carriage and kills the snake to save the boy Teddy.
  4. Ricky hears the cobras talking and fights with Nag, who is killed by a man with a gun
  5. Ricky destroys Nagena's eggs and distracts the cobra from Teddy boy
  6. The mongoose follows Nagena into her hole and kills the cobra there.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"
Never judge a hero by his height, judge by his fearlessness.

What does the fairy tale "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" teach?
This fairy tale teaches you to treat animals well, because in this case, animals will treat people well. This fairy tale teaches not to give up in the face of a stronger enemy, to use military cunning, to fight fearlessly, and to protect the weak. Teaches devotion and faith in victory. Teaches pride and patriotism.

Review of the fairy tale "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"
The story of the little mongoose Rikki-Tikki-Tavi is hard not to like. The fearless mongoose acts like a real hero, he protects his friends, is not afraid of death, but is afraid only of dishonor. Ricky is very sweet and affectionate, but at the same time a brave fighter. I really liked this fairy tale.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"
On business and honor.
Don't judge a mongoose by its appearance.
He who dared ate it.

Summary, brief retelling of the fairy tale "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"
A little mongoose, Rikki-Tikki, lived with his parents in a hole. And one day heavy rain washed him out of his hole and carried him quite far away. Ricky swallowed water and lost consciousness.
A little boy found him on a park path and wanted to bury him.
But the boy’s father realized that the mongoose was still alive and ordered him to be taken into the house. There the mongoose warmed up and sneezed. Then he ran around the room and climbed onto Teddy boy's shoulder.
The parents watched the mongoose with pleasure and decided to feed it. The mongoose ate a piece of meat and ran around the whole house, sticking its curious muzzle everywhere.
In the evening, the parents saw Ricky sitting on Teddy's pillow. The boy's mother was worried, but his father said that the mongoose is the best protector against snakes.
The next morning Ricky went to the garden. There he met the tailor bird Darcy and his wife, who were very sad. Nag ate one of Darcy's chicks.
Ricky naively asked who Nag was and a huge cobra immediately appeared from the grass. She introduced herself as Nag and inflated her hood. But Ricky was not at all afraid of the cobra; for his family, snakes have always been a tasty prey.
Nag realized this and decided to distract Rikki. He started talking to him about eggs and chicks. At this time, Darcy shouted to Ricky - Look out!
Rikki jumped to the side and Nagena, Nag's wife, missed. Rikki bit Nagena, but did not bite her neck, and the snakes quickly crawled away.
Ricky returned to the house and began to think. Teddy came to him and wanted to pet Ricky. But then a small snake rose from the dust - a caret, deadly poisonous.
Rikii immediately rushed onto the carriage, not thinking that a small and nimble enemy could be worse than a huge cobra.
Ricky quickly ate the carriage and the boy's father came running and hit the corpse with a stick in vain. Teddy's parents and the boy himself petted the mongoose all day.
At night, Ricky met Chuchundra, a musky rat. Chuchundra was very afraid, but advised the mongoose to listen. Ricky heard the soft creak of snake scales as the snake crawled into the bathroom.
In the bathroom, Rikki heard Nag and Nagena whispering behind the wall. They wanted to kill people so that the bungalow would be empty and the mongoose would leave it.
The nag crawled into the bathroom and waited for the morning to bite the man. Ricky was deciding where he should bite such a huge cobra, and decided to bite the hood and not unclench his teeth under any circumstances.
Rikki grabbed Nag with his teeth, and he began to shake his head from side to side, breaking everything that was in the bathroom. Ricky was preparing to die in battle, but suddenly there was a strong roar and something scorched the mongoose.
It was the man who shot Naga with a gun. People were glad that such a brave mongoose lived among them.
And Ricky understood that he urgently needed to deal with Nagena before she hatched snakes.
He ran into the garden, where Darcy sang a song of praise to him. Darcy said that Nagena was at the garbage heap where the janitor threw Naga's body. Darcy then explained to Ricky where Nagena kept her eggs.
Ricky asked Darcy to pretend that he had a broken wing and distract Nagena. But Darcy was stupid, but his wife turned out to be smart. Which began to pretend in front of Nagena.
At this time, Ricky reached the end of the melon bed and found 25 cobra eggs there. Ricky destroyed 22 eggs when he heard Darcy's wife scream. She informed him that Nagena had crawled onto the veranda and wanted to kill.
Ricky destroyed two more eggs, grabbed the last one and ran to the veranda.
Ricky saw that Nagena's head was next to the boy's leg. People sat pale and afraid to move. Then the mongoose ordered Nagena to turn around and look at what was left of her eggs.
Nagena turned and saw the last egg. She demanded to give it back. At this time, the man grabbed Teddy and dragged him across the table.
Nagena began to jump on the mongoose, and when it moved, she suddenly turned around, grabbed the egg with her teeth and quickly left the veranda.
Rikki caught up with Nagena near the hole and grabbed her by the tail. Following the cobra, he disappeared into a hole.
Darcy decided that Ricky was dead and prepared to sing him a farewell song, but then a very tired Ricky appeared from the hole.
He said that the widow died and the red ants went to check his words.
Ricky told the coppersmith bird to announce the cobra's death to the entire garden. The boy's parents and Teddy himself enthusiastically greeted the mongoose.
And Ricky remained to guard the garden and not a single cobra dared to appear in it again.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"