Extraterrestrial origin of mankind. Aliens, the origin of man The version of the alien origin of man

Of all the crazy and speculative theories, the most crazy is the extraterrestrial origin of mankind. The basic idea is that our distant ancestors were brought to Earth from another world, most likely as prisoners sentenced to life on a planet far from our original, law-abiding society, somewhere in space.
Dr. Ellis Silver, who has many supporters, argues that there are too many differences between humans and all other life forms on Earth for us to be truly indigenous to this planet. While most would dismiss his claims as nonsense, they are nonetheless intriguing and certainly worth looking at a bit more. Ellis calls his idea the "prison planet theory".

What is the prison planet theory?

As the name suggests, the prison planet theory and others like it suggest that humans are not the product of evolution alone. Here, right now, it is important to clarify that these theories do not assume that evolution does not exist or is wrong, but that at some point in our collective past we were subjected to some kind of external manipulation.
Moreover, the prison planet theory suggests that we are, in fact, the descendants of prisoners from an alien world who were brought here in antiquity, eventually settled, multiplying and, as our history testifies, intent on dominating the planet.
While most dismiss this idea, however speculative, without any further investigation, an intriguing argument can be made as to its relevance. After all, humans, despite their obvious flaws, are much more advanced than other living beings on the planet. For example, why don't other animals invent, philosophize, organize politically, or strive to build machines to explore the world and the stars?

People have chronic diseases

The prison planet theory suggests that most people, even those of us who are extremely healthy, suffer from chronic "diseases", albeit trivial ones.
Think about it - when was the last time you felt really "good"? No headaches, no hay fever, no little irritations that are hardly significant to mention but plague each of us.
Perhaps we should also look at people's reactions to the Sun. Many other animals can sit in the sun all day long without harming their health. While people sunbathe for hours, prolonged exposure to the sun can sometimes lead to various skin cancers. We also squint our eyes when looking at the Sun, unlike other animals. Even the fact that we only have a tiny auditory frequency range and can only see a very tiny band of the electromagnetic spectrum could be indicators of a home planet other than Earth.

Persistent back pain

A huge number of people suffer from back pain. Why? Well, according to those who believe in the prison planet theory, this is due to the lower levels of gravity on our "real" home planet. This gravity is higher on Earth and causes back strain for many people. Researchers such as Ellis Silver consider this one of the main indicators that the Earth is not our natural home. For example, he claims that our feet correspond to a much shorter creature (relatively speaking) than the average person. Needless to say, his proposals are not accepted by the majority.

Humans are actually better adapted to the 25-hour day.

As research from sleep experts confirms, the human body clock is much more synchronized with the 25-hour day than with the 24-hour day. There could be many reasons for the discrepancy, including the fact that the Earth's natural rotation rate has decreased very slightly during the time that humanity has been on the planet. However, some researchers suggest that our "real" home planet had a rotation period of 25 hours, and the fact that our own natural body clock is still set to that time suggests that we came from another planet.

Difficult human birth

Difficult childbirth, as at the birth of a person, is not repeated in anyone in the animal world, there childbirth is simple and easy.

Slow development of human offspring

Childbirth is not the only thing of interest in terms of the prison planet theory. Most young offspring of the animal kingdom can walk a few days after birth or even earlier. Human babies are completely helpless and remain so for years.
Some researchers suggest that the human gestation period should be much longer. This is an interesting theory, although it is difficult to prove now. It is assumed that this "abnormality" during human pregnancy is due to some kind of "intervention" in the human genome a long time ago in the distant past, which led to the "premature" birth of babies.

Extra DNA in humans

A study published in Nature concluded that humans have an additional 223 genes acquired during our evolution from bacteria. What if they're not from bacteria? Can these genes cause the absolute development of people in comparison with all other living beings? What about non-coding DNA, colloquially referred to as "junk DNA"? Could this be DNA from an alien world and alien ancestors?

General anxiety

Another obvious consequence of our supposed cosmic origin is a constant feeling of anxiety throughout all of humanity. Although you can make a pretty strong argument that our brethren - especially those in power - give us enough to worry about. Rates of depression and suicide are on the rise. Again, there are many grim and legitimate reasons for this, such as increasing poverty and pressure at work, as well as more indirect factors, such as political and social divisions, that make many people feel completely helpless in a hopeless situation that they cannot control.
Maybe it has something to do with the subconscious longing for "home" many light years away?

How likely is this? Just look at our own examples!

Putting aside the logistical support of such an operation for a moment, how likely is it that the mission of aliens to expel unwanted creatures to Earth was completed? If a cosmic race is capable of visiting other planets, whether in their own solar system or elsewhere, then why shouldn't they transfer the harmful elements of their society to a world far away? After all, look at the numerous examples from history when we ourselves sent prisoners to secluded places, sometimes literally to the other side of the world.

Other theories of the cosmic origin of people

There are versions that our ancestors were not prisoners, but space refugees escaping from a destroyed planet. Many argue that this planet was Mars (and point to the theory that life could have existed there long ago), others believe that it was a planet that was once located where the asteroid belt is today. Could our potential space ancestors have escaped from a dying planet or a planet that was struck by a huge cosmic body? Could some of the population have escaped and settled on another world nearby? (namely, on Earth). Perhaps, over time, science will be able to provide answers to these interesting questions.

Found irrefutable confirmation of the truth, which was hidden from us for many years! Mankind was created by aliens...

Despite the fact that Darwin's theory of evolution is considered the main hypothesis about the origin of man, not a single scientist in the world has dared to call it absolutely accurate yet. To be firmly convinced of it is at least strange: Darwinism could not answer many questions about the sudden transformation of apes into humans. After weighing all the scientific facts and evidence, the theory of an alien creation of mankind seems much more practical and real.

1 The Old Gods Were Aliens

The start of the emergence of the cosmological theory of the origin of man was given by the myths of Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece, Roman and Scandinavian tribes. The pagan religious systems of most peoples told that the gods had traits of character and appearance that united them with people. Beings with superpowers were able to sympathize, experience rage and love. The Sumerians claimed that the gods would later leave the earth, but only when they left the people with all the knowledge necessary for survival. Other nationalities can also find myths that the aliens populated the planet with people who began to worship them as gods.

2. The aliens left the earth, leaving their children on it

The history of the relationship between aliens-"gods" and ordinary people is interesting not only to cosmologists and ufologists, but also to the creators of comics. The authors of films about Thor and Wonder Woman just exploit this theory, showing the love feelings that aliens, called deities, experience for their creations. Not a cinematic, but a real hypothesis about the fruits of such love, was created by the British scientist John Pope. After conducting a series of studies, he came to the conclusion that about half of the earthlings are the direct heirs of the gods from another planet. Such people have blue or gray eyes, which contradicts the brown or green eyes of ordinary people of antiquity. They have a fragile physique, long fingers and developed creative abilities. Pope considers all scientific geniuses, outstanding musicians, actors, healers and psychics to be descendants of the gods.

3. Some of these kids show truly extraordinary abilities.

Child prodigies have existed at all times, but today it is easier to find out about them thanks to the media. For example, in the Volgograd region, the teenager Borya lives, who from infancy was distinguished by accelerated development, uncharacteristic for a child. At six months he spoke fluently, at one and a half he read books, and at the age of three he began to learn English. From the age of two, Borya often sat in the lotus position and told his parents that he lived on Mars, shared with them the history of ancient civilizations, which he could not hear from anyone. Trying to communicate with Boreas, the scientists were shocked. He claimed that after a nuclear explosion on the surface of Mars, its inhabitants went underground and learned to breathe carbon dioxide. Borya promises that many children like him will soon appear on Earth.

4. Aliens left people with many organs, the purpose of which is still unknown

There are 90 organs of different sizes in the human body, the functional features of which are still practically incomprehensible. If the appendix used to serve as a filter for natural roughage and is now a rudiment, then the palmar, plantar and subclavian muscles have never been used for their intended purpose by either humans or monkeys. Perhaps with the development of the human body, which does not stop even for a minute, they will acquire their functions. Their very presence proves that the beings who created man knew the course of history in advance and took it into account when creating man.

5. Man quickly adapts to weightlessness, contrary to the laws of physics

Living organisms are extremely difficult to endure life in conditions of constant weightlessness. Everything except humans: scientists have long noticed that homo sapiens have enough days for the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems to normalize and adapt to new conditions. The removal of excess fluid from the body is accelerated and the vestibular apparatus is rebuilt - the body behaves as if it had spent its entire life in space. No animal has this skill.

Theories of the origin of man

The hypothesis of creation can neither be proved nor disproved and will always exist together with scientific hypotheses of the origin of life. Creationism is thought of as God's Creation. However, at present, some consider it as the result of the activities of a highly developed civilization that creates various forms of life and monitors their development.

External interference theory

This theory is gaining more and more supporters every day. According to this theory, the appearance of people on Earth, one way or another, is connected with the activities of other civilizations. In the simplest version of the alien theory of the origin of man, people are direct descendants of aliens who landed on Earth in prehistoric times (images of Mars are offered as evidence of this theory, on which you can see the remains of buildings similar to the Egyptian pyramids). But there are also more complex options. Such as the interbreeding of aliens with the ancestors of people; generation of Homo sapiens by genetic engineering methods; management of the evolutionary development of earthly life by the forces of an extraterrestrial superintelligence and the evolutionary development of earthly life and mind according to the program originally laid down by the extraterrestrial superintelligence. By the way, the last two versions differ little in their concept from the theory of divine intervention. In addition, there are other, to varying degrees, fantastic hypotheses of anthropogenesis associated with the theory of external interference. The most common is the hypothesis of spatial anomalies.

The followers of this hypothesis interpret anthropogenesis as an element of the development of a stable spatial anomaly - the humanoid triad Matter - Energy - Aura, which is characteristic of many planets of the Earth Universe and its analogues in parallel spaces. The concept of the hypothesis of spatial anomalies is as follows: in humanoid universes on most habitable planets, the biosphere develops along the same path, programmed at the level of the Aura - informational substance. In the presence of favorable conditions, this path leads to the emergence of a humanoid mind of the earth type. If the conditions are not favorable, then the planet remains barren. In principle, this hypothesis is a kind of hybrid between Darwin's theory and divine intervention. On the one hand, it does not exclude development through evolution, and on the other hand, it recognizes the existence of a higher power, which, along with random factors, controls the evolutionary process. And it is quite possible that it is the hypothesis of spatial anomalies, as one of the branches of the theory of external interference, that will be closest to the truth. In any case, now many representatives of various scientific fields agree that the reason for the origin of man must be sought not only on Earth, but also in higher spheres, for example, in space.
The origin of man is the subject of study of several sciences (anthropology, theology, philosophy, history, paleontology, etc.). In accordance with this, there are many theories of the origin of man, in particular, as a social individual, a biological being, a product of the activity of extraterrestrial civilizations, etc. None of the existing theories of the origin of man is rigorously proven. Ultimately, the selection criterion for each individual is belief in a particular theory, everyone has the right to represent their ancestors in their own way.

Adam and Eve - the fruit of genetic engineering?

One of the greatest mysteries of mankind is the question of where, in fact, humanity itself came from. Religion and science have been arguing about this for a very long time, but perhaps the truth is somewhere in between...
Why does a person need virginity?
The Bible says that God created the earth, animals and man - from the dust of the earth in the image of God. Darwin's theory, which we passed at school as an indisputable truth, states that man descended from apes. But even during the lifetime of Darwin, his theory was subjected to strong criticism, and since its appearance it has been considered only a theory, but not the ultimate truth.
There are too many obscure places in Darwin's theory: why does a person who has the same set of biological features as monkeys - feeding their young with milk, the similarity of internal organs, etc. - still have a higher mind and the ability to speak? Why is it that only humans have a hymen, while in the animal world females have nothing of the kind? And most importantly - in Darwin's theory there is no intermediate link between Homo erectus - upright man and Homo sapiens - rational man.
At the same time, the Bible version also does not quite fit into scientific research. Man is created in the image and likeness of God, but why does he still have so much in common with the same monkeys?
All these questions and riddles have not yet found a clear answer and cause a lot of conjectures and versions.
It is interesting that in the USSR, where Darwin's theory was considered immutable as Marxism, there were its overthrowers - however, still within the framework of science fiction. The most popular science fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev in his novel "Faetes" put forward an interesting version of the appearance of man on Earth, while using scientific facts.
For many years, astronomers have been haunted by the mystery of the planet Phaeton, from which only fragments remain. Scientists say that only a nuclear war could destroy the planet. And Kazantsev in his novel combined both the mystery of Phaethon and the riddle of the origin of man. According to him, there was a reasonable civilization on Phaethon, which developed to the manufacture of nuclear weapons and space flights. Shortly before the deadly "luggage" of the Faetians destroyed their planet, several people managed to fly on a spaceship to Earth. They founded a small settlement here and began to equip life. Interestingly, one of the heroes of this book, an outstanding scientist, came to the conclusion that the Faetians would not be able to survive, raise children and preserve their species in the future if there was no influx of "fresh blood". Therefore, he decided to leave for a tribe of monkeys, where he became the leader and acquired offspring. Gradually, these monkeys and the feral Faetians, who lost their memories of their homeland, mixed into one reasonable tribe, which, although it had lost its original knowledge, was able to think, communicate and develop. It must be admitted that it was a rather bold and interesting version for Soviet times ...
Clone of Adam
Meanwhile, the minds of inquisitive researchers have always been occupied with the question: why in any religion (in Christianity, Islam, or even in the pagan beliefs of long-gone tribes) there is something in common - a certain higher being or several creatures that live in heaven. He or they created people, giving them the basic concepts of how to live, both everyday and moral.
Until recently, it didn’t occur to anyone that a person could actually be created, but now that genetic engineering has become quite commonplace, religious stories have been looked at from a new angle. What if a person was really created by some powerful beings from another planet ?
And, interestingly, modern science is already very close to proving this. According to the latest data, the human genome consists of 30-35 thousand genes. At the same time, these genes coincide by 9S% with the genes of chimpanzees.
In addition, there are genes that make humans related not only to mammals, but also to invertebrates and even plants, which nevertheless proves some validity of Darwin's theory of evolution and relatedness of different biological forms.
But the most unexpected result of research is that modern man has 223 genes that no living creature on our planet has. And it is these genes that distinguish humans from monkeys - they are responsible for the mind, language, etc.
"Superfluous" genes
Based on these data, US scientist Zecharia Sitchin published an article entitled "The Case of Adam's Alien Genes", in which he claims that man was created by genetic engineering.
According to Sitchin, aliens from the planet Nibiru once flew to Earth - there is an indication of it in ancient Sumerian sources, Nibiru appears near the Sun once every four thousand years, and about 300 thousand years ago the Nibirian ship landed on Earth, on the African continent. Sitchin suggests that the inhabitants of this planet possessed sufficiently high technology, and flew to Earth in search of minerals. There were too few aliens, and they needed a living labor force. And then they caught a monkey, which, with the help of genetic engineering, added a few "extra" genes, after which it had a mind. So the first man appeared - Adam, and then Eve was created - as a clone of Adam, but with a different set of chromosomes.
Interestingly, according to the Bible, these people lived for several hundred years.
By the way, the hymen, most likely, was "made" to Eve for a reason: the aliens suspected what the nature of a person created from a wild beast and possessing its signs could be - mating indiscriminately and lack of responsibility for offspring. And the aliens, probably, still wanted a human society, not an animal society, to exist on Earth. And they "established" virginity as a kind of restriction on sexual relations, and inspired people that a woman should belong to one man.
The creators left these and other rules of life to their offspring, and humanity began its long journey forward, guided by the precepts of the forefathers...
bible about aliens
Aliens at the same time continued their exploration work and contacted their home planet. Sitchin claims that there was a space airport on the territory of Mesopotamia - with a landing field in Sippar and a control tower in Nippur. It is interesting that if you draw a straight line through these cities, then it will be 45 degrees to the meridian passing through Ararat, which could serve as a guide for landing.
The aliens continued their work, people were fruitful and multiplied and, probably, did not quite correspond to the aliens' ideas about a righteous life, which upset the "owners" a lot. However, in the Bible there is a mention that the sons of God had relations with the daughters of men, which upset God - probably among the aliens themselves there were discords and conflicts about this. And, most likely, the aliens had a certain commander, flight leader, who was responsible for the team and its morality.
And then the Flood happened - probably for some astronomical reasons that caused a natural cataclysm. The aliens knew about it in advance and warned only the righteous Noah (not forgetting to suggest that the flood is a punishment for sins, so that Noah's tribe began to build life according to more righteous principles), who was saved on his Ark.
However, the aliens themselves also remained alive, restored their spaceports and continued to build new ones - for example, in Egypt. But one day they nevertheless left the Earth - for one reason or another, leaving on it the creation of their own hands - a reasonable person who is forced to constantly fight with his bestial essence ...
But all this does not provide an answer to the biggest mystery of the universe. Even if people were created by aliens - who created the aliens themselves, where did the mind come from in the cold abyss of space? ..

The theory of external interference of the origin of man gained popularity only in the 20th century. And although mainstream science does not recognize this concept, adhering to the traditional point of view that man arose as a result of evolutionary changes, many people believe that this was not without the intervention of inhabitants of other planets.

Gift from aliens

There are several so-called "cosmic" theories human origin . The theory of the introduction of bacteria from space is called the concept of panspermia. According to this theory, the first bacteria came to Earth from outer space, which later began to adapt to new conditions and evolve.

This theory was once supported by very famous scientists, and even today it is believed that it is quite viable - only the irrefutable evidence that scientists hope to receive as a result of research on other planets, as well as samples of meteorites that fall on Earth, is missing.

There are other concepts as well. According to them, life on Earth arose spontaneously, but the planet owes the emergence of Homo sapiens to guests from other planets. For some reason aliens decided to grow a population of people on Earth. The purpose of this experiment is, of course, unknown. Perhaps the aliens needed slaves, or perhaps the creation of humanity was the result of an experiment.

There are other versions. For example, someone believes that people are direct descendants of aliens who once ended up on Earth and could not fly away from it. There is even a version that the Earth served as a kind of prison, where humanoids from other planets were sent into exile, and they already gave offspring adapted to earthly life.

Ufological theory of human origin

Ufological, or alien human origin theory says that people on Earth appeared as a result of the activities of aliens. As to what exactly this activity was, opinions differ. There is a version that aliens from the very beginning controlled what was happening on Earth, and the first life forms appeared with their help. In the future, guests from other planets periodically intervened in the processes of evolution. For example, they changed the genetic code of monkeys, turning them into people.

According to another version, life on Earth originated spontaneously, and only later did aliens intervene in what was happening. The paleovisit theory of the origin of man suggests that in ancient times the Earth was visited by aliens who had a significant impact on the development of mankind and even on its appearance as such. That is, guests from other planets arrived on a planet where there was no intelligent life, and through some of their advanced technologies made people intelligent.

In general, the idea of ​​aliens visiting the Earth cannot be considered completely unfounded - this theory explains a lot. For example, if we assume that at one time the inhabitants of another planet with advanced technologies were in close contact with earthlings, it becomes clear how various ancient buildings were created that people simply could not create without the right tools. Egyptian and South American pyramids, statues from Easter Island and other gigantic structures could have been built with the participation of aliens, although ufologists cannot prove this.

Besides, contact with aliens can also explain various mysterious images, including rock paintings dating back to the Paleolithic era, where clear outlines of people (humanoids) in spacesuits are visible. The idea present in almost all religions that the gods live in heaven and only occasionally descend from them also speaks in favor of the ufological theory and the theory of paleocontact.

Alien targets

Why did the inhabitants of other planets need to create intelligent people? There is no answer to this question. The most popular version is that the aliens were interested in some earthly resources, and obedient slaves were required for their extraction. This theory is indirectly confirmed by some ancient religions, which say that the gods created slaves for themselves - people. At the same time, it remains unclear what particularly valuable resources the Earth could have in order to attract aliens in such a way. And it seems doubtful that at the level of civilization that made interstellar flights available, the aliens were so in need of unskilled labor.

It is also unlikely that the aliens planned to use the Earth for life or as a base, for example, a military one. The creation of mankind is more like an experiment that could be carried out for purposes that people do not know about. It is impossible to say whether the experiment was a success or not, whether it helped the aliens to draw any conclusions, and, finally, whether it ended or is still ongoing. The experimental theory, like the rest, has no evidence.


In modern science, the principle of "Occam's razor" dominates - in the case of several explanations for the same phenomenon, preference is given to the simplest explanation. The visit of aliens is clearly not one of the simplest explanations, especially since this theory is based solely on assumptions and assumptions.

The theory of the alien origin of man appeared in the 20th century, after the scientific and technological revolution and the beginning of space exploration. However, the knowledge of that time was not yet complete enough to understand and evaluate the alleged possibilities of a civilization whose representatives could travel to other planets and create new species for any purpose. Many conclusions of ufologists of the last century already seem naive today.

It can also be assumed that aliens visited the Earth with some goals. But this cannot mean in any way that humanity owes its existence to them. There is no even indirect evidence that guests from other planets influenced the genes of primitive people. Thus, this hypothesis remains so far only a fantasy.

Maria Bykova