All-Union Chemical Society named after Mendeleev. Russian Chemical Society

named after D. I. Mendeleev All-Union Scientific Society. It is administered by the All-Union Council of Scientific and Technical Societies (VSNTO) under the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (AUCCTU). Organized in 1932 by decree of the VI Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry as a voluntary association of chemists - scientists, engineers, technicians, teachers, workers - innovators of production, regardless of their departmental affiliation. H. o. - the successor of the Russian Chemical Society (R. kh. o.), founded at St. Petersburg University in 1868 by decision of the meeting of the chemical department of the 1st Congress of Russian Naturalists and Doctors and transformed in 1878 into the Russian Physical and Chemical Society (R. f.-kh . O.). Charter R. x. O. was compiled with the active participation of D. I. Mendeleev and N. A. Menshutkin. The first president R. x. O. N. N. Zinin was elected; N. A. Menshutkin was the editor of the Journal of the Russian Chemical Society (renamed in 1879 the Journal of the Russian Physical and Chemical Society) from 1869 to 1900. In the period 1868-1917, the society consisted mainly of professors and teachers of higher educational institutions and very few industrial workers (10-12%). The number of members of the society in 1869 was 60 people. (129 in 1879, 237 in 1889, 293 in 1899, 364 in 1909, 565 in 1917). The presidents of the society were A. M. Butlerov (1878-82), D. I. Mendeleev (1883-84, 1891-92, 1894), and other prominent chemists. D. I. Mendeleev, N. A. Menshutkin, D. P. Konovalov, M. G. Kucherov and others made scientific reports in the society.

After the Great October Socialist Revolution, the number of members of the society increased sharply, the content, form and volume of its work changed. The main thing in his activity was: attracting chemists and other specialists, young students and advanced workers to scientific and technical creativity, improving socialist production; all-round advanced training of workers in science and industry: propaganda of the successes of chemistry among the broad masses of working people. Scientific and technical and specialized sections, committees, commissions and brigades. The public universities of technical progress, of raising the scientific and technical knowledge of the members of the Kh. o., have gained great popularity. Together with the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and other organizations, the society holds Mendeleev congresses on general and applied chemistry. There were II such congresses from 1907 (in St. Petersburg) to 1975 (in Alma-Ata). Reports at the congresses were made by: A. E. Arbuzov, A. N. Bakh. N. D. Zelinsky, N. S. Kurnakov, L. D. Landau, N. N. Semenov, A. E. Fersman, V. G. Khlopin, and other Sov. scientists, as well as foreign scientists F. Joliot-Curie, G. Seaborg, R. Robinson, S. Hinshelwood, A. Todd, and others. Proceedings of the Mendeleev Congresses are published in the form of collections. H. o. also convenes thematic conferences, symposiums, meetings, organizes discussions, many of which are organized with the participation of other interested scientific and economic institutions.

H. o. organizes competitions of scientific and production-technical works of its members. Since 1965, the Presidium of Kh. together with the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, they award a gold medal to them in competitions. D. I. Mendeleev for works in the field of chemical sciences and technology of great theoretical or practical importance. Presidium H. o. together with the sectoral ministries and trade unions, annually reviews the implementation of plans for the introduction of scientific and technological achievements in the national economy and measures to improve the technical level, quality and reliability of chemical products.

In 1976, the H. o. included 86 local branches (boards) in the republics and major cities of the USSR. H. o. has (1976) about 320,000 members and over 140,000 young chemists - secondary school students.

H. o. has its own publications: “Journal of the All-Union Chemical Society named after V.I. D. I. Mendeleev” (6 issues per year) and the journal “Rubber and Rezina” (published jointly with the Ministry of Petrochemical and Oil Refining Industry of the USSR).

Lit.: Kozlov V. V., Essays on the history of chemical societies of the USSR, M., 1958; his own, the All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleev. 1868-1968, M., 1971; All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleev. Information and exchange of experience, M., 1972.

V. V. Kozlov.

  • - them. D. I. Mendeleev, as part of the Union of Scientific. and eng. about-in Russia. Assignee Vses. chem. about-va, created in 1932 and leading the history from Rus. chem. about-va, osn. in 1868...
  • - see Chemical contamination ...

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  • - an increase in the number of chemical components of a certain environment, leading to a change in its natural chemical properties ...

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  • - introduction into the environment of polluting chemicals that are alien to it or in concentrations exceeding the background, posing a threat to people, farm animals and plants during ...
  • - dissemination of hazardous chemicals in the environment in concentrations or quantities that pose a threat to people, farm animals and plants for a certain time ...

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  • - a type of weapon of mass destruction, the action of which is based on the use of combat agents, toxins and phytotoxicants. Includes single-use and reusable chemical munitions...

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  • - created. in 1878 by the association of Rus. physical and Rus. chem. societies. Congresses and publications about-va were the important form of the organization nauch. activities in Russia until 1917...

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  • - see weathering...

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  • - one of the main oppositions of history and philosophy of history ...

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  • - "...6.15...

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  • - Pai - a word introduced into Russian chemical literature by Academician Hess; it was supposed to replace "equivalent", as can be seen from the following extract from his Foundations of Pure Chemistry: ".....

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  • - The essential oil of P. is obtained by distilling the leaves and branches of the Pogostemon Patchouli plant with water. From 100 kg they are expelled on average about 1750 gr. oils...

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  • - the Russian Physical Chemical Society at the Imperial St. Petersburg University was formed on the initiative of D. I. Mendeleev in 1878 from the merger of two separate societies, physical and chemical ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - them. D. I. Mendeleev - as part of the Union of Scientific and Engineering Societies of Russia. The assignee of the All-Union Chemical Society, established in 1932 and leading the history from the Russian Chemical Society, founded in 1868 ...
  • - RUSSIAN PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL Society - created in 1878 by the union of the Russian Physical and Russian Chemical Societies. Congresses and publications of the society were an important form of organization of scientific activity in Russia until 1917...

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"Chemical Society" in books

Chemical weapon


Chemical weapon

From the book Secrets of the Insect World author Grebennikov Viktor Stepanovich

Chemical weapons Among the dazzling white salt marshes along the lake sloping shore - an unexpected island of bright green grass. And large black and purple insects crawl on the grass. From under the small, covering nothing elytra looms a huge,

Chemical weapon

From the book Drugs and Poisons [Psychedelics and Toxic Substances, Poisonous Animals and Plants] author Petrov Vasily Ivanovich

Chemical weapon


From the book Teachings of the Temple. Volume I author author unknown

CHEMICAL ACTION The states of matter commonly referred to by students of occult science as akashic, ethereal, watery, and fiery, contain the base gases known to exoteric science as steam-hydrogen, steam-oxygen, oxygen-hydrogen, and nitrogen.

1.2.7. The fifth meaning of the word "society" is a society of a certain type in general (a type of society, or a particular society)

From the book Philosophy of History author Semenov Yuri Ivanovich

1.2.7. The fifth meaning of the word “society” is a society of a certain type in general (a type of society, or a special society). Socio-historical organisms have existed and there are a huge number. It is impossible to understand this multitude without classifying sociohistorical

6. The fifth meaning of the word "society" is a society of a certain type in general (a type of society, or a particular society)

From the book Course of Lectures on Social Philosophy author Semenov Yuri Ivanovich

6. The fifth meaning of the word "society" is a society of a certain type in general (a type of society, or a special society). Socio-historical organisms have existed and still exist in great numbers. It is impossible to understand this multitude without classifying sociohistorical

Chemical weapon

From the book Great Encyclopedia of Technology author Team of authors

Chemical weapons Chemical weapons - toxic substances and various means of their combat use (artillery chemical shells, aerial bombs, mines, chemical land mines, hand chemical grenades, poisonous smoke bombs, rockets).


chemical affinity

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CI) of the author TSB

11.2.2. Chemical damage

From the book Therapeutic Dentistry. Textbook author Borovsky Evgeny Vlasovich

11.2.2. Chemical damage Chemical damage (trauma chymicum) can be either acute or chronic. Acute damage occurs as a result of exposure to the mucous membrane of chemicals in a highly damaging concentration. Most often this happens when

Markovnikov's rule, Menshutkin's reaction, Borodin's reaction, Mendeleev's table... The authors of these and many other discoveries belong to the brilliant constellation of chemists who created the Russian Chemical Society.

At the end of December 1867 - at the beginning of January 1868, the first congress of Russian natural scientists and doctors took place in St. Petersburg. At the congress, it was announced: "The Chemical Section declared its unanimous desire to unite in the Chemical Society for the communication of the already established forces of Russian chemists." Congress participant Vladimir Vasilievich Markovnikov (1837-1904) recalled: “The section was not distinguished by its large number of representatives ... but they were full of faith ...; they were firmly convinced of the success of the work they were undertaking and boldly looked forward, ... everyone believed that the forces would grow rapidly. The founders of the Russian Chemical Society were considered to be all members of the chemical section of the congress who prepared the resolution of the organization. In the same year, a photograph was taken of 19 founders of the Russian Chemical Society.

Founders of the Russian Chemical Society. 1868.

Zinin N.N.

Chemists in Heidelberg. 1859-1860. From left to right: N. Zhitinsky, A. Borodin, D. Mendeleev, V. Olevinsky.

The photograph shows the faces of those who have already established themselves as talented scientists, and those who are yet to become among the world's leading scientists, there are also those who have made their own contribution to the development of chemistry in Russia. First row (from left to right): Richter Viktor Yulievich (1841-1891), Kovalevsky Stepan Ivanovich (? - 1907), Nechaev Nikolai Pavlovich (1841-1917), Markovnikov Vladimir Vasilyevich (1837-1904), Voskresensky Alexander Abramovich (1809-1880 ), Ilyenkov Pavel Antonovich (1821-1877), Alekseev Petr Petrovich (1840-1891), Engelhardt Alexander Nikolaevich (1832-1893), second row (from left to right): Vreden Felix Romanovich (1841-1878), Lachinov Pavel Alexandrovich (1837 -1892), Schmidt Gustav Avgustovich (1839-?), Shulyachenko Alexei Romanovich (1841-1903), Borodin Alexander Porfiryevich (1833 - 1887), Menshutkin Nikolai Alexandrovich (1842-1907), Sokovnin Nikolai Alexandrovich (1835 -?), Beilstein Fedor Fedorovich (1838-1906), Lisenko Konon Ivanovich (1836-1903), Mendeleev Dmitry Ivanovich (1834-1907), Savchenkov Fedor Nikolaevich (1831-1900).

The date of the photograph is January 5, 1868, this date is indicated in chalk on the column shown in the photograph. Unfortunately, we do not know who photographed the group, but the names of 17 scientists in the picture were personally signed by D. I. Mendeleev, apparently, he did not know two of them, and, perhaps, did not remember at that time, the names N .A. Sokovnina and N.P. Nechaev is not indicated by him in the photograph. It is possible that the idea of ​​photographing could belong to him. It is well known that Mendeleev was seriously engaged in photography, paid great attention to its development in Russia, and called photography the second sight of man. In addition, Mendeleev was one of the founders of the V photographic department of the Russian Technical Society. Unfortunately, not all the founders of the RCS were photographed, for example, Nikolai Nikolaevich Sokolov (1826-1877), Leon Nikolaevich Shishkov (1830-1908) and some others are not on it.
The official activity of the Russian Chemical Society began on October 26, 1868, on this day its charter was approved, it began with the words: “At St. Petersburg University, the Russian Chemical Society is being established with the aim of promoting the success of all parts of chemistry and disseminating chemical knowledge.”

On December 5, 1868, the patriarch of Russian chemists Nikolai Nikolaevich Zinin (1812 - 1880) was unanimously elected chairman of the society, N.A. Menshutkin and treasurer - G.A. Schmidt. Members of the society expressed their gratitude to D.I. Mendeleev and N.A. Menshutkin for their work on the organization of the Russian Chemical Society. On March 6, 1869, chemists who gathered for a regular meeting of the RCS learned about the discovery of the periodic law of chemical elements, a report at the request of D.I. Mendeleev was read by N.A. Menshutkin. In the first year of its existence, the RCS included 48 people, and by the 25th anniversary of the society, the number of members increased to 245.
Let's try to answer two questions: why did the chemical society appear in Russia in the 60s of the 19th century, and why did St. Petersburg become its birthplace? It was a time of great shifts and the awakening of self-consciousness in the life of Russian society, a characteristic feature of which was the desire for natural sciences, especially chemistry. Not only young people aspired to study the natural sciences, but often people who had already managed to acquire a certain position in society, they left their studies in order to sit down again on the educational university bench. For some, a hobby for chemistry was a fashionable trend, while someone preferred to do not an abstract, but a real thing. At the same time, they were guided not by material calculations, but by the consciousness of the need to receive an education. In the field of chemistry at that time, differentiation into three main branches was clearly outlined - inorganic, physical and organic, the latter took first place in terms of the volume of material studied.

By the middle of the 19th century, several chemical centers had formed in Russia, the largest was the center in St. Petersburg, in second place was the center in Kazan, in third place was in Moscow. The school of chemists that took shape at the Academy of Sciences, at St. Petersburg University, at the Mining Institute, at the Medical and Surgical Academy, at the Mikhailovskaya Artillery Academy, at the Technological Institute, at the Agricultural (Forestry) Institute, had a huge impact on the development of chemistry not only in Russia, but also in the world. On August 17, 1861, the Russian Disabled newspaper wrote: “A chemical society, in our opinion, is quite possible in St. Petersburg. Our most famous chemists live here. Voskresensky, Zinin, Mendeleev, Sokolov, Shishkov, Khodnev and Engelhardt - and indeed in St. Petersburg many people study chemistry. Why don't our scientists group a whole society around themselves? It is noteworthy that the newspaper noted three chemists who, seven years later, were photographed by the founders of the RCS. It should be noted that by 1868 the London Chemical Society, the French Chemical Society, and the German Chemical Society had already been established. In September 1860, the first International Congress of Chemists took place in Karlsruhe, and Russian chemists took part in it, including D.I. Mendeleev, A.P. Borodin and others.
The Russian Chemical Society in St. Petersburg was not created from scratch; scientific chemical circles had already worked in this city before. In 1857, on the initiative of N.N. Sokolov and A.N. Engelhardt, he is in the photo, such a circle was organized and at their expense a private ("public") chemical laboratory in their apartment on Galernaya Street. The success of the laboratory, which was open to everyone for a small fee, exceeded all expectations, but it was clear that such a private institution as a chemical laboratory, if only for material reasons, could not exist for a long time. In 1860, three years after its foundation, the activity of the laboratory was terminated, and all the equipment was donated to St. Petersburg University. Sokolov and Engelhardt founded the first Russian journal on chemistry "Chemical Journal", published in 1859-1860. The main goal of the journal is “to make it convenient for those who study chemistry in Russia to follow the modern development of science and understand it quite clearly.” Another chemical circle in 1854 was organized by P.A. Ilyenkov, we also see him in the photo. In the mid-sixties in St. Petersburg, chemists regularly gathered at the apartments of D.I. Mendeleev, A.A. Voskresensky and A.P. Borodin, future participants in photography. Here scientific works were discussed and debates were held on issues of theoretical chemistry. Such useful social initiatives in St. Petersburg in the 50s-60s of the 19th century led to the unification of Russian scientists engaged in the field of chemistry and the organization of the Russian Chemical Society.

What, besides passion for chemistry and the Russian Chemical Society, united the founding members shown in the photograph? First of all, the overwhelming majority of them were young scientists aged 27-35. Many of them are students of A.A. Voskresensky - "the grandfather of Russian chemistry" (as he was often called). This is D.I. Mendeleev, N.A. Menshutkin, P.A. Ilyenkov, A.R. Shulyachenko, P.A. Lachinov, P.P. Alekseev and others.
All were educated in different educational institutions. Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of St. Petersburg University graduated from P.P. Alekseev, P.A. Ilyenkov, F.R. Vreden, N.A. Menshutkin. The graduates of the Main Pedagogical Institute were A.A. Voskresensky and D.I. Mendeleev, a graduate of Kazan University was V.V. Markovnikov, Dorpat University - V.Yu. Richter. Military education N.P. Nechaev and A.R. Shulyachenko received first in the Brest Cadet Corps, then they graduated from the Konstantinovsky Cadet Corps, Nechaev then continued his studies at the Mikhailovsky Academy. There is another graduated military man in the photo - this is A.N. Engelhardt, he was educated first at the Mikhailovsky Artillery School, and then, like Nechaev, he studied at the Mikhailovsky Academy. Only one of the founders of the Russian Chemical Society, a doctor by education, is A.P. Borodin, a graduate of the Medico-Surgical Academy. There are also two mining engineers in the photo: F.N. Savchenkov and K.I. Lisenko.

For a thorough study of science, many went on probation abroad, more often in the direction of an educational institution, but there were also those who left for their own money. So, P.P. Alekseev in the period from 1860 to 1864. trained in Paris, Tübingen, Göttingen and Heidelberg at his own expense. In Berlin and in Giessen, A.A. Voznesensky and P.A. Ilyenkov, N.A. Menshutkin - at Tubingen and Magdeburg University. However, the University of Heidelberg was the most visited by chemists. From the 30s of the 19th century until the beginning of the First World War, it was the most Russian university in Germany. During the entire existence of this university, it did not gather such a number of future luminaries of science as in 1858 - 1862, then chemists also trained here - Mendeleev, Borodin, studied chemistry and physiologist Sechenov. Here they became friends and maintained friendship until the end of their lives. Mendeleev and K.I. met here. Lisenko. “Lisenko is with gases, Orlov is busy with naphthalene,” we read in the diary of Dmitry Ivanovich. Young scientists who arrived in Heidelberg gathered at the apartment of D. I. Mendeleev, in the photograph we see four young chemists: A. Borodin, D. Mendeleev, N. Zhitinsky and V. Olevinsky. There were lively discussions on scientific topics, novelties of Russian literature were read, and the audience listened to Borodin's piano playing. In Heidelberg, friends experienced a happy time: scientific work brought joy, in their free time they had a wonderful rest: they went to the mountains.
Young chemists took every opportunity to see the world. In the spring of 1860, Mendeleev and Borodin visited Italy, and during the Christmas holidays they visited Paris. The friends were united not only by their passion for chemistry and travel, but also by the fact that they devoted themselves to work with the same passion, loved music, good tea. A few years after returning to Russia, Borodin wrote to Mendeleev: “And I, brother, strongly remember Heidelberg and our partnership. God forbid there will ever be such a time again. As for others, I don’t know, but I lived well with you, and in turn, thank you, deeply thank you for your truly comradely disposition, which, I am sure, will not change depending on the latitude and longitude of the area where fate will again bring us together. Maintained friendly relations A.P. Borodin and with P.P. Alekseev, in 1861 they trained in Paris. It is known that F.F. Beilstein was friends with A.R. Shulyachenko, and after the death of a friend, he wrote memoirs about him.

It united some of the scientists depicted in the photograph and a common place of work. So, for example, in the Agricultural (Forestry) Institute A.N. Engelhardt at the Department of Chemistry was assisted by P.A. Lachinov, P.A. taught here. Ilyenkov and A.P. Borodin. Assistant in the laboratory of the Technological Institute at D.I. Mendeleev worked V.Yu. Richter, at the same institute lectured by F.F. Beilstein. Some of the founders of the RCS gave lectures at St. Petersburg University, where the rector (from 1863 to 1867) was A.A. Resurrection.
“A first-class chemist to whom chemistry owes a lot ...”, - wrote about A.P. Borodina D.I. Mendeleev. The same applies to many of those depicted in the 1868 photograph. Over the years of work, scientists have made an invaluable contribution to the development of domestic and world chemistry, the development of Russian industry. It is difficult to list all the discoveries made by them in the field of chemistry. Those who are fond of chemistry know: Markovnikov's rule, Beilstein's rule and Beilstein's test, Menshutkin's reaction, Borodin's reaction. Russian chemists left a huge amount of scientific work as a legacy to future generations. One Mendeleev created more than 500 printed works. In 1880, in his speech “Modern Chemistry and the Russian Chemical Industry”, V.V. Markovnikov said: “Chemistry, by all accounts, is one of those sciences that have been especially lucky in our country. We can proudly place among the first-class scientists and Russian names. We can also include the founders of the Russian Chemical Society among them.

10 years after the formation of the Russian Chemical Society, in 1878, the Russian Physical and Chemical Society was officially established in St. Petersburg, uniting Russian naturalists. It included two departments: chemical and physical. In 1932, the department of chemistry became known as the All-Union Chemical Society. DI. Mendeleev, and since 1992 - it is the Russian Chemical Society named after A.I. DI. Mendeleev".

Russian Chemical Society

Academician A.I.Rusanov

Saint Petersburg

The Chemical Society is one of the most beloved creations of D.I. Mendeleev. These lines are a story about how and why it was created, what happened to it later and what happened. Here is what the newspaper “Russian invalid” wrote on August 17, 1861: “A chemical society, in our opinion, is quite possible in St. Petersburg. Our most famous chemists live here. Voskresensky, Zinin, Mendeleev, Sokolov, Shishkov, Khodnev and Engelhardt - and indeed in St. Petersburg, many young people are studying chemistry. This quote is remarkable in two respects. Firstly, by the fact that the 27-year-old Mendeleev already falls into the category of “famous chemists”, and not “young people” (among whom, for example, was 19-year-old N.A. Menshutkin, the future famous chemist and “right hand” Mendeleev). Secondly, the fact that a public military press organ discusses the seemingly narrow problem of creating a professional scientific society indicates that the problem has acquired a broad public voice. What is it connected with? By that time, chemists were keenly aware of the need for an organization that would enable closer professional communication. But the main reason, and this applied not only to chemists, was the need for a printed edition for the publication of scientific works of Russian scientists in Russian. It must be said that authority

© Rusanov A.I., 2009

Russian chemists in the world was then very high. Suffice it to mention that in 1864 the famous German chemist E. Erlenmeyer proposed to A. M. Butlerov to turn his journal Zeitschrift fur Chemie und Pharmacie into an organ of Russian chemists (published, however, in German). But our compatriots dreamed of a Russian-language edition.

All Russian chemists agreed that a chemical society should be created in St. Petersburg, where there was the most significant community of chemists (the second largest was in Kazan, the third in Moscow). It can be noted that the “grandfather of Russian chemistry” A.A. Voskresensky was at that time the rector of St. Petersburg University, and the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (the Faculty of Chemistry did not yet exist) and the University Council were very favorable to the idea of ​​forming a chemical society at the university. With their support, it was already possible to storm the bureaucratic "Everest" of the Ministry of Public Education. At this stage, which required a lot of energy, Mendeleev (with Menshutkin actively helping him) gradually becomes the main actor in the process and regularly informs others about step-by-step progress. It can be said, therefore, that the official establishment of the society was also his personal success.

“At St. Petersburg University, the Russian Chemical Society is being established with the aim of contributing to the success of all

those chemistry and disseminate chemical knowledge," - with these words begins the "Charter of the Russian Chemical Society", approved by the scientific committee of the ministry on October 26, 1868. From that day, the official activity of the society began. Its first president was N.N. Zinin, the second - A.M. Butlerov, the third - D.I. Mendeleev. In the first year of its existence, the chemical society grew from 35 to 60 members and continued to grow gradually thereafter. It interestingly combined the features of a club (membership fees, admission only on the recommendation of three members, restrictions on bringing strangers with you), a permanent chemical seminar (Mendeleev alone made a total of 90 reports) and a scientific publishing house. The emergence of the Russian Chemical Society was greeted with enthusiasm by the world scientific community. Many foreign societies and scientific organizations shared their books and journals, and as a result, two years later the Russian Chemical Society had the best chemical library in Russia. It remains unique to this day (where else can you pick up, for example, the works of Robert Boyle?).

How and on what did society live? From its original charter we learn that, firstly, the members of the society paid considerable membership dues (10 rubles per year), and secondly, “for the development of the society’s funds, donations are accepted from members, outsiders and institutions,

A group of the chemical section of the First Congress of Russian Naturalists (Mendeleev is second from the right), which decided to establish the Russian Chemical Society. 1868

about which is printed in the protocols. Now we already know from our own experience that the first sponsors of any organization are its founders. The founders of the Chemical Society in 1868 were private individuals with a fairly high income, for they were professors. According to the data of 1913, a university professor received 4,500 rubles. (one of the most stable currencies in the world) per year: 300 rubles. more than a deputy of the State Duma, and 5 times more than the most skilled worker (which was then the train drivers). Given the small size of the first members of the Chemical Society and the high level of all kinds of donations from its members (up to the formation of bonus funds), as well as the lack of full-time employees, the funds contributed were quite enough for its functioning at first.

As already noted, one of the priorities of the society was the creation of its own journal. Already at the first, organizational meeting, a commission was created (F.F. Beilshtein, D.I. Mendeleev, N.A. Menshutkin) to prepare issues related to the publication of the journal. At the second meeting (where Zinin was elected president of the society), Mendeleev presented the estimate of the publication, and at the third, the editor of the journal Menshut-kin acquainted the audience with its first issue. This is how the "Journal of the Russian Chemical Society" appeared, in 1878 renamed the "Journal of the Russian Physical and Chemical Society".

From the first years of its existence, the journal gained a high rating, easily fit into the existing chemical literature (establishing an exchange with other chemical journals) and became an important factor in progress.

world chemical science. According to the historian of chemistry V.V. Kozlov, already in the first volume of the Journal of the Russian Chemical Society, more than 220 new compounds were described. The same author cites the words of the President of the English Chemical Society, W.P. Russians enough to gain access to that treasury of values, which is called the "Journal of the Russian Chemical Society". However, the publishing activity of the society was the most difficult thing and required more and more financial assistance, which began to be provided by the universities of St. Petersburg - the University, the Technological Institute, the Mining Institute, the Artillery Academy and others.

D.I.Mendeleev and D.P.Konovalov at the laying of the chemical laboratory of St. Petersburg University.

The further development of the Chemical Society is also associated with the name of Mendeleev. As a scientist, he was first and foremost a physical chemist, and his dream was to unite chemists and physicists. And here he was successful. Already 10 years after the creation of the Chemical Society, in 1878 it was transformed into the Russian Physical and Chemical Society (RFCS) with two autonomous departments - physics and chemistry - and acquired more

more important for Russian science. With donations from its members and other organizations, the RFHO formed a bonus fund, and the RFHO Journal, which has become one of the largest and most authoritative scientific publications in the world, can be called the forerunner of all domestic physical and chemical journals.

It is impossible not to mention another important achievement of Mendeleev, which created the conditions

Wii for the work of the RFHO. There were problems with the premises, but even here he approached “globally” and, with his characteristic energy, achieved in the ministry a solution to the issue of building a separate building for the Chemical Laboratory of St. Petersburg University. The construction of an ultra-modern building for that time (with imperceptible separate ventilation of different rooms, the possibility of demonstrating transparencies, etc.) was completed in 1894. It was there that the board and library of the RFHO found shelter. By that time, Dmitry Ivanovich no longer worked at the university, but was present at the meetings of the society. In essence, the entire building is a large monument to Mendeleev and is now rightfully called the Mendeleev Center.

In 2007, it was one hundred years since Mendeleev left this world, but his name is still inextricably linked with the Chemical Society. After the death of Mendeleev, St. Petersburg University buys his personal archive from the family and creates in 1911 Mendeleev's memorial cabinet (now the Archive Museum, which still exists in the main building of the university), and RFHO establishes the Mendeleev Congresses on General and Applied Chemistry. The first three congresses (in 1907, 1911 and 1922) were held in St. Petersburg (Petrograd). The revolution and post-war devastation did not change the nature of society's activities, although they introduced many difficulties. The government tried to rely on scientific and technical societies in the matter of economic recovery. In 1918, a new statute of the society was adopted, in which the RFHO was again established at Petrograd University and had jurisdiction throughout the entire territory of the RSFSR, becoming a wide open organization. In July of the same year RFHO received 70 thousand rubles from the state. for the resumption of activities and the publication of works. Later, one

Chemical Society named after D. I. Mendeleev All-Union Scientific Society. It is administered by the All-Union Council of Scientific and Technical Societies (VSNTO) under the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (AUCCTU). Organized in 1932 by decree of the VI Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry as a voluntary association of chemists - scientists, engineers, technicians, teachers, workers - innovators of production, regardless of their departmental affiliation. The Chemical Society is the successor to the Russian Chemical Society, founded at St. Petersburg University in 1868 by decision of the meeting of the chemical department of the 1st Congress of Russian Naturalists and Doctors and transformed in 1878 into the Russian Physical and Chemical Society. The Charter of the Russian Chemical Society was drawn up with the active participation of D. I. Mendeleev and N. A. Menshutkin. N. N. Zinin was elected the first president of the Russian Chemical Society; N. A. Menshutkin was the editor of the Journal of the Russian Chemical Society (renamed in 1879 the Journal of the Russian Physical and Chemical Society) from 1869 to 1900. In the period 1868-1917, the society consisted mainly of professors and teachers of higher educational institutions and very few industrial workers (10-12%). The number of members of the society in 1869 was 60 people. (129 in 1879, 237 in 1889, 293 in 1899, 364 in 1909, 565 in 1917). The presidents of the society were A. M. Butlerov (1878-82), D. I. Mendeleev (1883-84, 1891-92, 1894), and other prominent chemists. D. I. Mendeleev, N. A. Menshutkin, D. P. Konovalov, M. G. Kucherov and others made scientific reports in the society.

After the Great October Socialist Revolution, the number of members of the society increased sharply, the content, form and volume of its work changed. The main thing in his activity was: attracting chemists and other specialists, young students and advanced workers to scientific and technical creativity, improving socialist production; all-round advanced training of workers in science and industry: propaganda of the successes of chemistry among the broad masses of working people. To unite and develop the creative initiative and social activities of the members of the chemical society, to develop topical complex scientific and technical issues, to prepare conferences, meetings and other events, scientific, technical and specialized sections, committees, commissions and teams work under the central and local boards of the society. Public universities of technical progress, increasing the scientific and technical knowledge of members of the chemical society, have gained great popularity. Together with the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and other organizations, the Society holds Mendeleev Congresses on General and Applied Chemistry. There were II such congresses from 1907 (in St. Petersburg) to 1975 (in Alma-Ata). Reports at the congresses were made by: A. E. Arbuzov, A. N. Bakh. N. D. Zelinsky, N. S. Kurnakov, L. D. Landau, N. N. Semenov, A. E. Fersman, V. G. Khlopin, and others. scientists, as well as foreign scientists F. Joliot-Curie, G. Seaborg, R. Robinson, S. Hinshelwood, A. Todd, and others. Proceedings of the Mendeleev Congresses are published in the form of collections. The Chemical Society also convenes thematic conferences, symposiums, meetings, organizes discussions, many of which are organized with the participation of other interested scientific and economic institutions.

The Chemical Society organizes competitions for scientific, production and technical works of its members. Since 1965, the Presidium of the Chemical Society, together with the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, has been awarding a gold medal to them in competitions. D. I. Mendeleev for works in the field of chemical sciences and technology of great theoretical or practical importance. The Presidium of the Chemical Society, together with the sectoral ministries and trade unions, annually reviews the implementation of plans for the introduction of scientific and technological achievements in the national economy and measures to improve the technical level, quality and reliability of chemical products.


named after D. I. Mendeleev (VHO), a scientific society under the jurisdiction of the All-Union Council of Scientific and Technical. about-in at the All-Union Center. council of trade unions. Organized in 1932 by decree of the 6th Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry as a voluntary association of chemists. WHO - the successor of the Russian chem. about-va, founded at the St. Petersburg University in 1868 (the first president - N. N. Zinin) and transformed in 1878 into the Russian physical-chem. about. The WCO, together with the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and other organizations, holds the Mendeleev Congresses on General and Applied Chemistry, and organizes competitions in scientific and production-technologies. the work of its members. Since 1965, the Presidium of the WHO, together with the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, has been awarding the winners of the competition the Gold Medal. D. I. Mendeleev. WHO has approx. 520 thousand members (1986). It has its own publications - "The Journal of the All-Union Chemical Society named after D. I. Mendeleev" (6 issues per year) and the journal "Rubber and" (12 issues per year), published jointly with the Ministry of Petrochemical. and oil refining industry of the USSR.

Lit.: Kozlov VV, All-Union Chemical Society. D. I. Mendeleev. 1868-1968, M., 1971.

Chemical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. I. L. Knunyants. 1988 .

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