letter of gratitude, typical phrases - business speech for civil servants library of Russian textbooks. Business correspondence etiquette

Not every person can express their thoughts beautifully and correctly. But sometimes you need to choose the right speech, convey your spiritual impulses to your interlocutor or society. Phrases of gratitude are the limit of politeness and good manners. Sometimes a simple word “thank you” is not enough. Everyone has situations in life when they need to thank a colleague, friend, or even a casual acquaintance. Do it beautifully, let the words bring a smile and joy!

From the heart and soul

Phrases of gratitude must be chosen with special care. After all, the one to whom they are intended should feel your sincerity and cordiality. Let it not be a formal speech, color it with emotions, gestures, and a smile. Try to explain in detail how the help, advice or action worked. Don't be shy about your feelings, say what you think. Be sure to come up with an appeal to someone who helped in a difficult situation. Let it be not just a name, but something tender, affectionate, expressing gratitude:

  • kindest person;
  • savior, messenger from heaven, the best I know;
  • faithful comrade, good fairy, wizard.

Such simple words will bring a smile to the interlocutor’s face and charge them with energy for other good deeds. After all, expressing gratitude for help is not at all difficult, but it’s so nice.

Key words

Having come up with an appeal, you can move on. The bulk of the speech is up to you personally. How ready are you to open up to a person, how great is your gratitude? These phrases will help you construct the correct text that you will pronounce while looking into the eyes of someone who did not refuse help. Simple phrases of gratitude touch to the core:

  • “It is impossible to express your help and warm attitude, because this is such a rarity in our world. Many people have forgotten the concept of “compassion,” but you have it in abundance. Share your kindness, irrepressible energy and cheerful disposition. And then the world will become much brighter. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your assistance."
  • “A low bow to you, kindest man! These phrases of gratitude will not express all my feelings. You supported me in difficult times, extended a helping hand. Let this bright hand receive as much as it gives! After all, you are always ready to extend it to those who are in difficulty.” .
  • “Thank you - huge and sincere! Your help was needed like air! We received it, free of charge and from all your kind hearts! We thank you and remain your humble servants and debtors! As soon as you need our support, let us know immediately, and we will arrive at that "In a moment! Many thanks and bow."

Such gratitude in prose will be appropriate in many cases. Don't forget about the power of words. You need to say “thank you” even for every little thing, and if you received real help, you should not skimp on gratitude.

The Wonder Years

School is the best time in every person's life. It’s a pity that we understand this many years later. Graduates and their parents must express words of gratitude to the teacher. After all, he invested knowledge, soul and strength into them. This profession is usually chosen by kind and creative individuals. Coping with several dozen children is very difficult. You need to find an approach to everyone, look into their soul and inspire trust. Material gifts, of course, also do not hurt teachers, but the most important thing is words of gratitude.


You can thank the teacher in a duet. Choose from the class the most artistic child with good diction and the same parent. Let them take turns saying phrases, and then present the teacher with a huge bouquet. Deliver the words from the heart, sincerely and touchingly: “Dear and beloved cool fairy! We have grown to love you very much over the years. We would like to wish you success in your work, health and prosperity! But most importantly, we want to say thank you! For your patience and understanding, for your love and sometimes necessary severity. After all, it is so difficult to find with children, to put light, eternal things into their heads. You raised us with dignity, instilled in us a love for the world, nature, and our neighbor. This is a huge, titanic work! Keep up the good work, don't lose your charm and kindness. We will always remember you with a smile on our faces! Our deepest bow and gratitude to you for life!”

The teacher will definitely like such phrases of gratitude. The speech will not be feigned, but sincere and sincere.

A simple "thank you"

Sometimes pride gets in the way of accepting help and support. But if it is necessary, there is no other choice. But saying words of gratitude usually happens easily and in one breath. If you received help, be sure to express gratitude in prose, poetry, in writing - it doesn’t matter. Saying “thank you” is very simple. Prepare your speech in advance or write it down in a beautiful card:

  • “Thank you for your help and assistance! You helped at the right time, most importantly, from the bottom of your heart, without excuses or delays. and kiss your hands!”
  • “Your help was invaluable. Thank you for your support, I will definitely respond in kind in the near future!”

Such simple preparations can be supplemented with specifics. Feel free to express what has accumulated inside.

Gerber Richard


New opportunities for self-healing

This book is dedicated to the vast spiritual Hierarchy that silently works for the upliftment of humanity

Medicine of the future - from mechanics to the sphere of mind and spirit

Dr. Richard Gerber provides extensive, carefully selected information about the subtle energy anatomy of man... This book describes important bioenergetic principles, the use of which is relevant in our time for the development of new, so-called “Einsteinian” medicine. In addition, I would recommend this book both as a reference for academics and as a guide for lay people wishing to expand their knowledge. It will also be of interest to students trying to determine their views on the near future.

Ph.D Dolores Krieger,

professor of medicine at New York University,

Anyone familiar with the latest trends in medicine will easily agree that modern doctors, like physicists, deal with increasingly subtle forms of energies when diagnosing and treating human diseases. Such trends can only be welcomed. They will certainly bring new technologies to medicine, with the help of which we will be able to distinguish the subtle energy manifestations of our mind and body. This, in turn, will require an appropriate treatment approach. Nobody shoots sparrows with guns or tries to manipulate electrons with hammers; in the same way, many diseases cannot be cured only by our usual “guns” and “hammers” - drugs and surgery.

Dr. Richard Gerber has taken an important step in exploring the higher energy levels of human beings - that realm where consciousness and body come together, where mind and matter merge. But it does not at all require the reader to plunge headlong into unbridled mysticism and abandon the well-proven methods of traditional therapy. Rather, he proposes to supplement our knowledge of man with ideas about his connections with higher energy levels, the very existence of which is questioned by supporters of the most widespread - mechanistic - paradigm. Dr. Gerber vividly and imaginatively describes the inner aspects of the healing process that are usually not taken into account by most healers who have not been exposed to higher knowledge. His book allows us to go beyond mechanistic concepts, enters the realm of the mind and spirit, and shows that such an approach will be a decisive factor in the development of the medicine of the future.

M.D Larry Dossey

An exceptionally easy-to-read and understandable presentation of views on health and disease.

Marilyn Ferguson

Dr. Richard Gerber's well-reasoned essay on alternative treatments is the book we've been waiting for. The methods described here can help thousands of people seeking non-toxic healing. The information presented in the book represents a synthesis of various holistic approaches, which gives hope for solving many medical problems. The description of a large number of recent studies expands the horizon of our knowledge. Known for his outstanding medical achievements, Dr. Gerber's book provides us with very reliable information about the holistic movement.

M.D Abram Ver,

Arizona State Board of Homeopathic Medicine

Dr. Gerber must be commended for the courage with which he describes the latest techniques in therapy and the healing arts. He touches on issues that reflect the deep essence of esotericism. This is the only book that attempts to justify the use of all major types of healing energies and discusses their interrelationships in detail. I am glad that Dr. Gerber chose such an interesting topic that certainly deserves detailed consideration. It is clear that he risks causing the disdain of conservative circles, especially in those cases when he focuses on esotericism, on an unconventional, “subtle energy” approach to reality, but the need for this book is long overdue. Bravo! Dr. Gerber has written a book that everyone in the medical field should read.

M.D Robert Lechman,

Over the past thirty years, there has been a gradual shift in the healing paradigm from the monotheism of scientific medicine towards the concept of holistic medicine, which was previously called energetic medicine. Dr. Gerber's definition of "vibrational" falls into the same category. This book covers well the border area between science and metaphysics, and can serve as a valuable guide for those who are ready to join the energy worldview. Currently, scientists and doctors are stuck in the “Newtonian” model of reality and their worldview will remain in the Procrustean bed of this concept until the “world of etheric energies” is more fully explored. Dr. Gerber's book is a good guide for those who are trying to expand the boundaries of their consciousness.

Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Philosophy K. Norman Shaley

President of the American Medical Association

Every atom of the human body is made up of electronic vibrations. Every particle of the body, every organ and cell contains an electronic vibrational structure that nourishes them and maintains their homeostasis. When this or that organ, this or that part of the body begins to experience a lack of strength to maintain the homeostatic balance necessary for its physical existence, it means that this body system simply does not have enough electronic energy. The reason for this may be injury, illness, or some external factors.

Edgar Cayce

From the book "This Is a River" by Thomas Sugrue

Although this book was written by a physician and discusses various treatment methods, it is not my intention to give specific recommendations or advice regarding how to treat specific ailments. The book examines the mechanisms of action on the body of various types of alternative medicine, which can serve as auxiliaries in treatment with traditional methods. Reading this book cannot replace conventional medical diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, before attempting to use the therapies mentioned herein, the reader should consult with a professional physician or alternative healer to determine the best therapeutic method of diagnosis and treatment.

For the average reader - especially those without medical training - it is recommended that you read the "Key Points to Remember" section at the end of each chapter first, and then read the chapter from beginning to end. This way of working may be the best way to make sense of large amounts of information. It lays the foundation for understanding the subsequent chapters. In addition, it is recommended to read all chapters of the book in direct sequence, since the content of each subsequent chapter is based on the information presented in the previous one.

M.D Richard Gerber


Special thanks to Gurudas for permission to quote at length from his book, Flower Extracts and Vibrational Healing (© Gurudas, 1983, Brotherhood of Life, Inc., Albuquerque, New Mexico). Thanks also to Dr. Robert Leichtman for permission to quote material from the book Nikola Tesla Returns (© Ariel Press, 1930), as well as for material from the book Einstein Returns (© Light, 1982, ed. at Ariel Press, Columbus, Ohio). With permission of the author, excerpts from James J. Hartack's book The Keys of Enoch are reprinted (© J. J. Hartack, 1977, Academy of Future Science, Los Gatos, California). Quotations are taken from Alice A. Bailey's book Esoteric Healing (© Lukis Trust, 1953, Lukis Press Limited). Special thanks to John Remsel and the Dr. Edward Bach Treatment Center for permission to reproduce data published in Dr. Edward Bach's book, Heal Yourself (© Dr. Edward Bach Treatment Center, 1931, reprinted by Keete Publishing Company, New Kenan , Connecticut).

Thanks also to Mirtala Bentov for permission to use material from her late husband Itzhak Bentov's book, Catching the Crazy Pendulum (© Itzhak Bentov, 1977, E.P. Dutton, New York). Special thanks to Belly Richardson for permission to quote from his book, The Spiritual Value of Jim Stone (© Belly J. Richardson, 1930, DeVorss and Company, California). Thanks also to De Vors and Company for permission to quote Shafika Karagullah and Viola Petit Nil's book Through the Curtain (© Shafika Karagullah MD, 1983). From John W. Travis and Sarah Ryan's book "The Wellness Guide" is an excerpt from "Feeling Bad and Well" (© John W. Travis, M.D., 1972, 1931, Tan Speed ​​Press, 1981, adapted with permission of the author). Many thanks also to Dr. William Tyler for permission to quote materials and use graphics from his work.


This book is the result of more than 12 years of research and internal search. Although many scientists and researchers are mentioned in its pages, only a few of them have had a truly profound influence on my thinking. The ideas of these people inspired me; their writings stimulated my creative thinking. My understanding has increased to such a level that it has dramatically affected both the perception of myself and the perception of humanity and the Universe as a whole. The realm of physical manifestations represents only a small part of the vast multidimensional reality over which we humans have much more control than this may seem at first glance. By helping themselves and others appreciate the limitlessness of human potential (especially in an area such as healing), these people helped me find my own path.

I would like to thank the pioneers for their efforts and work that have inspired me: Marilyn Ferguson, Robert Monroe, Karl Simonton, Anna and Herbert Puryear, Judith Scat Whitson and William Whitson, Abram Behr, Robert Leichtman, Dolores Krieger, Bru Joy, Bernard Gred, Alice Bailey, Jane Roberts and Seth, Hilarion, Itzhak Bentov, Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, Stanley Krischer, Shafik Karagull, Viola Petit Nil, Ken Pelletier, Meridith Lady Young, Albert Einstein, William Tiller, Nikola Tesla, Edgar Cayce , Edward Bach, Kevin Ryerson, Gurudas, Gabriel Kazans, Geoffrey Hodson, Charles Leadbeater, Rudolf Steiner, Thelma Moss, David Bohm, Dayel Walker, Charles Tart, David Tansley, Harry Oldfield, Elmer and Alice Green, Marcel Vogel, James Hurtak, Semyon and Valentina Kirlian, Ion Dumitrescu, Victor Inyushin, Lou Golden and John Fetzer

The research, actions, and creative support of these people helped bring my book to life.

In a metaphorical sense, writing and publishing this book can be likened to birth. My publishers at Bare and Company, Barbara and Jerry Klau, and their highly skilled staff—executive editor Gail Vivino and designer Angela Wernicke—were like spiritual midwives, helping me deliver the baby after a long period of gestation. I want to thank them for their help, creativity, and willingness to work from my personal vision of what this book should be. Special thanks go to my wife Lyn for her many hours of editing and rewriting. Without her help and patience, this book would never have come into being in the form in which it appears before you.

I would like to give special thanks to Dr. William Tiller and Dr. Gabriel Cousins ​​for taking the time to write the Foreword and Introduction to this book. Their assistance was especially helpful in the final stages of the work.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Steven P. Jobs and his Macintosh development team at Apple Computer Inc. for his creative approach to creating the Macintosh computer. Without my Macintosh (with which the entire book was created), without its ability to synthesize ideas, pictures and images so effectively and simply, I would never have found the time to complete the work in full.


Dr. William A. Tiller

Until recently, science and traditional Western medicine assumed that living organisms maintain their existence through the following system of interrelated reactions:

Scheme 1

The cause of disruption of the normal functioning of the body is considered to be structural defects in the system that arise due to metabolic imbalance. It is recognized that the chemical level of homeostasis may depend on a connection with the deeper energetic structure of the body, but there is no clearer explanation for this connection. Only recently have scientists begun to recognize the importance of the interaction between body chemistry and electromagnetic fields. Research in neuropsychiatry suggests that small currents flowing between specific areas of the brain cause changes in behavior similar to those caused by the effects of certain chemicals on the brain. Small direct electric currents (10 -12 A/mm 2 - 10 -9 A/mm 2) applied to leukocytes in a test tube stimulated cell regeneration, while higher power currents produced degeneration. Similar studies were conducted to further improve methods of treating fractures in animals and humans. Although we do not yet fully understand the mechanisms by which electric and magnetic fields are involved in cellular metabolism, it is necessary to transform Diagram 1 into the following:

Scheme 2

An illustration for Scheme 2 can be Wolf’s law, which describes changes in bone structure. According to this law, as a result of the fact that a certain mechanical pressure is applied to a certain part of the bone for a long time, new trabeculae are formed in it - precisely in those places that need maximum support due to the uneven distribution of the load. The electromagnetic field generated under the influence of physical pressure affects fibers and collagens that have piezoelectric properties. This field and the microcurrents associated with it regulate the distribution of ions and colloids in liquids located in this area. Ions and colloids are concentrated in certain zones, resulting in clearly defined agglomerations and concentrations. These new semisolid structures mature, become coated with a layer of calcium, and eventually form microstructures that form trabeculae. It can be assumed that such cause-and-effect chains can also be activated by subtle energy stress of an emotional or mental nature.

Scheme 2 is inaccurate because it does not take mental phenomena into account. Under hypnosis, the human body demonstrates extraordinary strength and endurance, which indicates the presence of certain subconscious “mentality-structure” connections. In Aikido, Zen, and yogic practices we see the manifestation of a conscious connection between the structures, mentality and functions of the body. Recent studies have shown that directed thinking can control not only various autonomic physiological functions (for example, skin temperature or pain), but also accelerate regeneration processes. Modern psychotherapists know that some chemical drugs affect the mental state, and certain effects on mentality lead to changes at the physiological (chemical) level. Therefore, the diagram in Diagram 2 needs to be supplemented with the element “mental fields”. But there are other fields, the structural features and functioning of which are currently not fully understood. They, too, apparently participate in this process. Let us designate them (including mental ones) as “subtle energy”. Scheme 2 will look like this:

Scheme 3

Scheme 3 can be considered as a model of a living organism, cell or membrane. Each link in this chain of reactions maintains its homeostasis with the help of the link located to the right of it. The development of a serious imbalance in any of the links in the chain will sooner or later lead to a disruption of homeostasis in the link on the left. To obtain information about possible disturbances in the bioelectric system, it is necessary to observe its subtle energy fields. Unfortunately, we still know too little about their nature and character, so at the moment the basis for early diagnosis of diseases should be systematic monitoring of the characteristics of electric fields. This means that in order to learn how to prevent disruption of the homeostasis of a biological system, it is first necessary to create a tool for monitoring the state of its electric fields. Fortunately, our technical capabilities in this area have grown significantly over the past few decades. Currently, doctors have at their disposal a whole range of advanced electrical measuring equipment for quickly diagnosing a person’s health condition. Many healers also began to use various devices. It is very important to understand exactly what parameters of electric fields they measure in the human body. Based on extensive information about the electrical properties of microscopic areas of the skin (acupuncture points), it is possible to formulate the key characteristics of the three main diagnostic tools currently available on the market. One of them, the Voll device, is used for diagnosis in homeopathic treatment. It allows the healer to build a narrow bridge over the abyss that currently exists between the physical and subtle energy planes of existence. The relationship between these plans is shown in

Diagram 3. To strengthen this bridge and explore subtle energy phenomena using scientific methods, we must clearly understand the fundamental principles of homeopathy and its relationship with traditional Western medicine. There is a big difference between allopathic and homeopathic treatments as allopaths focus on disease rather than health. They proceed from the fact that a specific disease always corresponds to certain symptoms that are fairly easy to detect. However, the relationship with more subtle aspects of health turns out to be much more difficult to measure. Traditional allopathic medicine deals with the chemical and structural components of the body at the familiar four-dimensional space-time level, which gives every reason to call it object-based medicine. Within the framework of traditional medicine approaches, a lot of laboratory data have been obtained that confirm the validity of the point of view of a person as just a physical and chemical entity. The perception of most of our contemporaries is oriented precisely towards this approach. Homeopathic medicine deals only indirectly with the chemistry and structure of the body and attempts to manipulate energies on a more subtle level. Homeopathy should be called subjective medicine for the following reasons:

1) it deals with energy that is strongly influenced by the mental and emotional activities of individuals;

2) to date, sufficiently reliable diagnostic equipment has not been developed that could confirm the hypotheses of homeopaths.

A necessary condition for creating a reliable scientific foundation for homeopathy is the availability of both theoretical justification and equipment for experiments in the study of subtle energies. Based on the above, Scheme 3 should take the following form:

Allopathic medicine follows the route that links the subtle energy fields with the functioning of the human body - this is indicated at the top of this equation. Homeopathy follows the path shown at the bottom of the diagram. Concretization of the “subtle energies” element indicated in Diagram 3 leads to the formation of a “series-parallel chain” of Diagram 4, where each of the two levels of chemistry and energy exists and functions within its own type of space-time.

Scheme 4

The book offered to the reader by Richard Gerber is an attempt to build a conceptual bridge from modern allopathic medicine to the future medicine of subtle energies. The main idea of ​​this book is to determine the expected future development of medicine. To appreciate the author's synthesis of vibrational concepts, it is not necessary to agree with all the details of his reasoning. It is the book's overall synthesis of information and perspective that Dr. Gerber believes will be of most interest to the reader.

I liked this book myself. I read it with pleasure and believe that it appeared on time. I don't agree with everything in it, but in general the author's views correspond to some of my fundamental beliefs, for example:

We are all elements of spirit, indestructible and eternal. We have a unique perception mechanism. In my theoretical model, the human mind is divided into three levels - instinctive, intellectual and spiritual; consciousness is assumed to operate within a six-dimensional spatial framework.

Consciousness is formed by the carrier of perception - the human body, which is connected with the surrounding Universe by countless threads. Every person is a spiritual being. It is enclosed in a carrier of consciousness endowed with the ability to perceive (the human body), which carries out the program embedded in it. The human essence is connected with the carrier through the emotional sphere. The substance that is used to create this medium, or "simulator" has a dual nature. One part of it is electrical in nature and moves at a speed equal to or less than the speed of propagation of electromagnetic waves. It has positive energy, positive mass and forms a physical component simulator. The other part, magnetic, has the ability to move at speeds exceeding the speed of propagation of electromagnetic fields, and has negative entropy. It forms the etheric component simulator. The total sum of both energies is zero, as is the sum of their entropy.

Thus, simulator(or vehicle) as a whole is created from what we call "empty space", or from the space of pure consciousness, through a process such as fluctuation. This simulator is nothing other than the “world of appearances and forms,” the world of relative reality, which we give shape to with our consciousness. Beyond it lies the Absolute! To appreciate the “absolute”, one must learn to penetrate the “relative”. However, everyone who reads this book is part of the named simulator, and when we talk about holistic health and new medicine, we are talking about medicine built on the basis of material simulator. We know quite a lot about the physical aspect of this material, but we know very little about its conjugate (ethereal) component. The time has come for its serious study in order to compensate for the existing bias towards treating only the physical (material) component of the simulator. This book is a serious contribution to the formation of a new approach necessary for the successful development of this area.

Professor, Ph.D. William A. Tiller

Faculty of Materials Science and Design,

Stanford University. June 1987


Sir Arthur Edington once said: “It is indeed easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a scientist to go through a door, whether it be a barn door or a church door. It would be wiser for a scientist to admit that he is ordinary.” man, and simply walk through the door, rather than wait until all the difficulties associated with a truly scientific analysis of this process are resolved." His Vibrational medicine Dr. Richard Gerber not only helps us walk through the door to understanding and accepting vibrational medicine, but also explores the door itself. His book is an encyclopedic, comprehensive examination of the theoretical foundations and practical achievements of vibrational medicine. The author offers a new point of view on the human body, combining several levels of human existence - from the physical to the ethereal. He also includes subtle energy harmonics of spiritual levels in his model. After reading the book, we begin to perceive the human body as a system of multidimensional energy fields in a state of continuous interaction.

By providing a scientific description of this model and supporting it with the latest clinical and laboratory research, the author allows the reader to better understand the body-mind-spirit language used in holistic medicine today. However, the reader should remember that the models mentioned do not necessarily describe reality in its entirety - rather, they serve as a conceptual tool for better understanding the mechanisms being modeled. Even the idea of ​​energy is a concept. If the followers of the generally accepted point of view in modern medicine clearly understood that Newton's mechanistic approach is only a model built on ideas that were two hundred years old, then the transition to another model - Einstein's quantum one - would be carried out with much less resistance. Unfortunately, modern academic medicine still behaves as if it believed in the reality of Newtonian concepts, although over the past fifty years it has been convincingly proven that this model is neither accurate nor complete.

The particular significance of Dr. Gerber's work lies in the creation of a model of interaction between the physical and etheric planes of existence. He provides a correct explanation of the mechanism of interaction between acupuncture meridians, traced using the AMI device invented by Dr. Motoyama. The author describes an improved diagnostic technique based on Kirlian electrography. This technique allows you to see exactly how the etheric body forms a holographic magnetic grid that interacts with the electrical substance and cells of the physical body. The meridian system here acts as a key communication system between the etheric and physical planes of existence. The author provides convincing evidence of the possibility of using this connection for diagnostic purposes, since diseases can be detected on the etheric level even before they manifest themselves on the physical plane.

Dr. Gerber comes to the conclusion that early diagnosis of diseases at the etheric level will allow appropriate measures to be taken in a timely manner and prevent the development of physical pathology. A detailed description of the methodology for using equipment created to observe the physical-ether interaction creates the prerequisites for the transition to the practical use of the concept of physical-ether interaction. This forces most traditionalist skeptics to pay attention to the facts indicating the existence of such an interaction.

The Tiller-Einstein model, which is described in this book, describes etheric energies as magnetoelectric energies belonging to negative space-time and capable of propagating at superluminal speeds. The adoption of this concept allows us to understand in general the nature of physical-ethereal interactions between matter and energy, as well as the complexity of the problem of measuring the quantitative characteristics of these ethereal (magnetoelectric) fields. They cannot be detected by conventional instruments that measure electromagnetic parameters inherent in the phenomena of positive space-time. This book is very useful for those wishing to become familiar with the latest research in this area. It tells about the attempts of scientists to determine the parameters of etheric magnetoelectric energies using biological systems - such as enzyme functions, the influence of healers on the processes of crystallization of water and shifts in the angles of hydrogen-oxygen axial bonds in its molecules. This book consistently, convincingly and carefully prepares the reader for the conclusion that the human body is a combination of interacting multidimensional systems of subtle energy. Imbalance of these energy systems can lead to pathological changes that manifest themselves on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes of existence. The book describes how these disorders can be healed by restoring the balance of subtle energy structures. Correction of frequency parameters is carried out using vibration medicine. Dr. Gerber provides ample evidence for the assertion that the frequency of energetic vibrations of a weakened or unbalanced human body is different from that which is characteristic of it in a state of harmony. A deviation of the vibration frequency from the norm suggests the presence of an energy imbalance. If a person cannot independently restore the normal energy balance and return to a harmonious frequency, then he needs energy replenishment with specially selected frequency parameters. This is exactly what vibrational medicine does.

The book provides an excellent overview of the different perspectives on vibrational medicine. What is especially valuable is how Dr. Gerber relates them to his generalizing model. As a result, we have a very useful summary work on vibration medicine, which is understandable to both medical professionals and people simply interested in their health. The transition from a materialistic, mechanistic - Newtonian worldview to an Einsteinian quantum mechanical one will change the entire face of medicine, as well as the ideas of the people involved in it. We will return again to the holistic worldview that people have had for thousands of years. It allowed the healer to see human health from a holistic perspective, as part of the overall system of relationships in the Universe. Moreover, a true healer himself is an example of a harmonious whole. I saw such healers in India, working according to the Ayurveda system. I have heard about their existence among Taoists, Indian healers and the Tibetan Hunza people. In Western culture, similar medical methods were used by the Essenes more than two thousand years ago. The most prominent healers among them were John the Baptist, the Apostle John and, of course, Jesus. Their traditions were revived in the 15th century thanks to Constantine Africanus, who studied the Essene texts at the monastery of Monte Cassino and then taught them at the medical school in Salerno (Italy). Currently, there are healers who continue the tradition of harmonious holistic healing. Their commitment to love and health cannot be destroyed by any medical system or political power. This book gives such healers new encouragement.

It is important to understand that the healing that these people practice is based on their own harmony and love. This holism does not rely on modern diagnostic equipment or one or two progressive approaches. It is an approach focused on healing a person on all planes of his existence - from the physical and etheric to much higher energetic ones. It is this multi-level energetic approach that is most effective in healing the patient. From such a healer one can expect real help sooner than from numerous scattered alternative therapeutic methods.

This book can be seen as part of an emerging and growing medical consensus about which Dr. Gerber says: "A system of medicine that denies or ignores the existence of the spirit will be incomplete because it leaves out of research the most fundamental quality of human existence - spiritual dimension." He points out the fact (I discuss this in some detail in my book Spiritual Nutrition and the Rainbow Diet) that “the tissues that form physical forms in aphids support their existence not only with the help of oxygen, glucose and other chemicals, but” and with the help of high-frequency energies that give vitality to the physical form and enable creative self-expression." Health is the overall balance of our subtle energy systems, our physical body and natural forces. Being in a state of harmony, a person absorbs energy from many levels. Healers say that such people should approach the methods of vibrational medicine with caution.If the body is in a state of harmony (that is, the energy flows in it are balanced), then the use of the vibrational methods described in this book, even such as megavitamin treatment (doses of vitamins many times higher than the daily need) can potentially upset the energy balance.

Although vibrational medicine is an undeniable step forward, our health does not primarily depend on the doctor, healer or priest. First of all, it is determined by the integrity and harmony of our life in all its spheres. As we learn to live an integral life, constantly remaining harmonious at all its levels - in creative work, family, society, as well as in relation to the ecology of the planet - we ourselves will undergo a continuous process of self-healing of body functions, maintaining the harmony of energy processes and regeneration of damaged structures. We will study what Dr. Gerber, with his usual sense of humor, calls "A User's Guide to Operating Your Mentality." The importance of this book lies in the fact that it sets a new scientific paradigm that convincingly substantiates what healers have already known for thousands of years. The book articulates this understanding in scientific terms that allow us to make a smooth transition from the fragmented Newtonian understanding of health to the inextricable integrity of a worldview built on Einsteinian quantum mechanics. For anyone who is interested in vibrational medicine and feels the need to study the door before entering it, this book is an absolute must.

May we experience health, love and harmony at all levels of our existence!

Dr. Gabriel Cousins

October 1987

You can feel grateful for your friends, family, health, and circumstances, but you can't always express it. To truly express gratitude, you must be kind, open, and responsive, making people feel better. Take your time and let people know that you truly appreciate them. Just remember that being grateful means being happy.


How to express gratitude to loved ones

    Sign a thank you card. Thank you cards aren't just for expressing gratitude to teachers; they can be given to anyone who has positively impacted your life. You can sign a card like this for your favorite barista or your best friend, and you don't have to wait for a special occasion to give one. A thank you card to your loved one is a simple way to express how grateful you are to have them in your life.

    • You can also write a thank you note if you don't think your words of gratitude will fit in a card.
    • You can send cards to friends, even if they live near you, to create a special effect.
  1. Do things for your friends simply because they are your friends. If you want to show gratitude, it doesn't have to be doing something for your friends because they helped you or because you want to do something in return. Instead, help them simply because you care about them and you want to make their life easier. You can bring them coffee or food when they're busy, offer to babysit or walk the dog, or find another way to help a friend.

    • Be observant. Think about how you can really help your friend. If your friend is tired, tell him you will walk his dog and your friend can sleep for now. If your friend's room is a mess, help put everything in its place. Your friend may not even know what he needs until you suggest it.
    • Of course, your friends should do something in return too. You don't want people to take advantage of your kindness.
  2. Tell your family that you appreciate them very much. You may be taking family for granted without even realizing it. If you want to express how much you value your family, you should tell your loved ones every day that you love them. This way you will express your gratitude for everything they give you.

    • Tell them this in person or over the phone. Do this as often as possible. Your family is the people you accept for who they are, and it is very important to express your feelings towards them.
    • Show them how much they mean to you by giving them your time. Watch movies together, play board games or cook together. This is one way to express your gratitude.
    • Help your family around the house. Don't wait for your mom to force you to do the laundry; Do it yourself.
  3. Give meaningful gifts. Expressing gratitude does not mean buying expensive gifts; instead, you can find a way to express how much you appreciate the person through support and care. If your friend has been dreaming of a book for a long time, go with him to a meeting with the author of the book and buy it for him; If your friend is into yoga, but it's too expensive for him, give him a one-month membership.

    • Pay attention to what your friends and family tell you. If one of your friends mentions their favorite band, buy tickets to the concert.
    • If your mom mentions that she'd like to learn how to cook Italian food, buy her a cookbook.
    • You don't have to wait until your birthday or holiday to give a gift. Sometimes the best gifts are those that are simply given from the heart.
  4. Send flowers. Flowers can be sent for more than just a birthday or special occasion. You can send flowers to a friend or family just to show that you care about them and that you care about them. The next time you feel grateful or want to do something nice for a distant friend, call the flower shop and order a bouquet of flowers to make your friend happy.

    • If you find a way to find out your friend's favorite flowers, make a bouquet and send it in person.
  5. Bake something. You can bake banana bread, chocolate chip cookies, or one of your friend's favorite desserts to make him happy. You can deliver the cookies to your friend's house or mail them if they live far away. This is a great way to show gratitude because everyone knows how difficult it is to bake anything. Your friend or loved one will immediately understand how much you appreciate them and will be grateful to you.

    • Baking is especially good at showing your gratitude if you know the person needs some encouragement. Chocolate or sweets will make anyone feel better and can be a wonderful way to show you care.
  6. Respect your elders. Another way to express gratitude is to show respect to your elders. Whether you are close to your grandparents or simply spend time with older people, it is important to show how much you appreciate them. This is a wonderful way to express gratitude.

    • Listen to what they have to say and don't ignore them. They can teach you a lot.
  7. Help the person clean up. Another way to express gratitude to friends or family is by helping with housework or other assistance. Helping a person clean up will clear your mind and relieve that person of an unpleasant task. See if your parents or friends need help and just surprise them by tidying up.

    • If you're cleaning as a surprise, make sure the person doesn't mind you touching their things and doesn't feel like you're invading their personal space.
    • If you are a guest in someone's home for a few days, then cleaning will be a wonderful expression of gratitude.
  8. Give the person a list of everything they have done for you. Another way to express gratitude to a loved one is to provide a list of all the amazing things they have done for you, such as teaching you how to make a great noodle salad. You could make a list like this for your boss, family member, or friend; it will make the person feel better that you appreciate them.

    • You can even decorate the list with something so your loved one can hang it somewhere. If you really want to bring joy to a person, you can frame the list.
  9. Listen. You can also show your gratitude by listening to the person. Just be close to your loved one, spend time with him and make him feel that you love and appreciate him. Just sit next to the person, turn off your phone, maintain eye contact and listen rather than interrupting or making up an answer in your head. Some people just like to be listened to, and you can show that you care about a person by simply listening to them.

    • Don't give advice unless asked for it. Sometimes it's better not to do this.
    • Don't compare someone's experience to your own unless you think it will help. Instead, evaluate what you are being told from the other person's point of view.
  10. Express gratitude publicly. Another way to express gratitude is to thank someone in a public place. But you shouldn't make the person feel uncomfortable. You just have to show that he is dear to you and that you are grateful to him for the help he provided. Say a few sentences during dinner or a small gathering with friends to express gratitude for the role the person has played in your life.

    • You just have to speak sincerely and from the heart. You should give examples of what the person has done for you.
    • You will help the person feel proud if you express your gratitude publicly.

    Expressing gratitude to strangers

    1. Do a good deed. Doing a good deed will help you express gratitude to the world around you. You can send flowers to a stranger, put change in an expired parking meter, or do another good deed. The best thing about this is that you do everything anonymously. Here's what you can do:

      • transfer money or send clothes to charity;
      • teach someone something new;
      • listen to a person who feels lonely;
      • help a person find his way;
      • pay for coffee for the person next to you in line at the coffee shop.
    2. Offer to help. You can express your gratitude to a stranger by offering the help they need. While you don't have to overstep your bounds, you can help a woman carry bags of food to her car, help a man carry heavy bags to the door, or help a waiter clean up if he's busy. Make an effort and you can express gratitude in this way.

      • Look for opportunities to help other people. While you don't have to be assertive, many people are simply afraid to ask for help
    3. Smile. Just smile at people to make them feel better. You can smile at the person passing by, sitting next to you on the bus, or serving you coffee. Just smile to make the person feel good. You don't know what your smile could mean to a stranger. Your smile can cheer someone up and improve their mood.

      • Smiling at people in the service industry is a way of showing your gratitude. These people work long hours and feel the thanklessness of such work, so your smile can improve the situation.
    4. Let's tip. Another way to express gratitude is to tip for a job well done. Tips should be good, and this way you thank the waiter or anyone who provided you with any service. This is a small gesture that can help improve the financial situation of the people who help you in any way.

      • Leave a note for the waiter to express your gratitude. Many people spend the whole day at work without receiving any gratitude for their work.
    5. Respect the people around you. Another way to express gratitude is to respect the people around you. Respect other people's space and don't talk too loudly on the phone in quiet public places. Be kind and polite to strangers in the same room. Just make an effort and treat people with the respect and kindness they deserve.

      • Treat people the way you would like to be treated. Don't trespass on other people's personal space. Give up your seat on the bus. Smile at people who look sad.
      • Good manners are a great way to show respect. Don't swear, chew with your mouth open, or interrupt other people.
      • Give people your full attention, show interest in what they have to say, and listen to them fully.
    6. Be a good citizen. You can also show gratitude to the world by being a good citizen. This means parking your car in only one place, picking up your trash, allowing pedestrians to pass, or doing anything else to show your respect to the community. If you litter the world around you or leave your supermarket cart in the middle of a parking lot, you will be an ungrateful citizen.

      • Remember that the world does not belong to you. Always remember to put things in their place and not wait for someone else to do it.
      • Fulfill your civic responsibilities. Vote for the president and in local elections, and pay taxes.
    7. Give compliments. You can also show gratitude by complimenting people around you. Since we're talking about strangers, you shouldn't make people feel awkward. Just say: “Cool shirt!” or “I like your flowers!” This will make the person feel special. You can give compliments regularly.

      • Think about unique, weird and original aspects. If someone walks in wearing a great shirt, compliment them and the person will be pleased with their own appearance.
      • If someone has a charming smile, say so. But you must do it in such a way that the person does not think that you are hinting at something.

    How to Live a More Grateful Life

    1. Keep a gratitude journal. If you want to make gratitude a habit, you should start with a gratitude journal and write down each week what you feel grateful for. Just pick a day, like Sunday, and make a list of 10-20 things you're grateful for. You may feel like it's no big deal, but if you think about it, you'll realize that there are a lot of things in life to be grateful for.

      • If you read your journal once a month, you can feel how grateful you are for a particular event.
      • You can even stick the list next to your computer to help you get inspired during your workday.


      Dr. Adam Dorsey is a licensed psychologist in private practice in San Jose, California. She specializes in working with successful adult clients, helping them resolve relationship problems, manage stress and anxiety, and create happier lives. In 2016, he gave a TEDx speech on men and emotions, which became very popular. He is one of the creators of Project Reciprocity, an international program at Facebook. Currently consults for Digital Ocean, assisting its security team. Received a degree in clinical psychology in 2008.

      Licensed Psychologist and TEDx Speaker

      Pro Tip: sincerity is everything. Adam Dorsey, a licensed psychologist, says: "There is solid scientific evidence that certain parts of the brain are fueled, when we practice gratitude daily. It’s important not to just say thank you and roll your eyes. If you are able to give sincere thanks, you can benefit from the healing effects of gratitude, which may include a surge of happiness and reduction in symptoms associated with anxiety and depression.”

    2. Do yoga. Yoga is the practice of gratitude. If you want to make gratitude a part of your lifestyle, practice yoga 2-3 times a week and say “namaste” to express gratitude for every breath you take. You can also do yoga at home if that's more convenient for you.

      • Practicing yoga means letting go of judgment and expressing gratitude for the healthy body you have been given. This means you welcome the world and feel good.
      • You need to practice yoga at your own pace and not judge other people’s inability. This helps you become more grateful to the world around you.

Expressing sincere gratitude in words is not always easy. It’s not for nothing that successful people prepare words of gratitude in advance for important moments in their lives. Familiarization with the basic rules in advance will allow you to learn how to say thank you in beautiful words to your family, colleagues, teachers or boss.

What's your last name?
- OK, thank you! And yours?
author unknown

Basic rules for expressing gratitude with words for congratulations

Words of gratitude differ depending on who they are intended for. Relationships with loved ones (loved ones, parents, friends) require sincere and warm words of gratitude. Difficulties most often arise when you need to express gratitude for congratulations to work colleagues, boss or teachers.

As a rule, at work the whole team congratulates their colleague on a significant event, so words of gratitude should be brief, but meaningful and sincere. Working in a team sometimes forces people with completely different character and temperament to communicate. A special relationship is established with each colleague: friendly or almost friendly with some, neutral with others, and hostile with others. You can, of course, say thank you to your teachers, boss or colleagues using general phrases, but it’s better to prepare something more suitable for a specific situation.

You can learn how to say “thank you” in beautiful words for congratulations on your birthday or any other holiday by familiarizing yourself with the simple rules:
  • prepare words of gratitude in advance;
  • speak sincerely;
  • pay attention to gestures and facial expressions;
  • include in the words of gratitude the name of the person to whom it is addressed;
  • speak clearly;
  • smile;
  • do not be intrusive.
Gratitude is a moment of reciprocity. Every person is pleased to be appreciated, singled out, and congratulated. With the help of words of gratitude you can express how pleasant this attitude is. You can rehearse the day before and come up with basic phrases and work on gestures and facial expressions.

Words of gratitude

When pronouncing words of gratitude, you need to try to highlight a few points that you especially liked about the congratulation. For example, you can say this: “Sincere thanks to everyone for your congratulations and kind words. Indeed, health (, success) is the most important thing in our lives.” You can thank someone beautifully by looking into a person’s eyes, it’s easier to express feelings. If there are several congratulators, you can look a little higher than the faces of the audience, so those congratulating will have the feeling that the hero of the event is looking at everyone.

Words of gratitude for a gift are not much different from gratitude for congratulations. If possible, you should unpack and look at the gift right away, so the gratitude will look more appropriate and genuine. Saying thank you for a song given, for example, on a wedding day or birthday needs to be emotional and from the heart, because the givers wanted to awaken pleasant emotions and memories, and this is the most precious gift.

How to express gratitude for a service

When a person helps his neighbor, it is a sign of kindness and self-sacrifice. In this case, it is necessary to express gratitude, because the person spent his time and paid attention. As a rule, in this case they resort to material gratitude (flowers, sweets, etc.), which is not prohibited in some cases. However, a dry presentation is unlikely to leave a good impression on a person. Words of gratitude in this case should be concise, expressing how valuable the assistance or service provided was.

It is not advisable to limit yourself to a banal “thank you”; it is better to make some accents, for example, say this: “Sincere thanks for your help with the report. Without your advice it would have been very difficult.” When saying gratitude, it is better to look directly at the person without hiding your gaze. If it is appropriate in a particular case, you can touch your arm or shoulder - the touch will help add sincerity to the words of gratitude.

Video card: “Thank you so much!”

Gratitude to your beloved girl or man

Communication with loved ones is more relaxed, open and warm than, say, with colleagues or friends.

It will not be difficult for a woman, because most of the fair sex are distinguished by their emotionality and the ability to openly express their feelings.

Men like to surprise their other halves and give them positive emotions. When presenting a gift or congratulations to his beloved girlfriend, a man unconsciously hopes for an energy recharge from the positive mood of his chosen one.

But for most men, a verbose and open expression of gratitude is difficult due to a more restrained temperament. An overly dry “thank you” can offend your other half.

When expressing gratitude to your beloved woman, you need to try to choose the words so that the woman has no doubt whether she liked her gift or congratulations. Be sure to reinforce your words of gratitude with a touch, hug or kiss.

Video: How to say thank you in 1 second

How to prepare words of gratitude in advance

A pre-prepared thank you speech may be needed when expressing gratitude to parents at a wedding, teachers at graduation, etc. In such cases, both prose and poetry are suitable. Nowadays, you don’t have to be a poet to thank your parents or teachers with a poem - you can find a suitable work on the Internet or order an individual thank-you poem from professionals. The main requirement for such a poem is quality and originality. Banal words will sound dull and inappropriate at a celebration.

Both newlyweds should thank their parents at the wedding, despite the fact that one may be more eloquent. This is an excellent opportunity to show the unity of a young family, so it is advisable to divide the speech between both newlyweds.

How to beautifully say THANK YOU for a compliment: example

- What a delicious pilaf!
- Oh, it’s delicious, I’m always in a hurry, the cauldron has disappeared somewhere, the other dish is no longer the same, the rice came out a little dry and the color is paler than usual...

Do you really think that this is what the other person wanted to hear from you? With such an answer, you either emphasize that he understands the issue much less than you, or let him understand that it is better to refrain from compliments addressed to you (to be safe) - or even not to visit you at all. At the very least, mutual awkwardness in the conversation is guaranteed. But the person simply praised your dish.

Why is this happening?

Reason 1: Excessive modesty

Strict upbringing or low self-esteem often forces a person to respond to any compliment with denial - “You look great!” - “Well, stop it...”
Reconsider your attitude towards yourself.

Reason 2: Compliment = lie

The common phrase “This is not a compliment, this is the truth” makes all pleasant remarks considered flattery and lies. Completely unfounded. Even if the interlocutor is a little disingenuous, this is not a reason to refuse to state the fact as a plus for yourself.
You really are a great cook, don’t lie to yourself!

Reason 3: Fear of attention

A compliment pronounced in public will really turn the spotlight on you for a couple of seconds. Great, and in what form is it more comfortable to be under them? An awkward pathetic little lump - or with a dignified smile on his face? That's it.

Reason 4: Underwater part

Some people believe that a compliment obliges them to return the courtesy. But there is no need to dramatize the fable “The Cuckoo and the Rooster”: if they praised you, just thank them. When you have a reason and desire to praise others, then you will do it.

The other extreme

It is even more unwise to respond to a compliment by desperately engaging in self-praise - or launching into lengthy monologues about the subject of approval.

If a friend points out an interesting handbag, there is absolutely no need to tell you like a machine gun about what it is made of, what company it was made of, where you bought it and how difficult it must be to find the same one. Did you set yourself the goal of discouraging this friend from talking to you? No - that means abolish encyclopedic reviews in response to compliments.

The exception will be the case when your interlocutor becomes seriously interested in the subject himself - then you will be able to answer questions about where such a beautiful thing was bought or which hairdresser makes such interesting haircuts.

How to be?

Golden word. Why not just say thank you? Sincerely say “Thank you!” - and this will be enough, if, of course, everything is in order with your intonation and facial expression. This answer option is most appropriate if your personal traits are being praised.

We respond with attention. There is no need to hastily fabricate a return compliment. Just note that your interlocutor’s opinion matters to you: “I’m glad you liked it!”, “Thank you, I tried really hard.” Perfect for when they praise your gift, dish, or work done.

A little information:
Sometimes you can add a couple of words to your gratitude: “Thank you, this is my mother’s recipe,” “Thank you, the dish is famous, I just added other seasonings.”

And once again the casket opened simply. Adopt discreet gratitude and a sincere smile - and compliments around you will come more often, and also bring joy.


The most significant signs of a person’s wisdom are the ability to forgive and be grateful. Do not neglect mastering these skills, because the development of a harmonious personality without them is impossible.

One form of business correspondence is a thank you letter. Moreover, this type of correspondence has some peculiarities. For example, there is no communication component. The text only expresses the gratitude for the cooperation expressed by one partner to the other. The opposite answer is not implied in principle, although it is desirable.

It is customary to deliver by courier service. You can also submit the completed form through company employees. Rules of business etiquette do not recommend handing a letter directly to the director of a partner company, but in certain situations exceptions can be made.

When is a thank you letter for cooperation written?

You can thank your counterparty in different situations. You should express your gratitude and say “thank you” for the speed of work performed, the reliability of the partner, and the long-term cooperation. In some cases, gratitude to the company is also expressed through one-time joint actions. For example, a legal organization conducted and established his unflattering reputation (lawsuits, debt on loans, taxes). Naturally, you should not conduct common business with such a legal entity. It is for finding out the ins and outs that it is worth saying “thank you” to the management and employees of the company.

Features of writing a thank you letter

When writing a document, you should adhere to certain basic principles and principles. At the same time, the text of the message itself should be expressed in a business style, without familiarity and the use of slang. All documentation of this type follows a strict structure, for example:

  1. Addressing the addressee.
  2. Initiator of the message.
  3. Aspects of interaction.
  4. Wishes for the future.
  5. Signature.

Important: at the end of the letter, it is advisable, in addition to the signature of the management, to put the seal of the organization. This will make the thank you message more formal.

There are also some nuances that need to be given close attention. They should be discussed separately.

Method of treatment

It is customary to use only the addressee's first and middle names. Addressing a correspondent by last name is considered bad manners in Russian business etiquette. If gratitude for cooperation is expressed to representatives of a foreign company, then it is better to use the last name.

What about “you”?

Linguists have broken many copies regarding pronouns in correspondence (personal and business). In Russian, in a letter, especially in a letter of thanks, it is customary to address the correspondent with “Vy” with a capital letter. However, a number of scholars argue that it is possible to use a form written in regular font, without emphasis. The essence of the appeal is identical. Using the classic writing method will emphasize respect for your partner, so this is the best way to express gratitude for cooperation.

Thank you and thank you

The words “thank you” and “thank you” are synonymous. However, the first address is more typical for colloquial speech. In a letter between counterparties, it is customary to “thank”, although the first way of expressing gratitude for complete fulfillment is also quite suitable. The text of the message itself will not change in any way.

Mistakes at work

Collaboration between two companies rarely goes perfectly. Everyone makes mistakes at work. It’s still not worth mentioning shortcomings in joint activities in a thank-you letter. The text of the message is compiled for a completely different purpose. It’s better to say thank you to your partner once again than to focus on the shortcomings.


The effect of expressing gratitude should not be “killed” with dry clerical phrases. Such a message will not attract the attention it deserves. From the counterparty's perspective, the letter will more closely resemble an ordinary circular. Stationery is more suitable for everyday business correspondence. It is in it that they will help express the main idea. It is best to avoid them in thank you messages.

Parts of speech

There are different ways to express gratitude for cooperation in a text. When composing a message, it is advisable to emphasize the importance of interaction with the counterparty and write about the fruitfulness of teamwork. In this case, adjectives and verbs will help you express your thoughts. There should be a minimum of nouns in letters of this type. The abundance of these parts of speech will make the text dry and unemotional. There is no point in hoping to achieve further correspondence expressing gratitude through this.


Composing a message of this type is not enough. It also needs to be formatted correctly. It is better to use different ways to format the text in a thank you letter. For example, an address to a partner should be typed in italics; key aspects of cooperation can be additionally highlighted.

Important: Body text should be written in normal font.


Many specialists know how to identify the reliability of a counterparty, but when composing a letter of gratitude they make a serious mistake in choosing paper. In messages of this type, you can use two methods:

  1. Print the text on company letterhead.
  2. Buy a ready-made certificate.

Plain white sheets of standard format cannot be used for thank-you correspondence. Such a message lacks “officiality.”

Letter of thanks for cooperation - text

The previously mentioned principles of a thank you letter for cooperation are basic. To simplify the compilation, you can use a ready-made form or compose it by analogy with the samples presented below.

Example No. 1

Dear Stepan Nikolaevich!

The management of Zarya LLC, represented by Director A.V. Tikhonov, expresses its gratitude to you for the fruitful mutually beneficial cooperation. Over the years of joint activity, you have repeatedly proven your reliability as a partner. We will be happy to continue working with you in the future.

Vast experience will only help improve the performance of our companies and increase revenue.

Sincerely, Director of Zarya LLC Tikhonov A.V.

Example No. 2

Dear Ksenia Alexandrovna!

Our company thanks you for the quality audit of our branch in Novosibirsk. The results of the work of your employees allowed management to determine the future development concept and improve the final annual financial performance. We hope that in the future your company will continue to serve our stores as an independent auditor.

Financial Director of Tekhnodetal OJSC Novikov S.P.

Example No. 3

Example No. 4

Dear Arkady Ivanovich!

The management of SMU “Trust No. 4”, represented by director P. N. Ivanov, expresses sincere gratitude for such a prompt fulfillment of contractual obligations. It was thanks to your efficiency that our workers were able to hand over the facility ahead of time and connect it to communications.

We hope that you will not refuse to cooperate with us in the future. For our part, we can promise that first of all we will consider your company as a supplier.

Director of SMU "Trust No. 4" Ivanov P.N.

Example No. 5

Dear Sergei Stepanovich!

The management of Istok OJSC thanks your company for the studies carried out on the quality of our drinking water. Your work has helped us improve the chemical composition of our products and make them safer.

Our company plans to increase the range of products, so in the future we will again be happy to turn to your expert laboratory for help.

Quality Director of Istok OJSC Ipatov M.N.

Example No. 6

Dear Galina Anatolyevna!

I, the director of StroyProekt LLC, express my gratitude to you and say thank you for all the years of joint activity. During this time, our organizations were able to go a long way, in which anything happened. But we knew and know for sure that we can rely on you as the most reliable supplier of building materials in the region.

We hope that mutually beneficial cooperation will continue in the future. Together, our enterprises will be able to become industry leaders in the region.

Director of StroyProekt LLC Yakimenko S. T.

Example No. 7

Dear Alexander Viktorovich!

The management of Vostok LLC expresses gratitude for the prompt response to our appeal. After your company’s analysis of our counterparties, we were able to get rid of a number of unreliable partners. Your objectivity in assessing the solvency of our partners helped save us from further legal disputes.

We will be glad to cooperate with you in the future. We can also recommend you to our own clients with honor.

Sincerely, Director of Vostok LLC O. V. Nikitina

As you can see, words of gratitude can be expressed in different situations. You need to say “thank you” to the counterparty individually. There is no point in drawing up general circulars and sending them to all partners at once.

Let's sum it up

A well-written letter of gratitude can motivate the management of another company to continue cooperation. When writing it, it is advisable to take into account all the tips presented earlier.

A well-written message and attentiveness to the counterparty will allow you to expand the boundaries of your business. Compiling such correspondence does not take much time, but sometimes it even allows you to establish friendly communication with partners.