Classes for the development of speech in preschoolers. Summary of a lesson on speech development Lesson on the development of coherent speech

Open lesson on speech development in the middle-high group “Forest Walk”

Program content:

1. Teach children to distinguish words with a certain sound by ear.

2. Practice changing words using suffixes.

3. Strengthen children’s ability to use generalization words in speech.

4. Strengthen the ability to solve riddles.

5. Summarize and consolidate children’s knowledge about wild animals.

6. Foster love and respect for nature.

Material: snowflakes, soft toys (bunny, hedgehog, squirrel), picture of an owl, pictures of wild animals (squirrel, fox, hedgehog, bear, wolf, hare), modules, snowball.

Preliminary work: Examination of the album “Wild Animals”, didactic games “Who lives where?”, What grows where? Conversations about the seasons, about people's winter clothes. Reading fiction about animals.

Progress of direct educational activities:


"All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend (hands to chest) and you are my friend (extend hands to each other).

Let's hold hands tightly (hold hands).

And let's smile at each other" (smile)

Educator: Guys, look, a snowflake has arrived! (takes a snowflake), and there’s something written on it! Let's read it!

“Hello girls and boys of the senior group! We are forest dwellers: birds and animals, we invite you to meet us and play different games! We will be very glad to meet you!”

Q: Guys, what? Do we accept the invitation of our forest friends?

(children's answers)

Educator: Then we need to dress warmly, because it’s cold in the forest, and hit the road! Guys, what clothes do people wear in winter?

(children's answers)

Educator: Well done! Right! Let's get dressed!

Motor exercise “Getting dressed for a walk.”

It's very cold in winter, (pat yourself on the shoulders)

But we will go for a walk with you. (steps in place)

I will put on a hat (we imitate the “put on a hat” movement)

I'll put on a fur coat (we show you how to put on a fur coat)

I'll put on a scarf and tie it tight. (“we tie” a scarf)

And then beautiful, warm, fluffy, (show hands)

Crumbs - I’ll put mittens on my hands. (we stroke the backs of our hands)

And although I am small (hands on the belt,)

I have felt boots. (feet alternately placed on the heel)

I’ll take the sled with me to the forest and go. (steps in place)

I'll go up the hill (raise your hands up)

And I'll ride down the hill! Woohoo! (quick movement of hands down)

Educator: Guys, turn behind each other and walk along the path. (on the road to the “clearing” “footprints” are laid out; children must follow them, one after another). Guys, do you know whose tracks these are? Let's follow the tracks just like the fox.

Here is a beautiful clearing, sit down on the stumps (chairs). Children, look who came to us?

(An owl appears from behind the screen)

Owl: Hello guys, do you recognize me?

(children's answers)

Owl: Who am I?

(children's answers)

Owl: I'm so glad that you recognized me! I've been waiting for you for a long time! I wanted to ask you, do you know the mosquito song?

Children: z-z-z-z

Owl: beetle song?

Children: w-w-w-w

Owl: wind?

Children: sh-sh-sh-sh,

Owl: some water?

Children: ssssss

Owl: Now let's play. I will name the words, and you should clap your hands if you hear:

mosquito song (Z) - hare, car, goat, winter, snow; fence, bicycle.

song of a beetle (F) - belly, squirrel, giraffe, house, garage, apple, hedgehog, knife;

wind song (Ш) - hat, fur coat, candy, pine cone, paper, car;

water song (C) - table, hand, chair, cabbage, pineapple, plane, tree.

What a great fellow you are! I really enjoyed playing with you! Further on your way you will meet a squirrel, she is waiting for you! Walk across the bridge! Goodbye children.

Children: Goodbye, owl!

Educator: Look, here comes the squirrel.

Squirrel: Hello guys! So we met!

Children: Hello, squirrel!

Squirrel: Let's play! I will name the words, and you must say what they are called in one word.

Didactic game: “Say it in one word”

Squirrel: butterfly, beetle, mosquito, fly, bee, dragonfly

Children: insects;

Squirrel: birch, oak, spruce, maple, pine, cedar

Children: trees;

Squirrel: starling, bullfinch, owl, magpie, cuckoo, swallow

Children: birds;

Squirrel: lingonberries, strawberries, raspberries, currants

Children: berries;

Squirrel: chamomile, bell, rose, lily of the valley, cornflower

Children: flowers;

Squirrel: fox, wolf, bear, hare, squirrel, hedgehog

Children: animals

Squirrel: Well done! Now play a game with me "Small big"

Squirrel: A hedgehog has small paws, but a bear has big ones.

Children: paws.

Squirrel: A hedgehog has a small nose, but a bear has a big one

Children: conk.

Squirrel: A hedgehog has small eyes, and a bear has big ones.

Children: eyes.

Educator: Thank you, squirrel, for the games, but it’s time for us to move on!

Squirrel: I'm glad we played and became friends! Now go through the snowdrifts and there you will meet a bunny! Goodbye!

Children: Goodbye!

(Various modules for obstacles are laid out along the road: crawling, stepping).

Educator: Guys, let's follow each other, stepping over the snowdrifts.

Look how much snow there is! How can we get through? And here the tree branch is bent, let's climb along it.

And who is that peeking out from behind the snowdrift? Yes, it's a bunny! Hello, bunny!

Bunny: Hello guys!

Educator: Why are you hiding?

Bunny: I'm afraid.

Educator: Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you. We came to play with you.

Bunny: And then let's play the game “Name it kindly.” I will call you a word and throw a snowball, and in return you call the word affectionately and throw a snowball at me!

Didactic game "Name it affectionately"

mushroom - mushroom, leaf - leaf, branch - twig, bush - bush, berry - berry, grass - grass, bug - bug, Christmas tree - Christmas tree, flower - flower, rain - little rain, cloud- cloud.

Word game "Big - small?"

Fox - little fox, wolf - wolf cub, bear - little bear,
squirrel - little squirrel, hedgehog - hedgehog, tiger - tiger cub, elephant - baby elephant, a lion - lion cub, hare - bunny, mouse - little mouse.

Educator: Guys, our bunny is a little tired, let's do a warm-up with him.

It's cold for the bunny to sit, he needs to warm his little paws.

Paws up, paws down, pull yourself up on your toes.

We put our paws on the side, on our toes, hop – hop – hop!

Bunny: Well done! I really enjoyed playing with you. Go further, going around the Christmas trees; a hedgehog lives under one of them. Bon Voyage!

Educator: Guys, look what this lump is under the tree?

(children's answers)

Hedgehog: Good morning, children! Do you like riddles? And do you even know who lives in the forest? Let's check.

Didactic game “I’ll guess - guess”

Red-haired cheat

Hid under the tree.

The cunning one is waiting for the hare.

What is her name?..


Red-fiery lump,

With a tail like a parachute,

Jumps quickly through the trees,

He was there...

Now it's here.

He's as fast as an arrow.

So this is...


Lying between the trees

Pillow with needles.

She lay quietly

Then suddenly she ran away.

Clubfoot and big,

He sleeps in a den in winter.

Loves pine cones, loves honey,

Well, who will name it?


The scythe has no den,

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save you from enemies,

And from hunger - bark.


Gray, scary and toothy

Caused a commotion.

All the animals ran away.

Scared the animals... (wolf)

Hedgehog: Well done! You know a lot!

Educator: We really liked it in your forest! Thank you very much, hedgehog, for the game, but it’s time for us to say goodbye. Goodbye, hedgehog!

Hedgehog: Goodbye, guys!

Educator: Guys! You're probably cold. It's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Motor exercise “Run through the snow.”

(performing movements according to the text)

Snow, snow, white snow.

He puts us all to sleep. (children wave their hands in front of them.)

They stood up one after another

And they ran through the snow! (running in place)

Educator: Well, guys, we are back in kindergarten. Let's undress. Tell me, where did we go?

(children's answers)

Educator: Who did we meet in the forest?

(children's answers)

Educator: Did you enjoy the walk?

Who did you enjoy playing with the most?

Current page: 1 (book has 13 pages total) [available reading passage: 9 pages]


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V.V. Gerbova

Classes on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten

Lesson Plans

Library “Programs of education and training in kindergarten” under the general editorship of M. A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova

Gerbova Valentina Viktorovna –Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, author of manuals on methods of developing children's speech and introducing them to fiction.

The successful implementation of program objectives depends on a number of factors and, above all, on the way of life of a preschool institution, the atmosphere in which the child is raised, and on a specially designed, thoughtful developmental environment.

The effectiveness of education and training is achieved through the painstaking work of teachers who work directly with children and all preschool employees who communicate with preschoolers during the day.

The system of work on teaching children their native language and introducing them to fiction is presented in the works of V.V. Gerbova “Development of speech in kindergarten” (M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2008), “Introducing children to fiction” (M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2008).

The manual “Classes on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten”, written within the framework of the “Program of education and training in kindergarten”, edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova, supplements recommendations on the most important area of ​​pedagogical activity - targeted and systematic training of preschoolers in the classroom. The practical purpose of the book is to provide educators with approximate guidelines for planning lessons (defining topics and learning goals, ways to implement them).

Features of speech development in children of the sixth year of life

Speech is a tool for the development of the higher parts of the preschooler’s psyche. By teaching a child to speak, adults simultaneously contribute to the development of his intellect. The development of intelligence is a central task in the training and education of children of senior preschool age.

The power of the native language as a factor that develops the intellect and nurtures emotions and will lies in its nature - in its ability to serve as a means of communication between a person and the outside world. The sign system of language - morphemes, words, phrases, sentences - encodes (encrypts) the reality surrounding a person.

The pace of speech development depends on the perfection of speech skills (especially phonetic and grammatical). What are the speech skills of children 5–6 years old and what determines their successful development at this age stage?

As you know, the period of highest speech activity is the fifth year of life. According to A. Gvozdev, by the age of five children master complex grammar system, including syntactic and morphological patterns, and on an intuitive level correctly use words that are exceptions to the rules.

Tall enough and level of vocabulary development. Synonyms, antonyms, figurative comparisons and contrasts appear in children's speech. Preschoolers use nouns with different suffixes without errors (bear - little bear - little bear - little bear - bearish). Their stories contain surprisingly accurate assessments of objects and phenomena. (fat, fidgety, icicle-shaped). Children begin to use adjectives in different degrees of comparison (heavy – very heavy – lighter – the lightest), as well as designations of color shades (lilac, lilac, crimson, dark gray, etc.). The number of verbs increases noticeably, and preschoolers use synonyms with different emotional connotations (walks - walks - strides - trudges - wanders). In children's statements, many words appear that relate to different parts of speech and denote the activities of people, their relationships, actions, behavior, experiences. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the period from five to seven years is the age of development of socially standardized speech (P. Blonsky and others).

In situations that require something to be compared, explained and proven, the speech of a child of the sixth year of life becomes more difficult. Cumbersome statements that are not divided into sentences appear (“Then the prince wanted to live with Cinderella forever, but he had such work at home that he was always working, could not leave this work and only went to Cinderella,” - Alyosha, 5 years 8 months ).

By the age of five, not all children master the correct pronunciation of sounds: some may have delays in their assimilation, others may have incorrect formation (for example, a throaty or single-beat pronunciation of a sound R and etc.). Some children do not differentiate between whistling and hissing sounds in hearing and pronunciation, and sometimes even sounds R And l. This leads to the fact that the child does not always correctly pronounce words in a sentence containing several words with sounds that sound similar to him ( s – z, s – c, h – sch and etc.). The cause of incorrect pronunciation of sounds and unclear speech may be defects in the structure of the speech organs, insufficient mobility of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. These children require special attention from a speech therapist and educators.

The rapid pace of mastery of the native language, characteristic of the fifth year of a child’s life, slows down in the sixth year of life. Researchers of children's speech believe that after the age of five, speech skills improve only slightly, and some become even worse. Thus, the number of short requests and orders increases (Move away! Put it here!) and the number of friendly, well-reasoned, and explanatory remarks decreases. (Don’t bother me, please, don’t you see, I’m starting the plane!) According to G. Lyamina, the number of cases of explanatory speech is halved. Now children are less likely to accompany their actions with speech. However, if a 5-6 year old preschooler is presented with a task that he has difficulty solving, he develops external speech, although not directly addressed to the interlocutor (the experiments of L. Vygotsky, described by A. Luria). Psychologists explain this by the fact that in older preschool age a new function of speech is formed - intellectual, that is, planning, regulating practical actions (speech “for oneself”, speech mastery of one’s own behavior). The intellectual function of speech has a communicative purpose, since planning one’s behavior and solving mental problems are components of the activity of communication.

Features of working with children in the classroom

Organization of speech development classes

In the older group, adult speech still remains the main source of speech development for preschool children.

When teaching children sound pronunciation, it is necessary to clearly and correctly articulate speech sounds and their combinations; practice voice modulation (voice strength, pitch, speech rate, timbre) when expressing various feelings: joy, annoyance, approval, affection, bewilderment, etc.

The formation of lexical and grammatical skills is determined by how seriously the teacher listens to the answers and reasoning of each child, helps him express his thoughts, promptly suggesting more accurate and appropriate words.

Different speech styles are determined by the synonymy of the language: lexical, grammatical, phonological (variety of intonations when pronouncing the same phrase). And the more synonymous words children hear and use, the richer and more expressive their speech will be.

Various lexicon is constantly updated as the child enriches his experience with new impressions and information. At the same time, the teacher needs to clarify and activate the vocabulary in the process of communicating with children in everyday, play situations and in the classroom. For this purpose, special didactic games and exercises are used. Some of them are carried out based on clarity: “Tops - roots”, “Who is the odd one out and why?” (“What’s extra?”), “Determine by touch” (the material from which the object is made: silk, velvet, gauze, etc.), “What’s wrong?” (confusion pictures), “What has changed?” and so on. Verbal didactic exercises are also effective: “Who will say otherwise?”, “Who will notice more?” (qualities, details), “Who will tell you more?”, “What about the other way around?” (use of antonyms), etc.

A special place is occupied by exercises in which the teacher and children make up various absurdities: “Wow!” (“In the spring, the animals had cubs: the elephant had a little fox, the fox had a hedgehog...” The teacher invites the children to continue the story); “Whoever screams” (“And we found ourselves in a wondrous country. There elephants meow, frogs crow,” etc.); “What in the world doesn’t happen?” (“Fishes fly, roosters hatch chickens, mice hunt cats,” etc.) These exercises prepare children to participate in fun games (“Whatever happens, happens,” “Who was it?”), effective both for activation of the vocabulary, and for the development of imagination, the ability to joke and laugh.

Through a variety of games, children master the morphological means of the language. For this purpose, it is necessary to pay attention to the sound of the grammatical form, the sound design of a particular grammatical category. These requirements are met by exercises that require:

Listen to the sound of some words (refrigerator, all-terrain vehicle, navigator, missile carrier) and explain their etymology;

Form words with the same root (cat - cat - Kotofeich and so on. ) ;

Form nouns by analogy (sugar bowl - sugar bowl), adjectives (eared – big-eyed – handy); correctly use indeclinable nouns, comparative degrees of adjectives (clean - cleaner, sweet - sweeter and so on. ) .

Special linguistic means should be introduced into the active vocabulary of children, with the help of which they can connect the structural parts of a judgment (because, after all), concretize the idea (for example, here), summarize what has been said (always, never).

For improving the syntactic side of speech It is important in the learning process to create situations in which the child must explain something to the teacher or peers (an error in a friend’s story, a rule of the game), convince others of something, prove something.

It is necessary to teach children to understand questions and answer them correctly: how would you do it? how can I help? etc. When answering questions, especially when discussing moral and everyday situations, children should give detailed answers. The teacher should evaluate not only the content of the answer, but also its verbal presentation. (“Oli’s answer was strange. Listen to what she said and help correct the mistakes.”)

When characterizing objects, children of the sixth year of life name color, size and other distinctive features, which contributes to the appearance in their speech of sentences with homogeneous members. It is important that the teacher notes this. (“Listen to how interesting Andrey told me about this fox: a red-haired beauty, cheerful, very bright.”)

Older preschoolers rarely use subordinate clauses, so when analyzing their statements, complex sentences composed by children should be repeated. (“Dima’s answer pleased me. Listen to him again.”)

Preschoolers can be taught to use complex sentences using the “Complete (complete) sentence” technique. (“Autumn brings me sadness because...”, “We called so that...”, “We called when...”, “We decided to make a stop because...”) For the same purpose, children decipher a letter that was caught in the rain, dictate the text of a letter to a sick teacher (peer).

Children rarely use verbs in the subjunctive mood in their speech, and if they do, it is usually with errors. Therefore, it is useful to practice them in constructing statements on topics such as: “If I were a teacher” (Santa Claus, clown, cook, etc.).

In the older group, children are taught differentiate the most commonly mixed sounds: hissing and whistling (w – s, g – h, h – c, sh – s), voiced and unvoiced (c – f, h – s, g – w, b – p, d – t, g – j), sonorous (l And R).

The classes use special games and exercises aimed at formation of sound culture of speech.

The teacher mixes up two similar-sounding sounds, for example, and And h, and children (by prior agreement) show movements that characterize the image with which the sound is associated: and– movement with both hands (“a bug is flying”), h – waving movement with the hand (“scaring away a mosquito”), etc. First, the teacher finds out how the children understood the task, and then works with the whole group. Then the girls perform the exercise, and the boys observe and analyze the results; then only boys (or children sitting at the first tables, etc.) complete the task. The teacher takes note of those who make mistakes and identifies the cause of the difficulties (the child does not differentiate sounds, does not have time to work at a given pace, which is very important for the future student). In order to set a certain pace of work, the teacher, having uttered sounds (later words), counts to himself: “One, two, three,” and raises his right hand, giving the children the signal: “Put your hands on the table!”

The teacher pronounces 9–11 words with similar sounds, for example, g – h, and the children, as in the previous task, show the corresponding movements. The teacher selects not only nouns, but also verbs, adjectives, adverbs (crane, umbrella, squint, green, yellow, tomorrow, from afar, vest, buzzing and etc.).

The teacher reads the entire rhyme or the passage needed for work 2–3 times.

Mouse in a green circle
I made some millet porridge.
There are a dozen kids
Waiting for dinner.

Czech song, translation by S. Marshak

The teacher offers to name words with sounds and. It is easier for children to complete this task if supporting objects are used. (“I put three pyramids on the table. So, you need to name three words with the sound and, which are found in the sentence: “A dozen kids are waiting for dinner.”) As they are named, the teacher removes the objects.

The teacher asks the children to remember and name words containing a certain sound (names of objects, actions, qualities, etc.).

The teacher invites the children to choose similar sounding (rhyming) words: chamomile - bug - dirty - tumbler; top - bull - knot - cricket - old man - heel - Cossack; bird - little songbird - little blueberry - strawberry - blackberry - little one.

The teacher plays the game “Say (prompt) a word.” (Speech material for this exercise can be taken from a variety of educational books for preschool children and children's magazines.)

The hunter shouted: “Oh!
Doors (animals) They're chasing me!
There are no roads in the swamp.
I'm into cats (bumps)- hop and hop!”

A. Shibaev “The letter got lost”

Children (based on pictures) make up a “chain of words.” Guessing what sound the word ends with bus, the guys name the second picture, which depicts an object whose name begins with the last sound of the first word (sled). Next, the children choose pictures on their own. It is important that each child can create his own chain of words by receiving an initial picture from the teacher or choosing it independently. (Children should have a lot of pictures at their disposal.) The child who correctly made the longest chain within a certain period of time wins.

Older preschoolers often disrupt their fluency of speech because, while gasping for air, they finish long sentences while exhaling. Therefore we need to keep an eye on them breathing and practice low, drawn-out pronunciation of sounds and, at, onomatopoeia aw, words echo.

The development of speech breathing is facilitated by pronouncing tongue twisters. First, the teacher reminds the text, then the children recite it several times in chorus at different tempos. After this, you can begin individual exercises (speaking at a fast pace).

In a preschool institution it is recommended to have dictionaries. For five-year-old children, spelling is more suitable. The teacher should show it to the children, tell them what a wonderful and unusual book it is, and provide the opportunity to explore the dictionary: “Maybe you can guess why I praise this book so much with a strange arrangement of text and no pictures.”

After listening to the children's reasoning and ideas, the teacher tells them what a dictionary is and shows them columns of words starting with a specific letter of the alphabet. You can play with the children. Let's give an example.


Game “Who can name the most words starting with the letter (A)”?

“So, you were able to remember twelve words starting with the letter A,” says the teacher. – This is a lot, but there are much more of them in the dictionary, maybe a hundred or two hundred. Now I will name words starting with the letter A, which I especially enjoy pronouncing, and you will try to explain what they mean: lampshade, apricot, August, aviation, autograph, alphabet, adagio, admiral, adjutant, openwork, amethyst... So, for now you only know five words out of eleven, but I am sure that at the end of the year you will know the meaning of a much larger number of words. Our music worker must be surprised to hear the word “adagio” from your lips. Let's ask him to let us listen to a recording of the adagio from the ballet."

You can access dictionaries at any time convenient for preschoolers and the teacher: indoors and outdoors, communicating with all children or only with those who want to hear different words starting with a familiar letter. While listening to children's interpretation of words, the teacher should not forget to correct their speech, suggest which word is appropriate to use in a given case and how to construct a phrase or small statement more correctly. Exercises based on reading words from the dictionary to children and interpreting them, at first glance, are formal in nature. However, older preschoolers like them, and their results are amazing: children’s vocabulary is enriched, a steady interest in the meaning of words appears; they begin to listen and hear the teacher’s story differently, perceiving not only its meaning, but also its speech design. As a result, children have questions like: “What did you name him?”, “What did you just say?”, “Did you say a new word?”

In the process of communicating with children in the classroom and in everyday life, it is necessary improve dialogic speech. And although dialogue is arbitrary contextual speech, it must be taught using a variety of games and exercises, involving interaction with a teacher - the bearer of communicative culture. This manual presents classes in which children master the rules of behavior and learn cultural speech interaction. In the classroom, you can use visual didactic aids that allow children to solve practical problems using their accumulated life experience (for example: Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten. Visual didactic aid for classes with children 4–6 years old. – M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009.)

Serious attention should be paid teaching children storytelling: retelling, describing an object, composing a story based on a picture and pictures with a sequentially developing action.

In the older group of children they begin teach retelling. It is very important to choose the right text for this type of work. The text should captivate the child so emotionally that he listens to it with interest many times, both when performed by an adult and when retold by peers (for example, V. Bianchi’s story “Bathing the Bear Cubs”).

At the beginning of the year, many children need the help of an adult when retelling. He should start the story, and the child should continue it. During the retelling process, if necessary, it is appropriate to prompt the child with the desired phrase. In the second half of the year, children learn to retell the text together. The child must decide for himself when to stop so that the second storyteller (chosen by the child himself) can take over the baton. The ability to divide a text into parts, maintaining the logical completeness of passages, will be necessary for children at school.

In the older group, a lot of attention is paid working with pictures. Children's ability to name individual pictures and several pictures at the same time is improved; tell meaningfully and consistently, guided by a plan.

A plan is drawn up when children first become acquainted with the picture. Let's give an example.


The teacher, setting the children up for viewing, offers attention to the initial phrase(s) of the future story: “On a warm summer evening, the hedgehog took the hedgehogs out into a forest clearing. Everyone is busy with what." Next, the teacher tells the children where it is most convenient to start looking at the picture: “Hedgehogs have a lot to do. They scattered throughout the clearing. It is so? Tell us about it..."

While listening to the children, the teacher asks clarifying questions, suggests more precise words that characterize the situation, and summarizes what was said in a short story.

Then the teacher draws the children’s attention to another part of the picture: “The hedgehog does not bother the kids. She has her own business, doesn't she? Tell me, what are these things?”

The teacher again summarizes the preschoolers' stories and turns their attention to the perception of the last object (the beauty of the meadow). The teacher ends the examination with a final phrase that conveys his attitude towards the picture: “It’s good for hedgehogs in a forest clearing on a warm summer evening!”

With this organization of work, children talk about the picture without repetitions or omissions, since the teacher unobtrusively suggested to them a plan consisting of only three points.

In the older group, children’s ability to create pictures is consolidated and developed using a matrix painting and handout pictures.

Considering pictures with plot development (with sequentially developing action), children are happy to arrange them in a certain sequence and comment on their actions, using quite a lot of complex sentences. The logic, completeness and imagery of children’s stories are determined both by the content of the pictures and by the nature of the questions and tasks provided by the teacher. Pictures with plot development of action encourage children to compose creative stories and activate their imagination.

For classes with older preschoolers, you can use the following manuals: Gerbova V.V. Pictures on the development of speech in children of senior preschool age (M.: Prosveshchenie, any edition), Radlov N. Stories in pictures (any edition). You can also use appropriate pictures that are periodically published in children's illustrated magazines.

When working on pictures with sequentially developing action, the following features must be taken into account.

When asking children to arrange pictures in the correct sequence, it is necessary to provide them with the opportunity to discuss their actions. This moment is most favorable for practicing such speech formulas as: “I believe (I think, I am sure, I believe) that the row is lined up correctly”; “I have some doubts (there are objections)”; “It seems to me that Sasha made a small mistake”; “I would like (I will try) to explain my actions.” First, the teacher will have to tell the children for a long time and persistently about what words are appropriate in a particular address, about how they enrich a person’s speech. Over time, the children themselves will begin to tell the teacher how in this or that case they can turn to an adult or peer. And then non-standard speech patterns will appear in children’s independent speech.

A lesson on composing a story using pictures should be structured as follows.

Having approved the sequence of pictures, the teacher invites the child (from among those who wish) to compose a narrative story based on the first picture. The teacher listens to the answer and finds out from the children what else could be included in the story to make it more interesting and meaningful. (“I believe that...”; “It seems to me that...”; “I’m not sure, but it seems to me that...”) Then the teacher invites another child (optional) to make up a story based on the second picture. And so on.

In conclusion, one of the children makes up a story based on all the pictures. The teacher finds out if there are anyone else who wants to write a story. If necessary, the teacher invites the children to listen to their story and asks them to pay attention to unusual and rarely encountered words.

Pictures with sequentially developing action are excellent material for creative storytelling. When arranging pictures in a certain sequence, children discover that some important culminating plot is missing (usually the third picture). This activates their imagination and makes them think about what happened to the characters.

It is useful to train children in composing endings to folk tales well known to them. For example, the teacher reads or tells the Russian folk tale “The Braggart Hare” (arranged by O. Kapitsa) until the words: “The hare saw the dogs scolding the crow, and thought...” What exactly did the hare think about, did he dare to help the crow or was he afraid if helped, then how, and if he didn’t help, then how he later justified himself - all this is made up by children. Then the teacher reads the end of the fairy tale.

Or the teacher tells the children the Nenets folk tale “Cuckoo” (translation by K. Shavrov) to the words: “Brothers, look, look, our mother is flying away like a bird!” - shouted the eldest son.” Children continue the fairy tale.

You can compose an ending to the fairy tale by D. Bisset “About the tiger cub Binky, whose stripes disappeared” (retelling from English by N. Shereshevskaya). Children figure out where the tiger cub looked for the stripes, who he asked to lend them to him or draw them, and how his adventures ended.

And the fairy tales of J. Rodari, which have three endings (“The Dog That Couldn’t Bark”, etc.), are good didactic material that focuses on creative storytelling.

It is useful to exercise children outside of class in writing short fairy tales without relying on literary texts. The teacher sets a topic for the children, helps them compose a story and present it clearly to the audience. You can offer children the following topics:

The tale of how a bear cub caught the moon;

A fairy tale about how a polar bear wandered into Africa and what came of it;

A fairy tale about how a rude hedgehog and a good little bunny traveled;

A fairy tale about how a badger gained courage.

The senior group continues to improve their ability to compose stories on topics from personal experience. Here, too, the choice of topic and the presence of a story plan are very important. You can offer the children the following topics: “How we congratulated the kindergarten staff on the holiday,” “How we looked for traces of autumn” (collective experience); “My favorite toy (favorite cartoon)”, “Our mischievous cat (my dog ​​friend)”, etc.

Elena Yanushko early development specialist

The development of speech in a young child (1-3 years) is a very important stage in mastering their native language. The baby’s speech not only develops rapidly, it is formed. Therefore, helping a child develop speech during this period is especially important. Properly organized speech communication and speech classes not only stimulate the child’s speech development, but also help compensate for possible disorders, for example, a lag in speech development.

How to determine the level of speech development of a baby?

Most modern parents are aware of the importance of developing a child's speech and jealously monitor how their baby speaks. This is manifested primarily by comparing the child’s speech development level with the way his peers speak. It’s great if the baby speaks willingly and quite intelligibly. But if a child speaks very little, is so unintelligible that it is impossible to understand him, or is completely silent, this seriously worries his loved ones.

However, to determine the level of development of a child’s speech, it is not enough to compare his speech with the way his peers speak. To determine whether a child’s speech corresponds to age standards, tables of the dynamics of speech development are used. This kind of information is in the public domain and gives a general idea of ​​the stages of speech formation in a child - in what periods humming, babbling, first words and phrases appear, how his passive gradually develops (what the child understands, but does not yet speak himself) and active vocabulary (what the child understands and uses in his own speech). By carefully testing your child's speech, you can identify gaps in its development.

Creating a developmental environment

In order for a child’s speech to develop, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for this. The most important thing is to talk to the child as much as possible, because speech is based on imitation - repeating words and phrases after an adult. Speech should constantly surround the baby; he should “bathe” in speech. To do this, the adult comments on all everyday situations, routine moments and other events in the baby’s life.

For example, washing: “Let’s go wash. Let’s open the tap. No, not this way, the other. Like this. Where’s the soap? Here’s the soap. Take the soap and lather your hands. Put the soap in the soap dish. Let me help you. Three hands good. Now let's wash off the soap. Place your hands under the water - like this. Now let's wash your face. Fill your hands with water and rub your face. Close the tap. Now let's shake the water off your hands - like this. Where's the towel? Take the towel, wipe your face and hands. Well done! Look how clean he has become."

Perhaps such a constant conversation with the baby will initially cause some difficulties for adults and will require a change in communication style and behavior. But as experience shows, this is a matter of training: if there is a desire and enough persistence, then an adult can, over time, learn to communicate with the baby more constructively from the point of view of the child’s speech development. At the same time, with experience comes a “sense of balance”: you need to speak constantly, but at the same time not overdo it and not be too verbose, speak with normal volume, simple phrases and only to the point.

Speech development classes

Taking an active position regarding the development of their baby’s speech, parents, in addition to rich verbal communication, should organize regular classes on the development of the child’s speech. Of course, this will require special training and new knowledge.

In the development of a child’s speech, two main directions can be distinguished - the development of understanding of speech and the development of the child’s own active speech. In addition, it is necessary to pay enough attention to such additional areas of work as the development of breathing and hearing, imitation and fine motor skills.

Please note that classes on speech development are not only useful, but necessary for all children - both normally developing (in this case, such classes will stimulate all aspects of the baby’s development), and children who have a delay in speech development (in this case, it is possible successfully compensate for the delay before the child reaches the age of four), as well as for children with speech therapy problems that are systemic in nature - general speech underdevelopment, etc. (in this case, at an early age you can study according to the system described here, and in the future organize special classes with speech therapist).

Development of speech understanding

Let's take a closer look at the work on developing speech understanding. First of all, this work involves the accumulation of a passive vocabulary, including different parts of speech - nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. At the same time, work is carried out not only on words, but also on phrases. To make it clearer what we are talking about, we provide an approximate dictionary of words recommended for memorization by topic. Please note: for memorization, the baby is offered only those words that denote familiar objects, actions, phenomena and conditions that he constantly encounters in everyday life, what he can observe, what he can act with, what he feels.

Subject vocabulary: toys ("ball", "cube", "car", etc.), body parts ("legs", "arms", "head", "eyes", etc.), clothes and shoes ("hat", "scarf", "jacket", etc.), house and apartment ("house", "door", "castle", "stairs", "room", etc.), furniture ("table", "chair", "sofa", "bed", etc.), vegetables and fruits ("cabbage", "potato", "carrot", "orange", "banana", "apple" ", etc.), domestic animals and their young ("cow/calf", "horse/foal", "pig/pig", etc.), wild animals ("wolf", "fox", " hare", etc.), etc.

Verb dictionary: the child’s own actions (“walks,” “sits,” “stands,” “runs,” “jumps,” etc.), names of actions performed by people close to the child (“reads,” “writes,” “erases”, etc.) etc.

Adjectives, adverbs: names of colors ("yellow", "red", "blue", "green", etc.), names of some sensations and states ("sweet", "salty", "cold", "hot" , “painful”, “tasty”, etc.), names of some concepts (“big”, “small”; “many”, “little”, etc.).

The proposed dictionary is not a strict recommendation, however, it gives a general idea of ​​​​in what directions work should be done to develop a child’s understanding of speech. Rather, it is a foundation on which new words and new groups of words will constantly be built.

At the same time, working on a dictionary involves both clarifying the meanings of words already familiar to the child and introducing new words. Work on the dictionary takes place both in everyday communication and in specially organized games, for example, “Show the right picture!”, “Listen to the riddle, show the answer!”, “Find an object by color,” etc.

When working on a dictionary, it is necessary to stimulate the development of phrasal speech. To do this, we offer the child to use examples of simple phrases consisting of words (including lightweight versions of words) that are already well known to the child. These first phrases carry different functions - a proposal, an incentive, a question, a statement of fact, for example: “On the carrot”, “Give me a drink”, “Masha bye-bye”, “Danya kup-kup”, “Teddy bear top-top” , “Where is mom?”, “Who’s there?”, “Here’s a big house,” “What is this?”, “This is a red car,” “This is a big cube,” etc. Remember that the development of phrasal speech is the most important direction in the development of a baby’s speech: phrasal speech not only helps in communication, but also moves everything forward.

Development of active speech

Of course, all parents want their child to speak as quickly as possible, so that his speech is clear and correct. By developing a child’s active speech, we first of all stimulate his speech imitation.

Speech imitation is the reproduction after the speaker of the sounds, words, and phrases he pronounces. Speech imitation of a small child at first looks like an echo: an adult speaks and the child immediately repeats. Over time, the possibility of time-delayed repetition appears. For a child’s imitation of an adult’s speech to be meaningful, the speech must be closely related to the child’s practical activities. According to physiologists, imitation in humans is an unconditioned reflex, that is, an innate skill. The baby, without realizing it, adopts the speech that he hears from the lips of others.

If a child’s speech develops with a delay, it is necessary to carry out special work to activate the need to imitate the words of an adult. At the same time, the child’s attempts to speak are accepted in any form, even if he speaks incomprehensibly and distorted.

It is better to develop speech imitation in interesting games. For example, we run around the room with our arms spread out to the sides - we are “airplanes”, we fly and buzz “Oooh!”; or we walk around the room and “turn the steering wheel” - we are “cars”, we drive and signal “Beep!”; We pretend to play the pipe - “Doo-doo-doo!”; or we put the doll to sleep and sing her the song “Bay-bye!”

Particularly effective for speech development is the technique of finishing words in familiar nursery rhymes and poems. To do this, we pause, asking the child to finish the last word in a line of poetry or a whole line. For example:

Birdie... (birdie),
Here's... (water)!
Here you go... (crumbs)
On my... (palm)!

Cockerel, cockerel...
(Golden comb)
Look out the window...
(I'll give you some peas!)

In addition, it is necessary to carry out special work on the development of the child’s verbal dictionary, taking into account the following pattern: the more words - names of actions in the child’s speech, the higher the level of development of his speech! When developing a child’s verbal vocabulary, first use lighter versions of words: “top-top” - goes, “kach-kach” - swings on a swing, “am-am” - eats, “kup-kup” - bathes, “boom” - fell and etc. To make it more interesting for the child to study, you can select photographs of the child himself and his family members, in which they perform some simple, recognizable actions.

Of course, it is better to work on the development of active speech using visual aids - objects, toys and pictures.

How to determine the dynamics of a baby’s speech development?

It is necessary to warn that the results of speech work with a child do not always appear quickly. Don't worry and be patient - often the baby needs a period of accumulation of new knowledge and skills before he begins to actively use them. But in order to still see the dynamics of the child’s speech development, you can keep a “Speech Development Diary”, in which you not only enter new words and phrases that appear in the baby’s speech, but also the dates of their appearance. Having looked through the records for several months, you can clearly see the results of your joint work with your baby.

Good luck with your baby’s speech development!


A speech development diary is a cool idea! How could I not have guessed right away? As soon as we diagnosed the RDD, we worked hard with a speech therapist and repeated nursery rhymes at home; we injected the cortex to develop brain activity. It looks like all this together works wonderfully. Now they have already started speaking in sentences. It's very cool to see good results after a long wait for normal speech.

Everyone writes about talking, as if parents of children with developmental disabilities do not talk to their children. I studied and talked endlessly, but in the end the child spoke only after a course of Cortexin injections. So my opinion is - if the child does not speak, go to the doctor, and do not just study.

The main thing is to talk with your child often, and talk correctly (don’t lisp or distort words), and you can also include educational video lessons (for example, we constantly watched the Logoskola Doma video)

Comment on the article "The child does not speak? Speech development from 1 to 3 years: how to study"

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Child doesn't speak? Speech development from 1 to 3 years: how to study. Speech development of a 2.8 year old child. Tell me how a child can be developed in this direction. They told you absolutely correctly that until the age of 4 (or even 5) they generally don’t work with children on making sounds.

The development of speech in preschool childhood naturally plays a leading role. As speech develops, thinking develops. Speech acts as a communicative, educational, educational basis; the child’s further education at school depends on the quality of speech. In preschool age, it is important to develop the child’s vocabulary and create conditions for the development of children’s grammar and phonetics. In this regard, it is also important to develop fine motor skills of the fingers as a factor stimulating speech. In a preschool group, it is important to teach children to distinguish sounds and develop auditory attention. In general, all this serves to develop coherent speech. High results in the development of coherent speech in preschoolers are an indicator of the work of parents, educators, and speech therapists.

Thematic classes fully address the issues of speech development. The complex impact on a child’s speech remains one of the leading ones in preschool practice. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct speech therapy classes with a group of children thematically.

Note 1

Subject: Dentist Day

Target: children's speech development

Tasks: clarify the correct articulation of the sound C, consolidate the ability to determine the position of the sound C in words, enrich children’s vocabulary with the concepts of profession, dentist, benefit, approval, develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus, speech breathing, creative thinking, cultivate the correct attitude to health, “sense of language.”

Equipment e: a disc with a recording of the song “Smile”, a disc with a recording of cheerful music, models of products, cards - symbols for the stages of classes, toothbrushes, booklets with tips on how to keep your teeth healthy, a picture of a tongue - a dentist, a Svetlana Sergeevna doll in a doctor’s costume.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organic moment

– guys, do you like to learn new things and tell them something interesting? Then I invite you to class, come in and sit on the chairs.

2. Main part

– at the beginning of February (that is, this month), many countries celebrate Dentist Day.

- Who is this dentist? This is a doctor. But the doctor is special, he has his own specificity, he is a dentist.

– So on Dentist’s Day we will congratulate... And how do they congratulate you on the holidays? (they wish well, give gifts)

– All dentists consider good, healthy teeth for their patients to be the best gift. Who are these patients? (clients, visitors)

– What teeth can be called healthy and good? (which don’t hurt, don’t bother)

– We will look at 4 signs of dental health.

– So, the first sign is light, fresh breath. Tell me, guys, when do they say “a tooth doesn’t match a tooth”? When it’s cold, a frozen person’s teeth chatter and they say that tooth doesn’t touch tooth. When can a person get very cold? What time of year? In winter. Let's catch a light winter cloud and tame it. Training a cloud - when you inhale, release the cloud, inflate your stomach, when you exhale, pinch the cloud, pull in your stomach.

- And now let’s remember the winter proverb and repeat it all together while standing (for a word a lot - spread your arms wide, your cheeks are red, beautiful - rub your cheeks with your palms, they have flown - raise and lower your hands):

We're in January frost
Brought a lot of freshness.
The cheeks are red and beautiful!
And February snowstorms
They circled and flew.

– Do we have fresh, easy breath? This means that next to the first sign we will place a smiley face (any symbol - a smiling sun, a face).

– What does the next symbol mean? That's right, healthy teeth are clean teeth. A tongue came to visit us, and he will help us do a language warm-up. Do everything with me, be careful and diligent.

The tongue is familiar to you, children,
We will greet him with a smile.
Let's smile broadly
Just one more time!
(smile, held wide, all teeth visible)
Dentist is our language
I'm used to taking care of my teeth.
Let's open our mouth wide
We can easily knock all our teeth.
Skim the teeth
We all need it silently.
(we brush our teeth, hit our teeth with our tongue)
Let's hide the upper teeth,
Let's hide the lower teeth.
We won't shut our mouths,
We will definitely do it.
The doctor looked at his watch,
Patients - come in.
Our doctor advises everyone
Keep the sky clean.
Rinse your mouth with water
We start everything in a crowd.
(cleaning the sky)
Listen to me
The horse's teeth are strong
The horse galloped on its way,
Stopped to rest.
(horse, fungus)
Our tongue has become a spoon
He stirred some syrup for us.
(cup, twist the cup)
The doctor was detained by the coward,
And the brave man let the doctor in
The coward has a toothache
The brave man never does.
(we hold our tongue with our teeth and push it towards ourselves with force)
We said goodbye to the doctor.
They waved a handkerchief after him.

Our teeth became clean after performing articulation exercises. Let's put a smiley face on this symbol too.

– What does the next, third symbol mean? Only healthy teeth are strong. Our teeth need protection, and the food we eat greatly affects the strength of our teeth. You know which products are beneficial to teeth, or in other words - which products a dentist would approve for us, and which ones would be said to be harmful and not beneficial. I will now distribute the food to you, and you come to the table and put healthy foods on a pink dish, and harmful foods on a brown dish. Dummies of apples, pears, ice cream, chocolate, onions, carrots, walnuts in shell and without. So, let's check. I'm showing the products from the pink dish, if you agree that they should be there, clap. Have you checked? Well done! We also put a smiley face on this symbol.

– What does the next symbol mean? A beautiful, open smile. Guys, do you remember the song that talks about smiling? Of course, this song is called “Smile”. Let's sing a verse of this song.

– What holiday are we talking about today? About Dentist Day. Who is being congratulated on this day? Dentists. Let's say this word again and listen to what the first sound is in it. WITH tomatologist Sound S. Guys, what do our lips, teeth, tongue do when we pronounce this sound? The lips smile, the mouth is slightly open, and the tongue is hidden behind the lower teeth and allows air to pass through the middle of the tongue.

– Today, guys whose names have the sound S in their names will come to see the dentist Svetlana Sergeevna. Do you know these guys? Let's name them. (Semyon, Savely, Sasha, Oksana, Vasya, Larisa, Denis, Suzanna, Styopa, Sonya, Kostya),

– Now we have listed all the patients, but tell me, is the sound C in the same place or in a different place in all words? Indeed, the sound C can be at the beginning of a word, in the middle or at the end. I name the word, and you try to determine where the sound is. If at the beginning, then the word begins with this sound, if in the middle, then there are other sounds before and after the sound C. And if at the end, then the word ends with this sound. Let's define it.

– What great fellows you are! I'm having a telephone conversation. Dentist Svetlana Sergeevna was in a hurry to come to our lesson, but on the way she was kidnapped by the evil witch of bad teeth and does not want to give her to us. How can we help Svetlana Sergeevna out? Your suggestions. I know one little secret - the evil witch of bad teeth is very afraid of the cheerful dance of the fairies of tooth cleanliness, and if we managed to ask the fairies to perform the dance, then the evil witch of bad teeth would disappear, and Svetlana Sergeevna would be saved. The fairies of dental cleanliness agreed to help us, we just need to get everyone ready to dance, and for this we need to say - “ace - ace - ace - the dance is waiting for us.” The fairies and we will dance a merry dance, guys, let’s dance more merry, the fairies need our help! From such a dance the evil witch of bad teeth disappeared.

- And here is Svetlana Sergeevna. “Hello guys, thank you very much for your help, I’ll dance for you too.” (The doll dances a cheerful dance.)

- Well, guys, how do they congratulate you on the holidays? They wish for something good. Let us also congratulate Svetlana Sergeevna, because Dentist Day is her professional holiday (we wish you happiness, health, success).

– Was it a good Dentist Day?

3. Summary

– What do you remember from today’s lesson? What new did you learn?

Guys, I really liked the way you worked today. So that you remember about our lesson, I want to give you a reminder bookmark Annex 1, which says that you need to strengthen your teeth. And the toothbrushes are from our dental cleanliness fairies. Be healthy guys!

Note 2

Subject: Circus.

Target: differentiation of sounds S - C, development of vocabulary, speech breathing, mobility of the articulatory apparatus, sound discrimination, education of correct pronunciation, curiosity, activity.

Equipment: poster, monkeys - simulator (board game “Catch the Monkey” by Samyonok), dodgers, drawing of a circus tongue, clown coloring pages, clown for reflection.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organic moment

– Urgent announcement:
The circus is preparing a show!

Guys, what is a circus? Do you want to go to the circus? Then welcome to class!

2. Main part

– What is the name of the stage in the circus? Arena. I invite you to take your seats, do you have your tickets to the circus? What is the name of the person who checks the availability of a ticket? Ticketer, controller.

– The program begins, our first guest is a fakir. Who is this, guys, what does he do at the circus? Yes, he casts spells and controls fire - a very courageous profession. And you and I, after watching the fakir’s performance, will put out the fire and cool his hot body. Fire on your palms, bring it to your mouth, blow it out, making sure your cheeks don’t puff out. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. And now an interesting trick - while inhaling, bend over and do a swallow, hold your breath and, exhaling through your mouth, lower your leg to the floor. Three times.

Here in the circus the audience is noisy
The magician is already standing.
He's a real acrobat
And I’m very glad to see all of us!

Let's do exercises for the tongue, and our acrobat will help us.

The tongue is our circus performer,
The highest class will show us

  1. Now we'll go to the circus,
    We open the door wider,
    Let's smile broadly
    Very clever and easy!
    Fence smile
  2. We are greeted by a kind elephant,
    He pulls his long trunk.
    The elephant is famously trained,
    Learn to twirl your trunk!
  3. Tiger Fred licked his lips
    He's looking forward to breakfast and lunch.
    Delicious jam
  4. He's hurrying towards us on horseback
    A dashing circus horseman!
  5. Clown Petya is like a ball
    Jumps for teeth from above!
    He cleverly made the bridge,
    A true champion.
  6. In the arena - a famous yogi,
    He is very interesting to us.
    He lay on the nails,
    Without even moving, “ah!”
    Wind paddle
  7. Goodbye, we'll say
    And let's wave one, two, three!
  8. The circus performer can prance,
    Train animals and birds,
    And spin on the trapeze
    And dance on a tightrope!

The circus performer can also bend and bend very strongly. Guys, what letter have we become like? C. Let's pronounce the sound C. What does our tongue, lips and teeth do when we pronounce this sound. Very good. Now listen to what I call you, and you will hear what sound I highlighted. Good fellows and beautiful girls. What sound did I highlight? Sound T. And when we pronounce it, what do our teeth, lips, tongue do. What is the difference between the two sounds we named? What do they have in common? Both whistle, both are deaf, the tongue of both sounds is below, behind the lower teeth. But when we say S, the smile is in a constant position, and C - the mouth opens wider.

- When you hear C, clap, when you hear C, stamp. SSTSSPISTSATS

- Hear in the syllable c - clap, c - stomp. sa so tsa tsy si tsu

- And in the word which sound is one of these: heron, cheese, chicken, circus, beets, tsits, hat.

– Correct the sentences: Sveta and Seryozha came to the circus. What were the guys' names? What do the guys' names have in common? They start with the same sound.

The heron was eaten by a frog.

- Let's learn a simple phrase:

Tsa-tsa-tsa, the sheep is running
And behind her are two pigs.

– Who are these trainers? Who can be trained in the circus? Name it. Today we will train monkeys. Let's split into two teams. Everyone must run with the monkey to the chair opposite and bring a fishing rod to their friend. Who will be the real trainers?

– And today we’ll exercise our hands: we’ll sing a circus tent. But first, let's remember what sounds we sing - a o u and y e. Welcome, arena, tiger, lion, donkey, cat, clown. (Use of T.S. Ovchinnikova’s manual “Speech therapy chants”)

- Oh, someone is coming towards us. A clown comes in while music is playing. You recognized me? Do you know what I do at the circus? I can do everything that an ordinary circus performer can do, but I do it all funny. Let's juggle, do you guys know who a juggler is? This is a person who moves various objects in his hands at high speed, causing objects to fly in the air. (Children are offered “Dodgers” - exercise equipment made from plastic bottles; balls and caps from plastic bottles can be used as a roller)

– Let’s lift the barbell, but it’s very heavy. Psycho-gymnastics. We imagine how difficult it is for us to lift the barbell, how we bend under the weight first in one direction or the other. And now we’ll pull the rope in teams, right? We imagine a rope in our hands, and together we all pull it together.

– The clown says goodbye to us, because he still has performances waiting for him, and he has prepared coloring books for you as a gift. Look how wonderful they are.

3. Summary

– did you like the lesson? What did you like about the lesson? Our clown is missing something on his face, draw a clown (sad or happy) that matches your mood during class.


Summary of the lesson on vocabulary work “Friendship and Friends” (second junior group)

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Music”, Reading Fiction.

Demonstration material: locomotive, chest, mittens, hare, fox.

Methodological techniques: game situation, physical exercises, reading fiction, reflection.

Vocabulary work: friends, sad, cheerful.

Goal: to develop basic understanding of friendly relationships. Tasks:

1. educational - to form friendly relations in the team, to contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relations, a negative attitude towards rudeness.

2. developing - to develop children's spoken language, enrich their vocabulary.

3. educational - to cultivate communication skills, a sense of empathy, positive emotions.

Progress of the lesson.

The children entered the group and greeted the guests. Educator:

Children, what is your mood today?

Show me (smile).

Can we give our mood to someone? (Yes).

Let us give our good mood to the guests (children give smiles).

Children, today I want to offer you a trip on a steam locomotive.

Will you come with me? Everyone get into the trailer.

Song "Locomotive".

Steam locomotive, locomotive

Brand new, shiny,

He drove the wagons

Like it's real.

Who's on the train?

Our kids

Let's go visit.


Oh. What's happened? Why did our locomotive stop and the music no longer play? Let's get out of the trailer and take a look.

Oh, who is this? (bunny).

Let's say hello (say hello).

What kind of bunny do you think? (sad, sorrowful).

Why did you decide so? (does not smile).

Who do you think could have offended him? (fox, wolf).

Let's ask him?

What fox?

Bunny, what did she do? (took away the mittens).

Children, can we call them friends? (No).

Why? (offended, took away the mittens).

Who are friends?

Friends are those whom you love, whom you are glad to have, and whom you miss without.

Can we be called friends? (Yes).

Why? (we don’t offend, we share toys).

Game "Good - bad".

Hurting each other is bad

Sharing toys is good

Playing together is good

Quarreling is bad.


Guys, can we help the bunny? (Can).

Let's find the fox and return the mittens to the bunny.

Look, there’s a path here, let’s follow it and see where it will lead us?

Physical exercise.

The bunnies walked along the path, raising their legs (they walk, raising their legs high). The tails are pressed (they squat). Paws raised up (arms up). Here is a stream in front of us, the bunnies are jumping, the bunnies are jumping (jumping). Then the bunnies went into the forest and came to visit the little foxes.

A fox is sitting, and in her paws there is a chest.

Forgive me, friends, I won’t offend anyone again (hands over a chest).


Here is a wonderful chest,

He is a friend to all the guys.

We all really want

Look, what's there?

Look into the chest and see what's there? (take out gloves).

Oh, all the mittens are mixed up, let's help sort them out.

Game “find a pair” (children find pairs of different sizes, colors, some for a hare made of white fur).

"Find a friend."


Guys, we were playing, but we completely forgot about the bunny.

We need to reconcile the bunny and the fox.

Let's go make peace with the little bunny.

Guys, how are we going to reconcile them?

Maybe we can dance for them?

Dance "Let's make peace"


The bunny and the little fox have made peace, what can they be called now? (friends).

Are you and I friends too? (Yes).

Let's show everyone how we can be friends (take each other's hands).

And now it’s time for us, the kids are leaving (the children get into the trailer).

Music is playing: the locomotive is humming and the carriages are moving

Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu, I'll take you far.

The children say goodbye and leave.

Summary of the lesson “Preparation for learning to read and write” (senior group)

Topic: Preparing for literacy. “Introduction to the consonant sounds [s], [s’], letter C.”

Goal: to continue familiarization with the consonant sounds [c], and the letter C; reinforce with children the sounds [a], [u], [o], [m], as well as letters. Tasks:

1. Educational - teach children to divide words into syllables, highlight the sound C and determine its place in a word; consolidate the general concept of “wild animals and domestic animals”; learn to select the corresponding sound pattern for a word; introduce children to the stressed vowel sound; teach children to read and form words.

2.Developing - develop the ability to analyze the correct spelling of letters; develop curiosity, attentiveness, intelligence, thinking.

3. Educators - to instill in children an interest in animals; To develop in children the ability to listen carefully to each other.

Material for the lesson. A canvas with letters, houses with vowels and consonants, a pointer, illustrations with images of animals, diagrams of words, workbooks by Astafieva E.O. “We play, read, write” pencils and colored pencils for each child.

Progress of the lesson.

(Children sit in a semicircle)

We know that there are sounds that can be pronounced for a long time and loudly - pulled, while there is nothing in the mouth, there is no obstacle. What are these sounds called? (Vowels [a], [o], [u]).

What are the names of the sounds that are pronounced with the lips, teeth, and tongue? (consonants [m], [x], [s]).

Today we will continue our acquaintance with the sounds [c], and the letter C, which stands for these sounds.

If you put the back of your hand to your throat and pronounce the sound [c], your throat will not tremble. The sound is pronounced dull and is called a dull consonant.

Show me where the deaf consonant lives? It can be pronounced hard (sugar, catfish, Sasha) and softly (hay, Cornflower).

Think of words with sounds [c] and .

Now listen to the riddle:

I ride it until the evening dawn,

But my lazy horse only takes me down the mountain.

And I always walk up the hill myself

And I lead my horse by a rope.

Reading the word "sleigh".

What is the first sound in the word "sleigh"?

Is it a vowel or a consonant?

Prove it. (When we pronounce, teeth and tongue interfere in our mouth, but we cannot pronounce loudly).

How many syllables are in a word? How did you guess? (The word “sleigh” has two vowel sounds [a], [i], which means there are two syllables).

What is the first syllable in the word "sleigh"?

Make up a sentence with this word.

Physical education minute.

One two three four -

We stomp our feet.

One two three four -

We clap our hands.

Stretch your arms wider -

One two three four.

Bend over - three, four

And jump on the spot

On the toe, then on the heel

Five, six - sit down quietly at the tables

(The children sat down at the tables.)

What animals are called domestic? Which ones do you know?

What animals are called wild?

What wild animals live in our Republic of Belarus?

Let's play the game "Who's the odd one out." (pig, cat, fox, dog).

(The fox is superfluous, since it is a wild animal, all the others are domestic).

Now let's play differently. An animal whose name does not have the sound [c] (cat) will be superfluous.

These schemes represent words with different numbers of syllables: two three.

Which scheme does the name of each animal belong to?

Open your workbooks.

See how the word dog is spelled correctly. Place the vowels above the syllable pattern of this word and add stress.

Write the vowels O, A (or I, A) above the diagram for a two-syllable word and determine which word this diagram will refer to: cat or fox. Place emphasis.

The game "Who's the odd one out?" You can also play differently: take into account the number of syllables in a word. (The word dog will be redundant, because it has three syllables, and the rest have two).


And now the next game “Journey with the letter C”.

The arrows in the picture indicate the path we will take on our journey; If you correctly pronounce the sounds indicated by the letters, you will get words. An important condition is that you must continue to pronounce the sound while it “follows” the arrow to the next sound (letter).

Find a diagram that corresponds to the sound composition of this word, write the corresponding word above the diagram, and color in the diagram. (mustache, wasp, itself, catfish, soup, juices).

Summarize the lesson

Summary of the lesson on coherent speech “Visiting a fairy tale” (preparatory group)

The purpose of the lesson: to develop children's speech through composing fairy tales based on illustrations, by name, by a set of toys. Tasks:

1 educational - teach to coherently, consistently present the course of an invented fairy tale, using beginnings, repetitions, sayings, endings of Russian folk tales; consolidate the ability to use epithets in speech that characterize characters, use dialogues in speech; continue to teach children to retell a fairy tale in roles, conveying the text accurately, consistently, expressively.

2 developmental - to develop children's creative thinking and imagination when composing fairy tales based on illustrations, plots, the name of the fairy tale, a proverb, a set of toys.

3. Educational - to cultivate the ability to understand the meaning of proverbs.

Preliminary work: reading, telling Russian folk tales; looking at illustrations for fairy tales; watching cartoons on the topic of Russian folk tales; conducting didactic games: “Find out the fairy tale from the pictures”, “Whose headdress?”, “Which fairy tale is the hero from”, etc.; learning riddles; participation in the Internet competition “My Favorite Fairy Tale”.

Equipment: punch card, audio recording, illustrations in the form of slides, a set of toys, table theater, telephone

Progress of the lesson.


Guys, do you know who travelers are? Would you like to become one? Today I invite you to go on a journey, but to find out which one, you need to guess the encrypted word on this punched card. We will guess it based on the first letters of the words you guessed.

The red maiden is sad, she doesn’t like spring.

It’s hard for her in the sun, the poor thing is shedding tears - the Snow Maiden.

Mixed with sour cream, chilled on the window.

Round side, ruddy side, rolled - Kolobok.

The good doctor, Aibolit, will heal, heal, everyone.

She is beautiful and sweet, and her name comes from the word ash? - Cinderella.

The fat man lives on the roof, he flies higher than everyone else - Carlson.

In fairy tales he is always a simpleton, everyone calls him a fool.

But this fairy-tale hero, Ivanushka, will show his mind.

Children complete the task, read the word, decide where they will go on a trip.







Music is playing. Educator:

This music takes us to the wonderful world of fairy tales. We are going on a journey through fairy tales. (slide show)

Who lives in fairy tales?

How does a fairy tale begin?

What words does it end with?

What can be used to make a fairy tale beautiful (songs, sayings, proverbs, sayings)

Guys, what sayings do you know? (slide show)

“The fairy tale is told soon, but the deed is not done soon”;

"No sooner said than done".


Do you know a lot of fairy tales? Now let's check: (slide show)

Making riddles for children.

The mouse found a home for itself, the mouse was kind.

In the end, there were many residents in that house.

It didn’t lie on the window, it rolled along the path.

Along the path, walking briskly, the buckets themselves carry water.

The kids opened the door and they all disappeared somewhere.

But the road is long, and the basket is not easy.

I would like to sit on a tree stump and eat a pie.

He pounded and pounded on the plate with his nose.

He didn’t swallow anything and was left with a “nose”.


You know fairy tales well. And now you will come up with different fairy tales yourself.

An illustration is exhibited (slide show)

"Fairytale Hut"


I have a magic ring in my hands. We will say the words, and whoever has the ring will tell the story.

A child composes a fairy tale based on an illustration.


Well done, you came up with a good fairy tale

PHYSICAL MINUTE - “There is a hut in the dark forest”

There is a hut in the dark forest - children are walking

Stands backwards - children turn around

There is an old woman in this hut - They shake a finger

Grandmother Yaga lives - they shake the finger of the other hand

The nose is hooked - pointing with a finger

The eyes are big - they show

Like coals are burning - they shake their heads

Wow, how angry! - running in place

Hair standing on end - hands up


An illustration of a forest (slide show) and a set of toys are exhibited: a squirrel, a hedgehog, a bear.


We need to come up with a fairy tale based on toys.

Rolled, rolled, a bright ring

It rolled, rolled, off our porch.

Whoever takes the ring will begin a fairy tale.

A child makes up a fairy tale based on toys.


Well done. Let's continue our journey. I suggest you come up with a fairy tale