Francis Hart. Garth, Francis Brett (Bret Harte)

GARTH, FRANCIS BRET (BRET GARTH)(Harte, Frarncis Bret) (1836–1902), American writer. Born August 25, 1836 in Albany (New York). Due to poor health and frequent travel, his formal education ended in 1849, at which time he began working. His first poem appeared in the Sunday Morning in 1847. autumn reflections (Autumn Musings). In February 1854, Garth and his sister moved to San Francisco to live with their mother and stepfather.

Little is known about the first three years of Garth's life in California. From the summer of 1858, he lived in Uniontown, on the shores of Humboldt Bay, doing odd jobs until, in 1869, he got a job as a reporter for the newly founded weekly Northern Californian. In March 1860, for a bold article about the brutal murder of 60 Indians on the Mud River, he was forced to leave the city. In San Francisco he worked as a typesetter and published short notes in Golden Era. It was at that time that the caption: Bret Harte first appeared under a small article. Fame came to Garth after his work began to be published in the magazines “Era” and “Californian”. Novels in summary (Condensed Novels; published in 1867 as a separate book), essays and patriotic poems. Legend of the Devil's Mountain (The Legend of Monte del Diablo) he published in October 1863 in the Atlantic magazine.

In 1868, a turning point occurred in Hart's life: he became editor of the Overland Monthly magazine. The success of the first issue (July 1, 1868) allowed him to realize extensive literary plans. Publication of the story Happiness of the Roaring Camp(The Luck of Roaring Camp) in the August issue of Overland Monthly brought wide fame to the author and the magazine, and after the publication of the book The Happiness of the Roaring Camp and other stories (The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Stories, 1870) and publication of a comic ballad Pagan Wan-Li (The Heathen Chinee) Garth's fame grew and he received a number of offers from the East Coast. On February 8, 1871, he left California for good, setting off on a triumphant journey to Boston via New York. Following established custom, from 1872 to 1875 Garth lectured on California and local humor in the East, Midwest and South of America. In 1875, Harte's only novel was published in Scribner's Monthly. Gabriel Conroy (Gabriel Conroy), which was not successful, and The Tale of the Argonauts (Tales of the Argonauts and Other Sketches).

Worried about the decline in his popularity, in 1878 Hart agreed to take the position of a sales agent in Krefeld (Germany) and left America forever. In subsequent years he served as consul in Glasgow (1880–1885), then visited London, where he was favorably received by the public and literary circles. His later works describe mainly the distant Californian past: Mrs. Skaggs' Husbands (Mrs. Skaggs's Husbands, 1873), The Red Dog's Heiress and Other Stories (An Heiress of Red Dog, and Other Sketches, 1878), Colonel Starbottle's Client and others (Colonel Starbottle's Client, and Some Other People, 1892).

Bret Harte owns the novel “Gabriel Conroy”, a number of stories, the most famous of which are the late trilogy “The Foundling of the Steppe”, “Susie” and “Clarence” (the action takes place during the War of American Independence), original poems, and literary parodies that were popular in their time (based on Dickens, Charlotte Brontë, Victor Hugo, etc.) and even a play co-written with Mark Twain. However, his greatest popularity was brought by stories, and in the stories - images of ordinary people of the Wild West, especially girls and women.

Bret Harte's wide fame extended not only to the United States, but also to Europe, where Dickens and the young Kipling admired his prose. Quite early, Bret Harte's works penetrated into Russia (the first publication in the city), where one of his first translators was Chernyshevsky, who was serving a Yakut exile. Already in St. Petersburg, the collected works of Bret Harte were published in six volumes. Bret Harte's connection with Russia is not limited to this: the journey of the Russian merchant Nikolai Rezanov to America and his betrothal to Concepcion de Arguello, the daughter of the commandant of the Spanish fortress, familiar to the current reader and viewer from the poem by Andrei Voznesensky and the musical by Alexei Rybnikov “Juno and Avos”, a hundred years ago previously served as the subject of Bret Harte's ballad "Concepcion de Arguello". The poet Osip Mandelstam highly regarded Bret Harte: “...I will give up fiction with the psychology of Andreev, Gorky, Shmelev... for the sake of the magnificent Bret Harte.”


The Waif of the Plains was published as a separate edition in 1891; "Susy" - in 1893; "Clarence" - in 1895. These three stories form a trilogy, in the center of which is the life story of the main character of all three books, Clarence Brant. Of historical interest is the social situation in California recreated by Hart from personal recollections in the activities of supporters of the South. “Clarence” can be seen as a protest against the oblivion in the United States of the progressive, liberating traditions of the Civil War. Shortly after the release of the final part of the trilogy, Bret Harte, in a letter to a friend, said that he wrote this book as “an American for Americans” in order to explain to his compatriots “what is truly great and strong in their history.”

Collected works in Russian

  • Collected works with a biographical sketch and a portrait of the author in 12 books.
  • Supplement to the magazine Around the World for 1915. M Publication of the I. D. Sytin Partnership, 1915.
  • Complete works in 12 volumes. L. Publication of the Red Newspaper. 1928
  • Collected Works in 6 volumes. M. True. 1966


  • Francis Bret Harte in the Maxim Moshkov Library
  • Francis Bret Harte - biographical information and poems translated by Alexander Lukyanov
  • FEB: Bret Harte // Literary encyclopedia. T. 1. - 1930 (text)


  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Writers alphabetically
  • Born on August 25
  • Born in 1836
  • Born in Albany
  • Died on May 5
  • Died in 1902
  • Deaths in Surrey
  • US Writers
  • English writers
  • Writers of the 19th century
  • Western authors

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Krasnodar
  • Brody

See what "Harth, Francis Brett" is in other dictionaries:

    Garth Francis Bret- (Bret Harte), Harte (1836 1902), American writer. Neo-romantic short stories about California (collections “The Happiness of the Roaring Camp”, 1870, “Tales of the Argonauts”, 1875), novels (“Gabriel Conroy”, 1875 76) about gold miners, about the courage of people... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Garth Francis Bret- Harte, Hart (Harte) Francis Brett (Bret Harte) (25.8.1836, Albany, 5.5.1902, London), American writer. Son of a school teacher. He was a gold miner and a journalist. In the series “California Stories” (1857 71) he described the life and customs of prospectors in... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    GARTH Francis Bret- HARTE Francis Brett (Bret Harte) (18361902), American writer. "California Tales" (185771, p. 1887). Pov. "Mliss" (1860). Sat. parodies “Novels in the Brief Summary” (1867). Rum. "Gabriel Conroy" (187576).... ... Literary encyclopedic dictionary

    GARTH Francis Bret- (BRET HARTE) (Harte, Frarncis Bret []) (1836 1902), American writer. Born August 25, 1836 in Albany (New York). Due to poor health and frequent travel, his formal education ended in 1849, at which time he began... Collier's Encyclopedia

    Garth Francis Bret- ... Wikipedia

    Bret Harte Francis- Francis Bret Harte Francis Bret Harte Date of birth: August 25, 1836 Place of birth: New York, USA Date of death: May 5, 1902 Place of death: USA Citizenship ... Wikipedia

    Francis Bret Harte- Francis Bret Harte Date of birth: August 25, 1836 Place of birth: New York, USA Date of death: May 5, 1902 Place of death: USA Citizenship ... Wikipedia

    HARTE Francis Brett- HARTH (Harte) Francis Brett (Bret Harte) (1836 1902) American writer. Neo-romantic short stories about California (collections: The Happiness of the Roaring Camp, 1870, Tales of the Argonauts, 1875), novels (Gabriel Conroy, 1875 76) about gold miners, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Harte, Francis Brett- (25. VIII. 1836, Albany, New York 5.V.1902, Camberley, England) prose writer, poet, editor. Born into the family of a teacher, he became familiar with literature from childhood, reading W. Shakespeare, C. Dickens, G. Fielding, and W. Irving. After the death of his father, he left school and... US writers. Brief creative biographies

    Bret Harte Francis- I (Bret Hart) North America. poet and short story writer, b. in 1837 in Albany, New York, in 1854 he went to California, where he was a surveyor in the mines, a school teacher, and finally a typesetter; having achieved fame with a number of poems full of... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


  • Collected works in six volumes (number of volumes: 6), Garth Francis Brett. Bret Harte (1836-1902) - an outstanding American writer. Having gained fame, Garth lived in New York in the 1870s, but due to conflicts with the American public and the impossibility...

Born August 25, 1836 in Albany (New York). Due to poor health and frequent travel, his formal education ended in 1849, at which time he began working. In 1847, his first poem, Autumn Musings, appeared in the Sunday Morning. In February 1854, Garth and his sister moved to San Francisco to live with their mother and stepfather.

Little is known about the first three years of Garth's life in California. From the summer of 1858, he lived in Uniontown, on the shores of Humboldt Bay, doing odd jobs until, in 1869, he got a job as a reporter for the newly founded weekly Northern Californian. In March 1860, for a bold article about the brutal murder of 60 Indians on the Mud River, he was forced to leave the city. In San Francisco he worked as a typesetter and published short notes in Golden Era. It was at that time that the caption: Bret Harte first appeared under a small article. Fame came to Hart after his Condensed Novels (published as a separate book in 1867), essays and patriotic poems began to be published in the magazines “Era” and “Californian”. . He published The Legend of Monte del Diablo in October 1863 in the Atlantic magazine.

In 1868, a turning point occurred in Hart's life: he became editor of the Overland Monthly magazine. The success of the first issue (July 1, 1868) allowed him to realize extensive literary plans. The publication of the story The Luck of Roaring Camp in the August issue of Overland Monthly brought widespread fame to the author and the magazine, and after the publication of the book The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Stories (1870) and the publication of the comic ballad The Heathen Chinee, Garth's fame increased and he received a number of offers from the East Coast. On February 8, 1871, he left California forever, setting off on a triumphant journey to Boston via New York. Following established custom, from 1872 to 1875 Garth lectured on California and local humor in the East, Midwest and South of America. In 1875, Scribner's Monthly published Garth's only novel, Gabriel Conroy, which was not successful, and Tales of the Argonauts and Other Sketches.

Worried about the decline in his popularity, in 1878 Hart agreed to take the position of a sales agent in Krefeld (Germany) and left America forever. In subsequent years he served as consul in Glasgow (1880–1885), then visited London, where he was favorably received by the public and literary circles. His later works describe mainly the distant Californian past: Mrs. Skaggs's Husbands, 1873, An Heiress of Red Dog, and Other Sketches, 1878, Colonel Starbottle's Client and others ( Colonel Starbottle's Client, and Some Other People, 1892). Bret Harte died in London on March 5, 1902.

More than a century has passed since the death of the famous prose writer Bret Harte. But his works, written in the 60-70s of the 19th century, are still of value to society all over the world.

Famous facts from the biography of the American writer

On August 25, 1836, Francis Bret Harte, a famous writer of realistic prose and poetry, was born in Albany, New York. He was named after his grandfather. Francis's father worked as a Greek language teacher at the institute. From an early age, Bret Harte loved to read books. He was fond of the works of such authors as Shakespeare, Dumas, Dickens, which undoubtedly influenced his work.

In 1845, when the boy was only 9 years old, his father died. The family experienced financial difficulties, which led to frequent changes of place of residence. The prose writer studied at school until the age of 13, and then got a job as a clerk in order to earn his own living and help his family.

His mother remarried, and in 1854 Bret Harte moved to live with her in San Francisco, California, where the gold rush boom began. In this city, the writer had to work as a teacher and pharmacist, courier and newspaperman. He was also a tutor in private homes, a reporter and a gold miner.

The beginning of a literary journey

Working in San Francisco for The Californian magazine allowed Bret to publish his stories for the first time in 1856. Two years later, he leaves for Uniontown in search of a better life and gets a job at the Northern Californian as a reporter. But the American prose writer did not stay long in this city. He had to return to San Francisco in 1860 because of a scandalous publication in a magazine about the murder of more than 50 Indians near the Mud River.

Upon arrival in California, the writer began working as a typesetter for the Golden Era newspaper, and was sometimes allowed to write his own notes. So under the prose writer’s articles the signature began to appear - Bret Harte.

For three years, the writer published the most significant magazine in Western America in the early 70s, The Overland Monthly, after which he earned fame. In 1871, Garth Brett left California forever. He goes on tour in East America and Canada. During the trip, he gives lectures based on the problems of the Californian state.

Eventually, at the age of forty-two, Bret Harte left the United States and moved to Europe. The writer tried himself as an American consul in Germany and Great Britain - in the cities of Krefeld and Glasgow. On May 5, 1902, at the age of 66, Garth Brett died in London.

First fame

It was the “California stories” that brought world fame to the American writer Francis Bret Harte. He devoted his entire life to realistic writings. The prose writer relied on accurate facts, which attracted wide public attention to his work.

While living in San Francisco, Bret Harte, whose books are of incredible value to this day, wrote his best works. In 1870, he published a collection entitled "The Happiness of the Roaring Camp." This book contains the following stories: "Mliss", "Exiles of Poker Flat", "Pagan Wang Li". The characters used in the short stories were not fictitious or idealized. The writer reflected all the facts from the real life of Americans during the gold rush in California.

Works that are not successful

From the time Bret Harte left California, he began to experience acute But, being in a foreign land, the writer did not have access to the necessary materials for his works. One of the best late novels of the prose writer is Gabriel Conroy, written in 1876. This collection includes such stories as "Clarence", "The Foundling of the Steppe" and "Susie". During this period, Garth released the play "Two from Sandy Bar." Together with Mark Twain, he wrote the essay "Ah Xing". These works were not successful.

Recent praise for the American writer has turned into harsh criticism. His friend Mark Twain said: "The cheerful and cheerful Bret Harte died in San Francisco!" Since 1878, the author of "California Gold Digger Stories" had been experiencing a mental and financial crisis. He continued to work in Europe, despite his deteriorating health, but was unable to achieve early success.

Famous works

Many of Hart's short stories have become textbooks. He is the author of the following books: "Three Tramps from Trinidad", "Find at Blazing Star", "Esmeralda of Rocky Canyon. Stories".

But the writer’s first fame and glory was brought by the story “The Happiness of the Roaring Mill,” which became popular not only in America, but also far beyond its borders. In his work, Bret Harte described a heartbreaking story that happened in one of the California villages among gold miners. It tells how even riotous residents of the village and drunkards took care of the baby, who was left an orphan.

For a long time, because of this story, American society called Bret Harte a writer of a foreign country, a “bad American.” But his works became popular in European countries with incredible speed; they were translated into many languages ​​of the world.