Adam and Eve task for children. The Fall of Adam and Eve

Lesson topic: The Fall of Man

Purpose of the lesson: To show how sin entered the world, corrupting God's creation and bringing grief and suffering to mankind.

Golden Verse: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23)

1. Introduction

How to attract students' attention? Give an example of how good things can be easily spoiled (stained, torn, etc.)

2. Repetition

Man is the highest creation of God.

Created in the image and likeness of God (endowed with soul, conscience, reason)
- God placed him in a perfect world, which He Himself said was “very good”
- man had dominion over all creation, he was given the honor of giving names to animals
- a man had a perfect assistant and friend - a wife, to communicate with
- people communicated with God, they did not know how one could be selfish, angry, they trusted each other in everything and loved the Lord
- they had everything necessary for life and subsistence
- they were holy and righteous
- people had the freedom to choose whether to obey God or not

Illustrative example: Put on a hand puppet-glove. She will repeat the movement of the hand and is completely dependent on the puppeteer. But the man does everything himself.

Situation for students:

Prepare two pairs of glasses of water. Each pair of glasses contains plain water in one and salt water in the other. Ask a question: Who wants to drink? The first participant is invited to drink, but the contents of the glasses are kept secret. He is not responsible for his choice, because. didn't know what kind of water he was drinking. Tell the second participant about the contents of the bottles. He is responsible for the choice. Adam and Eve had similar freedom of choice; they knew about the consequences.

3. The Fall

- people had enough food to survive
- but God forbade them to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and warned them of the consequences
- who is the serpent - Satan - the story of the fallen angel (briefly)
- Satan tempted Eve - temptation often comes through the gaze (bad movies - avoid them)

Question: What sin did people commit?

Accusation against God, the serpent implied that God was unfair in depriving them of the right to use the tree

The serpent accused God of lying - “no, you will not die”

Ingratitude and greed. The serpent convinced Eve that God had prevented her from doing something extraordinarily good, that if she ate the fruit, she would become as great as God. Eve did not appreciate God's blessings and wished she had more.

Nowadays people also do not appreciate the blessings of God.

Arrogance, disobedience, theft

Self-justification in your own eyes

4. Consequences of the Fall

Adam, instead of rejecting Eve's offer, agreed to eat the forbidden fruit
- shame is the first result of what was done
- defenselessness - to cover up and hide
- ran away from God and began to lie and make excuses: “... the wife you gave me”
- their relationship with each other was disrupted (they shifted the blame onto each other)
- were expelled from the Garden of Eden
- God's punishment

Task: Find in Gen. 3:14-19 seven consequences of the Fall

5. The promise of a Savior

Note: God cursed the serpent, the earth, but not man; on the contrary, he promised victory over Satan (Gen. 3:15)

6. Everyone has sinned

An illustrative example: Burn plain paper, then bring money to the fire. Will they burn? Yes, although it is a security. Likewise, people are all sinners, everyone must be punished, regardless of whether he is a simple person or a king.

Sketch: About the newlyweds and the mouse

Characters: old woman, man, woman, author

Add. materials: box or pan, mouse on a long rope

Action: Two young spouses are looking for housing. One kind old lady lets them live in her house. She doesn’t take money for it and allows everyone to use it, they just shouldn’t touch one drawer (pan). The hostess leaves the house, the newlyweds live alone. They are happy with everything, but every day their curiosity grows: what is in that box? And so the wife carefully opens the box. A mouse jumps out from there (you need to pull the rope) and runs away. Everything is lost! The old woman returns and kicks them out of the house.

Draw a parallel between this scene and the story of the Fall of Adam and Eve.

Main idea: If we were Adam and Eve, we would have done the same thing.

Section 2: Obedience Genesis 3:1-21

Lesson 8

Adam and Eve


GREETINGS:When the children arrive, have them look at the board. (Prepare the board as shown in the picture). Tell the children, “Our Bible stories will be about people who obeyed God and about some people who were not. We will have two lists. When our story is about a man who was obedient, we will put his name on the board on the first list. When our story is about someone who disobeyed God, we will put his name on the second list. All people who obey God are happy. Those who are disobedient are unhappy." Then have each child choose one of the following learning centers.

"GOLDEN VERSE":Open your Bible to Deuteronomy 27:10. Underline the verse " So listen to the voice of the Lord your God" Show these words to the children. Tell them, “These are very important words from the Bible. God wants us to obey Him. He knows that we will be happy if we obey Him.”

Ask the children to repeat the “golden verse” with you.

ACTIVE GAME:Play the game “Peter says.” Tell the children to listen only to those commands you give after the words “Peter says.”

BOOKS AND PICTURES: Find books and pictures of Adam and Eve. Talk about how God created everything and the time Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden.

CREATIVE ACTIVITY: Let the children make a picture of the garden. Use the outline of the trees from the Specimen Book page 7 (maple, oak, elm and pine). Have the children glue the trees onto a piece of paper. They can then draw tree trunks and flowers. Tell the children: “When God created the world, He created many different trees and flowers. He planted them in the garden. He called the garden Eden. And after that He created man and woman, Adam and Eve. God placed Adam and Eve in the beautiful Garden of Eden. They enjoyed what God had created."

FAMILY LIFE:Tell children that they must obey their parents when they play. Choose different children to be parents.

WORSHIP TIME: Sing some of the children's favorite songs. Show a card with the word " listen" "This word listen. This is a very important word. God wants us all to obey Him. And He wants all children to be obedient to their parents. God knows we are happy when we are obedient." Sing a song about obedience. Then pray, “Thank you, God, for Your love for us. Help us to be obedient to You in everything we do. In the name of Jesus. Amen."


Adam and Eve didn't listen

“Adam and Eve, listen,” God called. “You can eat apples from this tree. You can eat bananas from this tree. You can eat cherries, peaches, and oranges from these trees. But don’t eat the fruit from that tree in the center of the garden!”

"Fine!" - said Adam and Eve. They obeyed God joyfully.

But one day the Serpent was taking a walk in the garden. “It’s a beautiful day, Eva. Why don't you eat from this tree? Is it true that God told you not to eat any fruit from the garden?”

“No, it’s not true,” Eva replied. “God said that we can eat all the fruits from all the trees except one. We can’t eat from a tree in the middle of the garden.”

“God was just teasing you,” said the serpent. “He knows that the fruit on this tree is the best. Why don’t you just try it and see for yourself?”

Eve looked at the fruits. They really looked very attractive. Finally she plucked one. Then she tried. It was very tasty! Adam also tried. Delicious! The two of them tasted the fruit from the tree growing in the middle of the garden. On this evening, Adam and Eve heard the voice of God. And they hid.

“Adam, why did you hide? Eva, why are you hiding? Have you tasted the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden?” - asked God. (Of course He knew what happened.)

“Eve made me eat,” said Adam.

“The serpent forced me,” said Eve.

“You didn't listen to me. You must be punished,” said God. “From now on, the serpent will crawl on the earth. Eva, you will give birth to children in pain. Adam, you will have to work every day to earn food and clothing for your family.”

Adam and Eve were forced to leave the beautiful garden that God had given them. They were very sad because they had disobeyed God.

When God says to do something, He wants us to obey Him and do it. He loves us and knows what is best for us. It is good for us to obey God.

WORKBOOK: Use page 15 from the Workbook. Let the children glue pieces of green and brown felt where needed. Have the children also cut out little felt “fruits” and glue them to the trees. Let the children retell the story using their pictures.


Andrey is glad that he listened

When Andrey woke up, he knew it was a special day. It was his birthday. He jumped out of bed and dressed in a hurry.

When he came downstairs, the whole family was already assembled. “Follow us,” said dad. "We have a surprise for you." Everyone left the room after dad. There was a tent in the backyard under a large tree. The entrance to the tent was slightly open and you could see a big red fire truck!

"Wow! Just what I always wanted!” - Andrei shouted. “Thank you for the tent and the fire truck.” He hugged everyone in his family.

“Why is there a big number six on the tent and on the car?” - asked Andrey.

"And how old are you?" - Dad asked.

“Oh, right. Why didn’t I guess right away? “I’m six years old today,” said Andrey.

“It's not all a surprise. Today after dinner we will go to a real fire station to see real fire engines!” - Mom said.

After dinner, dad called Andrey. “Bring your new fire truck into the house before we leave.”

"But why? Can’t a tent be a garage for a car?”

“When dad says to do something, why does he say it?” - Mom asked.

“To obey and do this,” Andrey said and brought the car into the house.

While they were at the fire station, a strong wind began, and then a storm. The wind broke a tree in the yard, which fell directly on the tent.

When they arrived home and saw a fallen tree, mom said: “The tent is easy to repair, Andrey. Are you glad you listened to your dad and brought the car home? We couldn't fix the car."

Andrei was very glad that he obeyed.

CRAFTS: Using the pattern on page 7 in the Pattern Book, make a picture of fruit trees. Cut out one tree pattern for each child. Glue two trees on either side of the forbidden tree. Tell the children that the tree in the middle is the tree that God told Adam and Eve not to eat from. Cut out small fruits from paper of different colors. Let the children stick them on the trees. Retell the story to the children using ready-made pictures.

ENDING: Sing a song about obedience. Hang name signs Adam And Eve under the title "We didn't listen" on the board. Remind children that when we are naughty, we will be sad. But when we are obedient, we will be happy. End with a short prayer. Teach the “golden verse” until the parents come for the children. Let the children take home the golden verse so their parents can help them learn it.


It is not entirely true to say that only when we reach a certain age we are literally “covered by a wave of nostalgia” when we hear the melody of our youth or see some attributes of that time. Even a very small child begins to yearn for his favorite toy if someone took it away or hid it. We are all, to some extent, in love with old things, because they contain the spirit of an entire era. It is not enough for us to read about this in books or on the Internet. We want to have a real antique thing that we can touch and smell. Just remember your feelings when you picked up a Soviet-era book with slightly yellowed pages that emitted a sweetish aroma, especially when flipping through them, or when you looked at black and white photographs of your parents or grandparents, the same ones with an uneven white border. By the way, for many, such shots remain the most beloved to this day, despite the low quality of such images. The point here is not in the image, but in the feeling of spiritual warmth that fills us when they catch our eye.

If there are no “objects from the past” left in our lives due to endless moves and changes of place of residence, then you can buy antiques in our antique online store. Antique stores are especially popular now, because not everyone has the opportunity to visit such outlets, and they are concentrated mainly only in large cities.

Here you can buy antiques of various subjects.

To dot the i's, it should be said that antique shop is a special establishment that purchases, sells, exchanges, restores and examines antiques and provides a number of other services related to the sale of antiques.

Antiques are some old things that have a fairly high value. This could be: antique jewelry, equipment, coins, books, interior items, figurines, dishes, etc.

However, in a number of countries, different things are considered antiques: in Russia, the status of “antique thing” is given to an item that is more than 50 years old, and in the USA – items made before 1830. On the other hand, in each country, different antiques have different values. In China, antique porcelain is of greater value than in Russia or the USA.

In other words, when buying antiques It should be remembered that its price depends on the following characteristics: age, uniqueness of execution, manufacturing method (everyone knows that handmade work is valued much higher than mass production), historical, artistic or cultural value and other reasons.

antique shop- quite a risky business. The point is not only in the laboriousness of searching for the required product and the long period of time during which the item will be sold, but also in the ability to distinguish a fake from the original.

In addition, a store selling antiques must meet a number of standards in order to gain the proper reputation in the market. If we are talking about an antique online store, then it should have a wide range of products presented. If an antiques store exists not only on the World Wide Web, then it must also be large enough for the client to feel comfortable wandering among the antiques, and, secondly, have a beautiful interior and a pleasant atmosphere.

Our antiques store has very rare items that can impress even a seasoned collector.

Antiques have magical powers: touching them once, you will turn into a big fan of them, antiques will take their rightful place in the interior of your home.

In our antique online store you can buy antiques a variety of topics at affordable prices. To facilitate the search, all products are divided into special groups: paintings, icons, rural life, interior items, etc. Also in the catalog you will be able to find old books, postcards, posters, silverware, chinaware and much more.

In addition, in our online antique store you can purchase original gifts, furniture and kitchen utensils that can enliven the interior of your home, make it more refined.

Antiques for sale in Russia, as in many European cities, such as Paris, London and Stockholm, has its own characteristics. First of all, these are high costs for the purchase of antiques, however, the responsibility of a store selling antiques is also quite high, since these things represent a certain material and cultural and historical value.

By purchasing antiques in our store, you can be sure of the authenticity of the purchased items.

Our antique store employs only qualified consultants and appraisers who can easily distinguish the original from fakes.

We strive to make our antique online store interesting for collectors, and for fans of antiquity and for the most ordinary connoisseurs of beauty, who have good taste and know the value of things. Thus, one of our priority areas is the constant expansion of the range, both through dealers and through cooperation with other companies involved in the sale of antiques.

Another joint task with Irina is a thematic lesson with children "Adam's First Task". It is known that God's first task to Adam was to give names to animals. But in order to do this, he had to carefully observe them - how they look, what is their peculiarity, what they eat, where they live, etc. That's what we'll do.

As the lesson is described, various games that need to be prepared will be indicated. But you or your friends may have some similar games at home, some you can download along with all the materials, and there will also be those games that I made myself and offer to download on my second site "Mamadelki".

Progress of the lesson:

Conversation for review

How the skies shine -
Height and beauty!
And it jumps loudly across the sky
The sun is like a yellow ball!
At night, so that it’s not scary,
The lights are lit:
And stands as if surprised,
Garden of Eden in green foliage.
For Adam the world is wonderful
Only God of Heaven could create!
Who created the sun?
What lights light up at night?
For whom did God create beauty on earth?
Why can't man create the world?

Tale of Eden the garden can be accompanied by illustrations on flannelgraph or use the “Garden of Eden” sensory box

Having created Adam and Eve, God placed them in a beautiful garden called Eden. A large river flowed through the garden. This beautiful park was a real paradise. Everything was perfect there. God wanted Adam and Eve to live forever. And so that they make the whole earth as beautiful as the Garden of Eden. How happy Adam and Eve must have been, imagining themselves doing this. There were many animals in the Garden of Eden, but they did not harm anyone because they did not eat meat. When God settled Adam in Paradise, he gave him a task. Adam had to give names to all animals. To choose the most suitable names, Adam apparently watched them for a long time: who they eat, what they eat, what they look like, where they like to live. And then he gave them suitable names.

Animal games

All games are aimed at recognizing animals, their lifestyle, external differences, habitat, etc. I will offer several options on one topic, and you choose what is appropriate for your child’s age.


Game "Find the animal"- downloaded from the Internet

Card games from the English site- downloaded from the Internet

Presentation “Whose paws are these?”

Presentation “Facts about Animals”

As the animals say:

Presentations “As They Say Parts 1 and 2”

Or you can look presentations from the lesson about the sixth day of creation.

These games have the same principle - based on the coloring picture you need to choose a picture with an animal - choose what is most suitable for your child’s age:

Game with cards “As They Say”

Musical physical education lesson: "At the Giraffes" . (Music is applied)

Before the game, ask your child to tell you what a giraffe, elephant, zebra, or cat look like. Show Pictures with these animals, noting their characteristic external features (a giraffe has spots, an elephant has folds, a zebra has stripes, a kitten has fur.). Support the words with gestures that will be used in the game.

“Giraffes have spots...” - clap our hands all over the body
“Elephants have folds...” - “collecting the folds” - we pinch ourselves.
“And a zebra has stripes...” - run your fingers or the edge of your palm over the body
“Kittens have fur...” - we stroke ourselves

Chorus - point with the index fingers of both hands at the corresponding parts of the body.

What do animals eat:

These games have the same principle - based on the coloring picture you need to choose a picture with an animal - choose what is most suitable for your child’s age:

Animal food puzzles


These games have the same principle - based on the coloring picture you need to choose a picture with an animal - choose what is most suitable for your child’s age:

Puzzles “Where they live” downloaded from the Internet

Puzzles "Natural areas" downloaded from the Internet

Riddles about animals downloaded from the Internet

Book from the series “School of the Seven Dwarfs” "Who lives where"

Mathematics: Game "Count the Animals"

Lay out the cards according to the specified number - three types of animals and birds downloaded from the Internet

Physical education lesson: “The world is so big and round”

Who lives next to us? (Child point to themselves)

Cow, doggie, rabbit, cat (index fingers put “horns” to the head, hands on the belt - movements with the pelvis, strokes the back of the palms of both hands, puts palms up to the head, moving back and forth)

And a horse, a pig (Walks in place, raising his knees high, moving his head from bottom to top)

Nutria, goat, lamb (Hands on the belt - turns the body left - right)

All animals man (Walks in a circle, raising his knees high)

Animal names:

Reading a book

We must care for God's wonderful world Genesis 1.28; 2.18-20


List some of the animals that Adam named in the garden.

Establish similarities between Adam and Eve.

Answer the question: What did Adam and Eve do for God’s world?

Name the differences in the concerns of God and people about the world around us.

Play the Collect and Clean game.

Make and decorate trash bags.


God gave Adam and Eve the task of “ruling over all creation” (Gen. 1:26; 28). This is also the destiny of man: to work in the garden and take care of all of God's world (Gen. 2:15). This task is the topic of our lesson. When we encounter the concept of “care,” we usually imagine a ruler who sits in a high, important and authoritative place; this could be a throne, a judge’s bench, or a teacher’s table, at which they sit and give various orders. Reasoning in this way, you will not be able to achieve a correct understanding of care, give it an accurate definition, much less expect children to take care of someone. Look at what the Bible means by “caring” and what this story says about it. Even your little ones can learn a lesson from it.

In our society, not every government sets a good example to follow. We can't think of caring as something personal. The Bible says that to have authority means to serve (Mark 10:42-43), and to care means to pay attention to someone or something. Thus, God's commission to Adam and Eve was to carefully and carefully tend the wonderful garden and all of God's creation.

Adam and Eve were given the roles of King and Queen of all creation. They, like father and mother, like caretaker and trustee, ruled and at the same time took care of all living things. Part of God's assignment to man was to give names to all animals. This was a difficult and very important task. By naming each living creature, Adam and Eve felt and acknowledged the enormous responsibility for this work. In our lives there is a sharp dividing line between the time of work and the time of rest. We separate one from the other. This caused people to lose enjoyment of their work.

Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden to enjoy its beauty, but this enjoyment also included stewardship. Even a small child can derive joy from doing the work assigned to him, working with great diligence. What should you try to instill in your children in this lesson? They are very small for the role of manager or trustee. They cannot even take care of themselves yet. But your students are not so small as to understand their position in this world and acquire a sense of responsibility before God, before their parents, before their teachers and before all those who care for them and protect them. They are responsible for children who are younger than them, for animals, for nature. Your children are not too young to begin exploring their purpose in God's world as caretakers of all living things.



All kinds of illustrations with images of animals (books, postcards, drawings).

Everything in God's world was given to people for food, enjoyment, pleasure and work. God has given a man and a woman a mission to guard His world. It was t under the force, because Adam and Eve had power from God. But they themselves were in God's power. Therefore, people have a responsibility to creation and to the Creator. Can your little students find themselves? Can they care about God's world? Yes, the child should already begin to take responsibility for his world, despite the fact that he is still very small. God does not require them to care about the ecology of the environment; this is not part of the concept of their world. The world for a baby is his room, his home, his church, his pet. God does not require children to delve into global problems. He demands from you that we show them this care and teach them through another example - in words and deeds.

To draw class members' attention to today's Bible story, bring and display pictures of animals (picture books, magazine clippings, cards, games, etc.). Ask the children to list the names of the animals they see. Ask them where you can see these animals alive (farm, museum, zoo). Praise the children for knowing so many names of different animals. Then tell the kids that all these names were given to animals by the first people, Adam and Eve. The first work that God commissioned people to do in His beautiful garden was to give names to all living beings. Invite the children to listen to the story from the Bible about how Adam and Eve worked in the beautiful world God created.

Biblical history

Materials 1. Bible.

2. Illustrations from previous lessons.

3. Pictures with images of animals.

Show the children your Bible, reminding them that the story you will tell is in God's Book. Finally, God finished creating His beautiful world. Everything was completely and simply wonderful, especially Adam and Eve, because they were His most wonderful and beloved creation. “Enjoy My beautiful garden,” God said to Adam and Eve. Eat fruits, take care of trees and animals. Give names to all living beings (animals, birds) and take very good care of My wonderful world.” (Have the children look at each of the pictures about creation and ask them to name the part of God's work that is shown in each picture.)

Adam and Eve loved God and His wonderful world. They felt very good with God in His wonderful garden. With what interest they named the animals! “Oh, Eve,” Adam said worriedly, what should we call this little animal? (Show one of the pictures depicting an animal). “What about this big and strong one?” People wandered throughout the beautiful garden. They stopped and stroked the big animals and took the little ones in their arms. Both Adam and Eve took care of names for every living thing in the world. Now you know their names very well, don't you?! (You can review the pictures of animals again, naming each of them).

Adam and Eve took very good care of the animals, but not only them. They also took care of the plants and trees that swayed in the light gentle breeze. Some trees in the garden were special; they bore fruits that could be eaten. These are juicy, fragrant apples, and sweet oranges, and many, many other tasty things. Adam and Eve watched them as they grew, getting bigger and bigger. Oh, it was so wonderful! Finally, the fruits were ripe and ready to be picked from the trees. This was also part of Adam and Eve's work in the garden.

Yes, people had a lot of worries and a lot of work in God's world. But Adam and Eve did it all with joy. They loved God and did everything He told them to do. Adam and Eve took very good care of God's world,


Materials 1. Paper bags for each child.

2. Large trash bag.

Lead today's activity into a simple, brief Bible story: God told Adam and Eve to take very good care of His world. Tell the kids that God wants this from them too, so that they take care of animals, plants, trees, flowers and do everything very diligently so that our world is beautiful and good. Show the children a large trash bag and explain that you will all work together to keep the area around the church clean and tidy. Give the children paper bags and tell them that they need to collect garbage and everything that litters God's world - candy wrappers, chewing gum, dry leaves and branches. Warn children to maintain order and silence so as not to disturb activities in other classes and the church.

After explaining the rules to the students, start doing this work. As you clean, remind your children how beautiful God's world is. Draw their attention to areas that are well kept and clean, encouraging them to do the same. Tell the kids that God wants them to help cleanse His world. (As the small bags fill with trash, remind the children to empty the contents into the larger bag.) When you return to your classroom, invite students to help you throw the trash into the trash can. When throwing out trash, emphasize the fact that sometimes people forget to take care of God's world. Collect bags from children and ask them to wash their hands. Afterwards, sing the creation song together (lesson 3).

CONCLUSION Materials Picture for the Bible story. (Each one). If you still have time, sing the song “Who Could Create?”, naming all the good and wonderful things God created for His world. As you end the lesson with prayer, ask God to help you take good care of His wonderful world. If you can, give each child a picture of a Bible story and ask parents to read the story of God's beautiful creation at home.


1. Game: “Yes, no. Anya! Take the Anya doll, with which you will tell children about good and bad deeds. If your students have not met Anya in previous lessons, do so today. Explain that this little girl will come to your class from time to time. Say that Anya tries to do what is good, but sometimes she forgets about it. She doesn't always think before doing something. And sometimes she is very disobedient! Ask the children to listen very carefully as you show and tell them about some of the things Anya does. Explain that after each bad deed they must tell the doll: “No, no, Anya!” Point out to students that Anya does not take good care of her things. Some of Anna's actions:

throws a candy wrapper or stick onto the floor;

picks flowers and throws them on the floor;

takes off his scarf and throws it away;

throws away toys and goes to sleep;

pulls the puppy by the tail.

These are only suggestions. You can use other situations in which the children will see Anya not taking good care of her things. After each action, ask the children what you need to tell Anya so that she does the right thing.

2. Light snack. If a light snack is part of your lesson, then today you can organize a small picnic on the grass. Ask the children to help you carry out bedding, food, napkins and other supplies. After the picnic, involve the kids in cleaning up, reminding them to do it very carefully and carefully so that no dirt or debris remains in the area.

3. Games with songs. Repeat the songs from the previous lesson. (See Lesson 3 Extension Activity 5). To reinforce the truth of today's lesson we must take care of God's wonderful world, have the little ones move as you chant the following words: We must take care of God's world, Take care of God's wonderful world, Take care of God's wonderful world. We must take care of God's world, We like to be God's helpers. (Hold hands and walk in a circle) This is how we water the plants, We water the plants, We water the plants. This is how we water the plants. We like to be God's helpers. (Bend over and act as if you are watering.) This is how we collect trash, We collect trash, We collect trash. This is how we collect trash. We like to be God's helpers. (Bend over and act as if you are picking up trash.) This is how we feed our beloved animals, We feed the animals, We feed the animals. This is how we feed our beloved animals. We like to be God's helpers. (Pretend as if you are feeding the animals.) Ask the children to suggest what more we can do to care for God's wonderful world.

4. Bird feeder. Bring pine cones (for each child), string, and sunflower seeds to class. Give the children pine cones and arrange the sunflower seeds into several piles. Explain how and help the children put the seeds into the open cells of the cones. Secure a piece of string to the top of the pine cone. If the children wish, you can hang the feeders on the trees in your church yard or let your little ones take them home. 5. Can you tell me? Here are a few questions that you or the Anya doll can ask the children about the topic of today's lesson. 1. What commission did God give to Adam and Eve? 2. What does God want us to do in His world? 3. What good things do you do at home to care for God's world?


1. Give children the opportunity to play with the dolls while changing their clothes (if possible, bring a bathtub, soap, washcloth, towel for bathing them). Play with soft toys, feed the “animals” using cookies, bread, raisins. While playing, tell the children how to care for the world God created.

2. To those illustrations that depict the flora and fauna, add pictures that show people feeding animals and working in the garden.

3. If possible, bring fish in a jar and let the children feed them. And also don’t forget to water your seedlings!

4. You can play with children, imitating adults who work hard to take care of God's world. Kids can pretend to be doctors, firefighters, gardeners, cleaners, farmers, etc. While playing, remind them that we all need to take care of God's world around us.

5. Glue together small paper bags (or bring ready-made ones) and give them to each child to take home. Let the children draw pictures on them from God's creation - the sun, moon, stars, flower, butterfly. You can use transfers or magazine clippings and help students stick them onto the bags. At home, children will collect garbage in these bags, showing concern for God's world. Note: Today you can clean your classroom with your children. Taking care of your school classroom is also taking care of God's beautiful world.