Questionnaire definition. What are questionnaires


Tests (English test - test, test, test) are standardized and usually short and time-limited tests designed to establish quantitative and qualitative individual psychological differences between people. The test allows you to determine level the severity of the studied mental property in the subject, since the individual indicator correlates with test norm(determined as a result of testing a large sample of subjects and averaging the obtained values).

It should be noted that the key concept in the above definition is − standards. Firstly, this is a designation of the uniformity of requirements for all testing conditions and instructions for its conduct and processing of results. In relation to different persons, the test is applied in a unified way, according to the same standard. This provides a certain guarantee of equalization of situational factors that can put some of the subjects in a more advantageous position compared to the rest. Without standardization, it becomes impossible to compare individual results. So, for example, instructions are usually presented in writing or (less often) read out, but not formulated in any way from memory, in your own words. After that, no one is given personal explanations, individual comments, etc.

Secondly, standardization is the translation of primary ("raw") test scores, reflecting the number of completed tasks, into a more generalized scale that characterizes the degree of individual severity of a given mental property or function. Suppose, when performing an intelligence test, the subject successfully solved a certain number of tasks. Knowing only this, we still cannot say anything about what level of his intelligence is. In fact, did they do much or little? Was the test good or bad for him? How often does this figure occur in others? And how many tasks should be completed to testify to a high level of intelligence? It is impossible to answer all these questions without having a single reference system for all, some kind of standard. The latter is usually the results of testing a large and representative sample. By comparing one subject with others who have previously taken the same test, we standardize according to the statistical norm. Recently, a slightly different type of standardization has been used more and more often, when the results of the subject are compared not with other results, but with a description of the requirements of society for the development of a given function or property, that is, with a socio-psychological standard. Be that as it may, standardization provides the possibility of moving from information on the performance of a particular test by one or another person to the psychological characteristics that underlie the uniformity of interpretation.

The advantages of the testing method are certainly: relative simplicity(there is a ready-made instruction, tasks, methods for processing and interpreting the results); rapidity(time to complete test tasks is limited); obtaining mass material(testing can be carried out with a large number of subjects). The main disadvantage of most diagnostic methods is that the subjects become aware of the artificial situation of the examination, which leads to the actualization of uncontrolled motives in the subjects and the distortion of the results (the desire to give socially approved answers, the desire to raise one's prestige in the eyes of the experimenter, etc.) The test results only allow one to measure and describe the studied mental the quality of the subject, but do not give the opportunity to penetrate the phenomenon under study, to understand the cause of its manifestation, do not reveal the patterns of its development.

Currently, in our country, as well as throughout the world, testing is one of the most common methods of psychological research. Its tools are dynamically developing, the ways of processing and interpreting information are being continuously improved.

Depending on the subject of measurement allocate tests:

    intellect, providing the study of the level of development of thinking and cognitive processes in general;

    abilities, evaluating learning ability, the possibility and ease of mastering certain knowledge, skills and abilities. These include general and special ability tests;

    achievements , determining learning, that is, the level of mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities in any field (educational, professional, sports);

    personality, aimed at studying various aspects of personal development, such as interests, motives, emotions, relationships, etc.;

    interpersonal, providing for an assessment of human relations in a group, identifying the specifics of communication processes.

By the nature of the tests There are the following types of tests:

    verbal, the material of which is presented in verbal form;

    figurative, where the work of the subjects is carried out with drawings, diagrams based on the visual representations that arise in this case;

- practical, performed when manipulating real objects or their substitutes;

- combined, combining both verbal and non-verbal material of tasks.

According to the form of presentation of tasks tests are divided into blank ("paper and pencil"), hardware, drawing And oral.

Depending on the number of test subjects tests are divided into individual and group

The use of the test method for scientific research requires both general psychological knowledge and competence in the theory and practice of measurement. The lack of qualification often results in the loss of an individual approach, the grossest defects in the interpretation of the results, and an increase in the number of errors in the organization of the test procedure.


Questionnaires are such a group of psychodiagnostic methods, where tasks are presented in the form of questions and statements and are intended to obtain data from the words of the subject. Unlike tests, there are no right or wrong answers in questionnaires. They only reflect the attitude of a person to certain statements, the extent of his agreement or disagreement.

Questionnaires can be divided into

    personality questionnaires


Personality Questionnaires can be viewed as standardized self-reports. In this they are close to the testing procedure. Personality questionnaires differ from questionnaires in the following ways:

    focus on the study of psychological characteristics;

    standardization of application and interpretation procedures;

    reliance on the content of a certain scientific concept, theory;

    the presence of performance standards or relevant development criteria against which individual results are standardized, checking the degree of validity and reliability. This can be described as the advantages of this method. The disadvantages of using personality questionnaires, as well as testing, include the subjects' awareness of the artificial situation of the survey, the distortion of the results (the desire to give socially approved answers). Also, the results of questionnaires do not fully understand the reason for the behavior of the subject. An example is the Eysenck Questionnaire for determining the type of temperament.

Questionnaire-questionnaire is a structurally organized set of questions, each of which is logically connected with the central problem of diagnostics. Questionnaires are usually carried out using observational data, which are used in the compilation of questionnaires.

The use of questionnaires in diagnostics has a number of advantages: Firstly, it is a relative Liberty in compiling the questionnaire, the researcher can ask questions at his own discretion, determine their number, choose the type of questionnaire. Secondly, the opportunity to cover a large number of respondents, to identify mass phenomena (the interests of schoolchildren, the emotional climate in the team as a whole, attitudes towards academic subjects, etc.). The indisputable advantage of this method is rapid acquisition of mass material. The disadvantage of the method is that it allows you to reveal only the topmost layer of factors: the results cannot give the researcher an idea of ​​many patterns related to psychology. In a written survey, there is no live contact between the researcher and the subject, there is no possibility of individualizing the questions, their variation, additional clarifications, operational diagnostics of the reliability and completeness of the answers. Therefore, questioning is often considered as a means of first orientation, a means of preliminary intelligence.

There are three main types of questionnaires:

- open-ended questionnaires (composed of direct questions) - are aimed at identifying the perceived qualities of the subjects, involve the student's reflection and common answers to the questions of the questionnaire. For example, questions: “Why do you think some animals, birds and plants are listed in the Red Book?”, “If you were offered not to study anymore, to complete your education, what would you do?”.

- questionnaires of selective type, where the subject is offered several ready-made answers for each question of the questionnaire, almost equivalent to each other. The subject's task is to choose the most appropriate answer. For example, to determine the attitude of a student to various subjects, you can use the following question: “Which of the subjects is the most interesting for you: algebra, chemistry, physics, geography?”.

Questionnaires of this type, of course, limit the ability of the respondents, but working with them takes less time and they are more amenable to mathematical processing.

- questionnaires - scales, where the subject is also offered a number of ready-made answers for each question, but they are arranged on a scale, from smallest to largest; The subject selects the appropriate one. This type includes questions that require an alternative answer “yes” or “no”, as well as answers according to a point system (according to a three-point system: 3 points - “yes”, 2 points 0 “I don’t know, I find it difficult to answer”, 1 point - “ no”, on a five-point scale: 5 points - confidently “yes”, 4 points - more “yes” than “no”, 3 points - “not sure”, “I don’t know”, 2 points - rather “no” than “ yes", 1 point - confidently "no"). For example, when examining a child's attitude to school, you can use the question: "Do you miss school during school holidays?". As possible answers, a five-point scale of answers can be offered: 1 - yes, strongly; 2 - miss; 3 - sometimes; 4 - do not miss; 5 - I don't even remember.

The number of questions in this type of questionnaire is determined by the design of the study, it can reach up to 30.

There are no fundamental differences between these types of questionnaires. However, questionnaires of the first type provide more qualitative information about a person, but quantitative analysis of the material is difficult. Questionnaires-scales are the most formalized type of questionnaires, as they allow for a more accurate quantitative analysis of the survey data.

Psychology is a subtle science. Even on seemingly elementary questions, she does not give an unambiguous answer. When studying the differences between the questionnaire and the test, you immediately come across different interpretations of the term questionnaire. And so I want these concepts to eventually get one meaning and not confuse a simple person who studies himself with the help of tests.

But let's try to figure it out How is a questionnaire different from a test?

Questionnaire - a kind of psychological tests?

IN "Encyclopedic Dictionary: Labor Psychology, Management, Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics", published in 2005, read:

Questionnaire one of the varieties of psychological tests.

And here is the textbook "Introduction to Psychological and Pedagogical Activities" reports that the questionnaire is a type of questionnaire that is designed to study and evaluate various manifestations and personality traits. That is, it turns out that the questionnaire is similar to both the test and the questionnaire.

Questionnaires differ from the questionnaire in their purpose (the questionnaire does not study personality), as well as in the presence of pre-prepared answers to each question (which brings the questionnaire closer to the test).

The questionnaire can give an idea of ​​both a separate personality trait and tell about their complex. In the latter case, questions diagnosing different traits are distributed in a random order, and in the process of processing they are grouped so as to characterize each personality trait of the respondent.

Each group of questions is called scale. The results of the questionnaires are most often translated into standardized scores, so the respondents can be compared either with a predetermined norm or with each other.

To increase the credibility of the responses, some questionnaires offer answers to such questions, the meaning and purpose of which is veiled.

Who cares?

Now that we have an idea of ​​what the questionnaires are, let's deal with the tests. Reading the definition, we will immediately see the difference. If the questionnaire is compared with a test and a questionnaire, then there is nothing to compare the test with, because it is a system of tasks that measure the level of development of various psychological qualities.

That is, the main difference of the questionnaire is the following:

The questionnaire examines character traits.

The test examines psychological qualities, that is, attention, memory, imagination, and so on and so forth.

In addition, unlike standardized questionnaires, tests in conducting and processing are rather laborious, are carried out individually with each person and are very rarely used in a team or group.

And the last very important difference between the questionnaire and the test:

The result of the questionnaire is a quantitative expression of a particular personality trait.

The result of the test is a comparison of the result with some established norm, which is inherent in a particular type of people. That is, each test has a so-called scale of values, which allows you to immediately get a very definite result that will tell enough about a person.

Examples of questionnaires include the following:

  • questionnaire of the need to achieve Yu.M. Orlova;
  • Shmishek's questionnaire, which allows you to determine the type of personality accentuations;
  • questionnaire E.A. Klimov, which determines the direction of the personality, to help determine the preferred type of profession, and many others.

To better understand how a questionnaire differs from a test, you just need to study yourself with the help of one of them. Then you can fully experience all the differences!

Methods, the material of which is questions that the client must answer, or statements with which he must agree or disagree. There are such types of questionnaires: 1) questionnaires are open; 2) questionnaires are closed; 3) questionnaires; 4) personal questionnaires. One of the problems faced by compilers and users of questionnaires is the following. addressed to self-esteem, self-awareness of the subject; but the subject may give unreliable information - either from inadequacy of self-esteem, or from insincerity - out of a desire to please or being afraid to answer "not so." In part, this can be removed by the anonymity of the examination, which is not always possible, or by a special agreement between the psychologist and the client, which requires mutual trust; but these conditions are not sufficient to remove the inadequacy of the client's self-representation. Therefore, the compilers of some questionnaires provide for special questions, according to the answers to which one can judge the reliability of the results. Usually,< это - вопросы, связанные с "мелкими слабостями" и их проявлениями: предполагается, что большинство людей им подвержено, и отрицательные ответы говорят о недостоверности результатов. Это - распространенный, но не единственный способ.

Definitions, meanings of the word in other dictionaries:

Psychological Encyclopedia

A personality assessment questionnaire developed by Raymond Cattell based on 16 personality factors or core traits identified in his factor analysis of a large number of superficial traits. The test itself consists of self-reported statements about personality traits, such as...

Psychological Encyclopedia

QUESTIONNAIRE- methods, the material of which is questions that the client must answer, or statements with which he must agree or disagree. There are different types of questionnaires:

1) questionnaires are open;

2) questionnaires are closed;

3) questionnaires;

4) personal questionnaires.

One of the problems faced by compilers and users of questionnaires is the following. The questionnaire is addressed to self-esteem, to self-awareness of the subject; but the subject may give unreliable information - either from inadequacy of self-esteem, or from insincerity - out of a desire to please or being afraid to answer “not so”. In part, this can be removed by the anonymity of the survey, which is not always possible, or by a special agreement between the psychologist and the client, which requires mutual trust; but these conditions are not sufficient to remove the inadequacy of the client's self-representation. Therefore, the compilers of some questionnaires provide for special questions, according to the answers to which one can judge the reliability of the results. Usually,< это - вопросы, связанные с «мелкими слабостями» и их проявлениями: предполагается, что большинство людей им подвержено, и отрицательные ответы говорят о недостоверности результатов. Это - распространенный, но не единственный способ.

You will learn about the features and benefits of such a side job. In addition, here are some tips that will be useful not only for beginners in this field, but also for freelancers with experience. You just have to study the conditions of the proposed online sites in more detail and choose one or more suitable options.

Benefits of making money by taking surveys

Surely, you already know that this is a kind of research in the field of marketing. Their customers are various companies known to a wide range of consumers. And such tests are carried out by special online platforms. They collect the opinion of a large audience about a particular product.

Thus, one of the main advantages of such activities is the ability to express one's own opinion, share impressions and experience, while counting on a small monetary reward. Your task as a respondent is to answer the questions asked without missing a single one and being as honest as possible.

Today, there are many reliable questionnaires on the World Wide Web that offer favorable and interesting conditions for cooperation and differ in certain advantages. Yes, to main advantages such projects include the following:

  • no need for experience, higher education, any specialized knowledge or skills (the activity is suitable for both students and high school students, adults and even retirees);
  • the availability of tests for everyone who has reached the age of 18 (in some cases participants from 14 years old are allowed) and lives in Russia or other countries;
  • the ability to work at any convenient time and in any place where there is an Internet connection;
  • small time costs (on average, filling out the test takes people about 20-25 minutes).

Another indisputable advantage of such employment is that you will be one of the first to be informed about a variety of new products on the modern market. Therefore, you will be able to keep abreast of all events, and your opinion will matter.

List of the best questionnaires on the Internet

The list of such sites is quite wide. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with successful and reliable projects that are trusted and that meet the expectations of users from all over the world. So, I bring to your attention the TOP questionnaires:

After reviewing the popular resources, you can choose the best option for cooperation. However, before that, I recommend that you read some helpful tips:

  1. To count on higher profits, create profiles on several sites. You can go through the registration procedure on all known questionnaires, verified not only by me, but also by many other users. Thus, during the month you will be able to pass not 2-5 tests, but much more. If the income from one site is 200-300 rubles per month, then, accordingly, from 10 such resources you will receive 2000-3000.
  2. The number of invitations that you will receive from a particular project directly depends on your conscientiousness and filling out your profile. The more detailed you fill it out, the better.

Confidence in your person will also increase when you pass tests honestly and responsibly. Therefore, immediately after activating your account, fill out the questionnaire as detailed as possible, and when completing surveys, be as careful and honest as possible.

  1. Try to respond as quickly as possible to the invitations that will come to your e-mail. Remember that almost all survey sites set certain restrictions on questionnaires. For example, a survey may be available for several hours or be open until the required number of respondents answer the questions.

Therefore, it is advisable to regularly check the mailbox and immediately follow the links. This directly affects the level of your income.

  1. If a particular project offers a referral program, feel free to participate in it. This is a great option to receive passive income for attracting other participants to the system. The more users who register using your link and are active, the more profit you can count on.

I hope you got a lot of useful information from this article. After reviewing the list of reliable survey sites that have proven themselves well and gain the trust of people from all over the world, you can quickly select options that are comfortable for you. Study the conditions they offer, register on all survey sites you like and earn! I wish you success and stable income!