Summary of a literacy lesson in the senior group “Introduction to the sound “U” and the letter “U.” Summary of a literacy lesson in the senior group “Introduction to the sound “A” and the letter “A” outline of a literacy lesson (senior group) on the topic Gr


Educational space of preschool educational institution A B

didactic material, lesson system, notes.

Prepared by: Teacher

Tkachenko E.M.

Electronic version from the book

Preparing older preschoolers for literacy training 1st year of study

senior group

Preparation for older preschoolers to learn to read and write: lesson system, notes, didactic material /

auto-comp. O. M. Elydova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. -335 p.

ISBN 978-5-7057-1923-5

This manual presents theoretical aspects and practical material on preparing children aged 5-7 years to learn to read and write, taking into account their characteristics, interests and needs. Calendar and thematic planning and lesson notes in the senior and preparatory groups, literary and didactic material, advice for teachers and parents will help determine the goals, content and scope of work.

Intended for educators of senior and preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions, it can be useful for primary school teachers, as well as parents for independent study with children.

UDC 372.21 BBK 74.102

ISBN 978-5-7057-1923-5



(1 lesson per week, duration - 25 minutes, 32 lessons per year)

Lesson No. 1





Give children knowledge about the verbal composition of speech; introduce the term “word”;

Give knowledge that there are many words; introduce children to linearity and length of words;

Introducing a checkered notebook (cover, pages, lines, right, left side of the page, middle, top, bottom).

Benefits: chips; subject pictures (5-6 pieces): lion, turtle, crocodile, doll, bear (big and small); checkered notebooks (according to the number of children), colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson

Game "Excursion to the store."

Game conditions: The teacher invites the children to imagine that they are in a large store on an excursion.

Rules of the game: The teacher names the department, for example: “Toys.” Children remember which toys they know or saw in the store, name them, and receive a chip. Children sequentially “visit” the following departments: “Clothes”, “Dishes”, “Furniture”, “Electrical goods”, etc.

Game difficulty: The teacher makes riddles about objects in the immediate environment, the children guess them

2. Game task: name the objects in the room. Children find out that each object has a name, which is indicated by a certain word; there are a lot of words and they are all different.

Conclusion: everything that surrounds us can be called words.

3. Measuring words by hand: arms raised at chest level, palms joined (together); the word is pronounced slowly, while the palms of the hands are spread to the sides.

The teacher shows the children object pictures, the children name what is depicted on them. Then they “measure” the named word with their hands, for example: lion is a short word, and turtle is a long word.

Conclusion: words can be long and short.

Ball game “Say your neighbor’s name affectionately.”

Game conditions: children stand in a circle, and the teacher is in the center with a ball in his hands.

Rules of the game: The teacher throws the ball to any child, who catches it and affectionately calls his neighbor in the circle.

Game difficulty: name the neighbor who is to your right (or left); name the name of the child who is one from you, etc.

5. Game “Give me a word”:

He is kinder than everyone in the world, He heals sick animals, And once he pulled a hippopotamus out of a swamp. He is famous, famous - This is the doctor... (Aibolit).

On a splinter, in a piece of paper,

In a chocolate shirt

It just asks to be held in your hands,

What is this...? (Eskimo).

In summer the garden is fresh and green,

And in winter in a barrel - yellow, salty,

Guess it, well done

What's our name...? (Cucumbers).

He's floating on the sheet

Like a boat on a wave,

He is a good friend to housewives

Electric... (iron).

Physical education lesson “Stork”

Stork, long-legged stork,

Show me the way home.

The stork answers:

Stomp your right foot

Stomp your left foot.

Again - with the right foot,

Again - with the left foot,

Then with your right foot,

Then with your left foot,

Then you'll come home.

Lesson No. 2

Progress of the lesson

1. Game exercise “Who am I?”(children sit on the carpet, in a circle).

Game conditions: The teacher invites each child to answer about himself who he is: a child, a boy, a girl, a son, a daughter, a person, a baby, etc.

Rules of the game: You can speak only once, without repeating yourself.

Continuation of the game: what words can be said about the teacher (mother, aunt, woman, person, needlewoman). 2. Game “Name the same toy differently.”

Game conditions: children pass a toy to each other, hug it and call it affectionately, for example: bear, little bear, little bear, little bear, trampling, clubfoot, beast, baby, etc.

Rules of the game: do not repeat words that have already been said.

Continuation of the game: call affectionately a doll (you can come up with an affectionate name for it), a bunny, a pipe.

3. Game exercise with a ball “What can you say using words...?”

Game conditions: The teacher names the attribute of the object (adjective), children select objects, objects, phenomena for it (that is, the noun), for example: round(plate, frying pan), round(ball, ball, hoop, tray), round(mirror, wheel); red(scarf), red(flag), red(sun, dress), etc.

Rules of the game: focus on the ending of the word denoting the attribute of the object.

Game option:“What words can we use to describe what... can do?”

Cat (lap, climb, meow);

breeze (to blow, to make noise, to fan, to blow);

Wind (howl, carry, blow, knock down);

A puppy, if he is picked up (snuggle, purr, rejoice).

Rules of the game: focus on the semantic connotation of words. Conclusion: our thoughts are expressed in words.

Physical education lesson “Stork”

Continuation of the game teaching situation: by analogy with the ball, the same work on composing sentences is carried out with other toys.

Complication of the IOS task: name the picture in one or two words, for example: “Autumn”, “Autumn has come”, etc.

5. Game exercise “Sketching a word” (work in notebooks):

Game conditions: In each notebook, on one sheet of paper, the teacher draws in advance a path on the right, and a basket on the left.

Right-handed games: The teacher names the signs of the object, the children sketch the object based on the signs, for example:

On the right - in yellow or orange pencil - A round, big-eyed, rosy-cheeked, cheerful man rolls along the path and sings a song...(Kolobok);

Left - colored pencils - In my grandmother’s basket there were round, colorful ones with long tangled tails...(balls of thread).

Conclusion: words are combined into sentences. Sentences can consist of one, two, three... words.

Lesson No. 3



Arouse interest in the world around you; expand the vocabulary denoting the names of objects, phenomena, actions, signs on the topic “Autumn”; work on antonyms;

Practice the correct agreement of nouns with adjectives, the formation of cognate words; use of sentences in speech;

Exercise children in composing sentences and dividing them into parts (words);

Introduce children to a graphic representation of a sentence on the board;

To develop children’s ability to correctly hatch geometric shapes (squares, rectangles).

Aids: object pictures depicting vegetables and fruits, a ball, a picture from the “Our Little Friends” series, notebooks, simple pencils.

Progress of the lesson

Game "Autumn Words".

The teacher invites the children to select words (adjectives) for supporting words, for example: What's autumn like?

(Golden, beautiful, sunny, colorful, affectionate, thoughtful, sad, quiet, late, early, stormy, rainy, gloomy.)

- What is the forest like in autumn?

(Thoughtful, sad, quiet, sad, silent, golden, crimson.)

- Let's remember what leaves the trees have in the fall? (Green, yellow-red, orange, multi-colored, brown, variegated, dry.)

3. Game "On the contrary"(with a ball).

Game conditions: The teacher names a word, the children come up with words that have opposite meanings

Rules of the game: name only “autumn” words.

Antonymous pairs: joyful - sad, sorrowful, brighten - get dark dry - wet, silence - noise, often -rarely, clear - cloudy, freeze - warm.

Game learning situation.

1) Making proposals based on a painting

Children look at a painting from the series “Our Little Friends.” The teacher asks questions about the content of the sartina:

Where does this happen?

Who is drawn?

What are the children doing?

Children answer and analyze sentences without prepositions. Each sentence is divided into words, naming the words in order.

2) Graphic representation of proposals on the board.

Kids are playing. ____ _____.

Children play together. _____ ____ ____.

The ball fell. _____ ____

Nina picked up the ball. ___ ___ ___

Physical education minute

Hands raised and waved

These are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, hands shaken

The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our hands smoothly

These are the birds flying towards us.

We'll show you how they sit down.

The wings were folded back.

3) Write down the sentence graphically

"The wind blows away the dew."

6. Hatching rules(introduce children):

1) hatch in one direction;

2) equal distance between segments;

3) do not go beyond the contour.

7. Work in notebooks: shading rectangles (or squares).

8. Final conversation With children according to the content of the lesson.

Lesson No. 4



Progress of the lesson

Massage for fingers.

One two three four five. The fingers went out for a walk. This finger is the strongest, the thickest and the largest. This finger is for... To show it. This finger is the longest... And it stands in the middle. This ring finger... He is the most spoiled. And the little finger, although small... Very dexterous and daring!

7. Work in notebooks: tracing and shading a circle and a rectangle.

Lesson No. 5

Progress of the lesson

Working with the text of a fairy tale.

1) Finding short sentences of 2 and 3 words in the text.

2) Graphic recording of these sentences on the board (in notebooks).

Physical education session “Pinocchio”

Pinocchio stretched,

Once I bent down,

Two bent over,

Three bent down.

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently I couldn't find the key.

To get us the key,

We need to stand on our toes.

Lesson No. 6



To develop in children the ability to divide two-syllable words into syllables, to name words with a given number of syllables;

Encourage children to solve riddles and give reasoned answers;

Exercise children in coming up with a story on a specific topic, using supporting words and a graphic diagram of sentences;

Develop eye and fine motor skills.

Aids: subject pictures (animals), colored crayons.

Progress of the lesson

1. Mental gymnastics: exercise for quick reaction “Accurately and quickly. Who...?".

Game conditions: The teacher names a word - a verb, and the children select a suitable word for it - a noun.

Rule of the game: think and respond quickly.

Key words:

purrs - cat croaks -...

barks - ... squeaks - ...

hums - ... tweets - ...

buzzes - ... crows - ...

hisses - ... sings - ...

roars - ... croaks - ...

howls - ... quacks - ...

snorts - ... grunts - ...

2. Teacher's story which includes words pronounced in parts (syllable by syllable): “Zina loved to jump over a rope. She asked her mother for a string and ran with it to the clearing. She looked around - there were no her friends! Zina began to loudly call her friends: “Ma-sha! Sasha! Ta-nya! Nadia!". The girlfriends heard it, came running and started playing merrily.”

Questions for children:

1) What did the girl call her friends? (Did she name the whole word at once or pronounce it in parts.)

2) Why did the girl call her friends that way? (Answer: it sounds better this way).

Conclusion: all words can be divided into parts, for example: ma-(ma), pa-(pa), ru-(ka), ut-(ka), ku-(ry), ko-(zy), ro-( behind),

The teacher shows the children the techniques that are used

when dividing words into syllables:

1) clapping hands;

3) observing how many times the mouth opens;

4) using a hand placed to the chin.

Physical education session “Pinocchio”

3. Game exercise “How many parts (syllables) are there in the guess word?”(to consolidate the skill of dividing words into parts).

Game condition: the teacher asks a riddle, the children guess; then they divide the guess word into parts (syllables).

Rules of the game: be sure to justify your answer (explain why you think so); When dividing words into parts (syllables), use any technique. Puzzles:

A bag of water flew over me, over you, ran into a distant forest, became thin and disappeared. (Cloud.)

The blue tent covered the whole world.


The gray-haired grandfather at the gate covered everyone's eyes.


Who weaves without a machine and hands?


4. Writing a story on a specific topic, using supporting words and a graphical diagram of sentences.

It's here....





5. Game exercise “Beautiful leaves”: tracing stencils of maple and oak leaves; shading according to oral instructions (stencils from whatman paper, not cardboard).

Summary of the lesson.

Lesson No. 7

Lesson No. 8 (final)

Progress of the lesson

Game "For mushrooms".

The teacher's instructions:

The children walked through the forest. They call to each other, pronouncing the words drawn out:


Neither (and-and)-na (a-a-a).

Question for children: How are names pronounced? (Part by part, by syllable.)

Children repeat names in parts, clapping parts (syllables) of words with their hands together with the teacher.

2. Game exercise “What word is hidden in this house?” or “Where does what word live?”

Poppy, house, bush.

Fish, hand, fly, puddle, lemon.

Car, tit, drum.

Physical education lesson “Grasshoppers”

Summary of the lesson.

Lesson No. 9

Progress of the lesson

1. Game exercise “Listen and explain”:

Sa-sa-sa - running around in the forest....

So-so-so - at Vova's....

Us-us-us - grazing in the meadow....

Ta-ta-ta - at our house....

You-you-you - they ate all the sour cream....

Cha-cha-cha - it's burning in the room....

Chu-chu-chu - with a hammer I....

Sha-sha-sha - mom washes....

That's it - we started playing...

Ooh-oh-oh - it's arrived....

Shu-shu-shu - I am a letter....

Physical education lesson “In the meadow”

Children, imitating insects, imitate their movements and sounds: a butterfly flutters, a dragonfly flies, a mosquito rings, the breeze rustles, etc.

7. Work in notebooks: shading geometric shapes. For example:

Lesson No. 10



Exercise children in determining the number of syllables in words;

Consolidate knowledge about the sentence (number and order of words);

To develop children’s ability to find the sound most often found in a poem, to pronounce words, highlighting the desired sound with their voice;

Develop speech attention and phonemic hearing;

Develop micromotor skills.

Benefits: subject pictures

A painting from the “Our Little Friends” series, toys, stencils of fur coats and hats (according to the number of children), notebooks, pencils.

Progress of the lesson

Physical education minute

Exercise “New words”.

Assignment for children: Who will I talk about?

Beautiful, fluffy, sharp-nosed, cunning, cheat. Who is this? (Fox.)

What word can be formed from the word “fox”? (Fox, fox, vixen, little fox, fox cubs, fox.)

- Remember what other words are used to call this cautious, predatory beast in Russian fairy tales? (Fox-sister; Patrikeevna; godfather; red-haired cheat.)

Lesson No. 11



Develop the ability to hear, pronounce words clearly and clearly, and recognize rhyme;

To consolidate children’s knowledge about the sentence during the game;

Exercise in finding the sound most often found in a poem, pronounce words, highlighting the desired sound with your voice;

Find the place of the sound in the word (first, in the middle, last);

Practice drawing a pattern consisting of vertical and horizontal lines.

Aids: object pictures, notebooks, pencils, rubber doll.

Progress of the lesson

Game "Living Words".

Game conditions: the teacher pronounces a set of words, for example: mom, book, buy. He invites three children to his place and distributes the words between the children. Children make up a proposal based on a “live” model.

Rules of the game: children “line up” in a sentence from left to right, observing the order.

Mom bought a book. - 3 children.

Mom bought an interesting book. - 4 children.

Mom bought a very interesting book. - 5 children.

3. Work in notebooks: write down sentence patterns in short lines. Example sentences:

Mom bought a ball. The ball is beautiful. The ball is very big. Katya will play for them.

Physical education lesson “Khomka”

Hamster-hamster, hamster,

Striped barrel.

Khomka gets up early,

He washes his cheeks and rubs his neck.

The hamster sweeps the hut

And goes out to charge.

One two three four five -

Khomka wants to become strong.

(Children imitate the movements of a hamster.)

4. Game exercise to highlight the desired sound in a poem with a voice and find the place of the sound in the word (first, in the middle, last).

We bought rubber Zina in the store, they brought Rubber Zina in a basket. She was gaping, rubber Zina. She fell out of the basket and was smeared in mud.

Lesson No. 12

Progress of the lesson

Physical exercise "Khomka"

Lesson No. 13

Game "Chain of words".

The children have cards on their tables (one for two). The teacher has a card with a picture of a pencil.

The teacher invites the children to lay out a chain of objects that begins with the word "pencil". Children must find the next link in the chain - a word that will begin with the sound that the word “pencil” ends with, etc.

When the entire chain has been laid out, the teacher invites the children to name the objects in the chain in chorus, slightly emphasizing the first and last sounds in each word with their voice.

Physical education minute

One - bend over, straighten up, Two - bend over, stretch, Three - three claps of the hands, three nods of the head. At four - arms wider, Five, six - sit down quietly.

Working with the text “Winter”.

The teacher invites the children to listen carefully to the story called “Winter”:

Winter came. There is white snow all around. The trees are bare. The animals hid in holes. Children are happy about winter. They ski and skate.

Questions for children:

What time of year is it?

What's on the ground?

Where did the animals hide?

Who's happy about winter?

What are the children doing?

The teacher reads the story again, pausing after each sentence. Children determine how many sentences there are in a text by marking each sentence with a strip of paper on the board.

Lesson analysis.

Lesson No. 14

Progress of the lesson

1. Game “Different” words".

M. Plyatskovsky’s poem “What Words Are There” can serve as an emotionally attractive basis and incentive to participate in the game:

There is a sweet word - candy. There's a quick word -rocket. There is a sour word -lemon. There is a word with a window - railway carriage. There is a prickly word - hedgehog. There is a word wet - rain.

There is a word stubborn - target. There is a word green - spruce. There is a book word - page. There is a forest word - tit. There is a word fluffy - snow. There is a funny word - laughter.

Subsequently, children can be asked to name everything that is cheerful, sad, angry, kind, quiet, loud, fluffy, smooth, cold, prickly.

2. Game “Say the Word!”

I have a lot to do

I'm a white blanket

I cover the whole earth,

I remove it from the ice of the river,

White fields, houses,

My name is... (winter).

fall from the sky in winter

And they circle above the earth

Light fluff, White... (snowflakes).

Not prickly, light blue

Hanged in the bushes... (frost).

I wasn't raised.

Made from snow.

Instead of a nose cleverly

Inserted a carrot.

The eyes are coals.

Hands are bitches.

Cold, big...

Who am I?... (Snow woman.)

I took two oak blocks,

Two iron skids.

I filled the bars with slats.

Give me snow! Ready... (sled).

I can’t feel my legs with joy

I'm flying down a snowy hill.

Sports have become dearer and closer to me.

Who helped me with this?.. (Skis.)

I'm rushing forward like a bullet,

The ice just creaks

And the lights flicker.

Who's carrying me?... (Skates.)

On a small platform there is a cry:

A student is rushing to the gate.

Everyone shouts: “Stick! Washer! Hit!

Fun game... (hockey).

Game "Toy Store".

Game condition: children are given the task of buying a toy in the store, the name of which has two syllables; then - a toy with a name in three syllables.

Rules of the game: When buying a toy, children must clearly and clearly pronounce its name, determine the number of parts of the word, and the sequential sound of each part.

Summary of the lesson.

Lesson No. 15

Progress of the lesson

Game "Echo".

Game conditions: children are divided into two groups, one of them is children lost in the forest, they shout loudly: “Ay!”; the other is an “echo” that quietly echoes: “Ay.”

Rules of the game: you need to not just pronounce the word “ay” loudly or quietly, but stretch out every sound in it so that it can be heard far away.

5. Analysis of the word “ay”:

a) What is the first sound in the word? - Ah-ah-ah.

b) What is the second one? - Uh-uh-uh.

c) Are there any other sounds in this word? (No.)

d) How many sounds are there in this word? (Two.)

e) Let's draw this word on the board:

Assignment for children (in chorus, individually): The teacher slowly leads the pointer from the first cell to the second, and the children pronounce the sound in which cell the teacher’s pointer is located.

Physical education minute

One - bend over, straighten up, Two - bend over, stretch, Three - three claps of the hands, three nods of the head. At four - arms wider, Five, six - sit down quietly.

Lesson analysis.

Progress of the lesson

Game "Funny Pictures".

The pictures are laid out one after another (one at a time) in a completely meaningless order, but at the same time they try to connect the content (image) of each subsequent one with the previous one in such a way as to create a story, a fairy tale or a story. After the literary work is completed, the pictures are collected and mixed thoroughly. The children’s task is to consistently and as accurately as possible reconstruct the entire work invented from the pictures.

2. Sound analysis of a word"poppy".

On the board there is a picture diagram depicting a flower (poppy). On the children's tables are cards for analyzing a three-sound word and envelopes with chips (blue and red circles).

1) Children, what is drawn in this picture? (Poppy.)

2) Under the poppy, exactly the same cells with circles are drawn as those that we drew on the board for the word “ay”.

What does it mean?

(These cells with circles indicate how many sounds there are in the word “poppy”.)

3) How many sounds are in the word “poppy”? (Three.)

- What's the first sound?

What's the second one?

What's the third one?

Poppy - m-aaa-k - poppy. (Each time the words are pronounced with the voice highlighting the desired sound).

4) Pronouncing the word in accordance with the movement of the teacher’s pointer according to the diagram of the sound composition of the word.

Physical education minute

Work in notebooks.

Draw sound analysis diagrams for the words “au” and “poppy” in your notebooks.

Lesson No. 17

Progress of the lesson

Summary of the lesson.

Lesson No. 18

Progress of the lesson

1. Didactic game “What are their names?”(according to the plot picture).

Children make up names based on the last sounds in words:

1) reed, kangaroo, ball, vase - Shura;

2) table, cat, ax, duck - Lara;

3) house, bag, lily of the valley, fork - Masha;

4) mosquito, wheel, catfish, saw - Roma.

2. Strengthening exercise: sound analysis of the words “poppy” and “house”.

Children complete this task independently, taking turns going to the board. If necessary, the teacher comes to the rescue.

3. Sound analysis of the word “smoke”(according to lesson plan No. 17).

4. Game with the word “smoke”:

a) Call the less prepared children first. Call them sounds [d], [s], [m]. Call to yourself out of order: [s], [m], [d]. -children must stand correctly so that the word is formed.

b) Call the most active children. Name them by sound numbers: 1, 2, 3. Call them to you by sounds: [d], [m], [s]. Children must stand up to spell the word “smoke.”

c) Invite children to find the same sounds in the words “house” and “smoke”.

5. Assignment for children: find the same sounds in the words “poppy”, “house” and “smoke”.

Lesson No. 19

Progress of the lesson

1. Game “Let's build house".

Game condition: The teacher draws a house on the board, but not the whole house, just the wall. And the children name those parts of the house that need to be drawn to make a house.

Rules of the game: Children name only words that contain the sound [r].

Children name the words: roof, chimney, doors, frames, porch, fence, etc.

2. Game exercise to consolidate the sound analysis of the word “smoke”.

Working on a proposal.

There are 10-12 toys on the table. The teacher invites the called child to take 2 toys and say what he has in his hands. The child makes up a sentence of 3 words, names the 1st, 2nd, 3rd word, and sketches the sentence on the board. The second child performs a similar task.

Children sketch diagrams of the same sentences in their notebooks.

Lesson No. 20


Progress of the lesson

Conversation about winter.

1) The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle:

I dusted the paths and decorated the windows. She gave joy to the children and took them for a ride on a sled.

Winter is the coldest season of the year, immediately following autumn.

2) Game exercise “Name it affectionately”: winter - (winter);

snow- (snowball); ice - (ice); freezing - (frost); sled - (sleigh).

3) Questions for children:

What animals sleep in winter?

What color is a hare in winter?

Who wanders through the forest angry and hungry in winter?

Who should help animals and birds?

Why are there fewer birds in winter than in summer?

Why are there no rivers visible in winter?

How does a person adapt to winter?

4) Game exercise “What should we call the tracks?”: The track of a hare is a hare.

The trail of a fox is fox-like. A bird's trail is a bird's track. The ski mark is a ski mark. The track from the sled is a sled.

Game "Who is attentive?"

The teacher reads an excerpt from a poem by S. Marshak, slightly emphasizing the sound [s] in the words with his voice:

The old elephant sleeps peacefully. He can sleep standing up.

Children name all words with the sound [s].

Summary of the lesson.

Lesson No. 21

Progress of the lesson

Game "Tell me like me."

Children stand in a circle, the teacher throws the ball to one of the children, calling a word with intonation highlighting any of the consonant sounds (rruka, plane, trubba, knife, domme, llampa). The child must repeat the word as the adult pronounces it, throwing the ball back.

A game with the word "bug".

The essence of the game: call children by numbers (1, 2, 3), call them to you by sounds ([u], [k], [z]). Children stand up so that they spell the word “bug.”

Work in notebooks.

Hatching Christmas trees in different directions.

8. Summary of the lesson.

Lesson No. 22




Exercise children in selecting definitions for nouns;

Develop the ability to retell a short text based on its graphic diagram;

Practice drawing up a graphic diagram of sentences with prepositions;

Cultivate attention, sensitivity to words, and develop a sense of humor.

Aids: ball; picture (or illustration) “Spruce”, a graphic diagram of the story on a board or on a sheet of paper (Whatman paper); notebooks, simple pencils.

Progress of the lesson

1. Didactic game “Who is bigger?”(with a ball).

Game conditions: The teacher asks the children questions about winter and winter phenomena, and the children answer.

Rules of the game: Answer in turns; answers should not be repeated.

What words can you use to describe winter? What's winter like? (Snowy, magical, fairy-tale, frosty, cold, beautiful, magical winter.)

- What forest is it like in winter?

(Sleeping, dense, dense, deaf, fabulous, magical, harsh, mysterious, motionless.)

- What kind of snow is there in winter?

(White, fluffy, silver, clean, shiny, soft, loose, deep, sticky, squeaky, wet, sparkling, cold.)

- What snowflakes?

(Cold, fluffy, white, light, delicate, silvery, openwork).

What winter day?

(Frosty, cold, clear, snowy, short.)

- What winter night?

(Dark, cold, frosty, starry, frosty, long).

2. Working with text.

1) Riddles:

Well, the dress:

All needles

They wear it forever... (Christmas trees).

The needles glow softly, He is worn forever... (Christmas trees).

What is another name for a Christmas tree? (Spruce.)

2) The teacher informs the children that today they will retell the text using its graphic diagram:

The spruce has grown.

She is slim and tall.

Spruce smells pleasantly of pine needles.

It gives people healthy air.

The teacher first reads the text completely. Then he asks the children to guess the title of a one-word story. (Spruce.) Invites children to consider the graphic diagram of the story:

How many sentences are there in the story?

How many words are in the first sentence?

How many words are there in the second one? etc.

The teacher repeats each sentence according to the scheme.

3) Retelling the text by children (2-3 people).

Physical education lesson “Frost”

I am not afraid of frost, I will become close friends with it. The frost will come to me, touch my hand, touch my nose. (You need to show your hand and nose.)

This means you must not yawn, jump, run and play. (Appropriate movements.)

Summary of the lesson.

Lesson No. 23


Progress of the lesson

Variant of the game "Who is more".

Children select answers - verbs to the teacher’s questions about winter phenomena:

Snow (what is he doing?) falls, falls out, spins, lies down, covers, flutters, creeps, creaks, melts, etc.

Freezing (what is he doing?) freezes, crackles, gets stronger, etc.

Wind (what is he doing?) blows, sweeps, carries (snow), howls, howls, etc.

Sun (what is he doing?) It shines, but does not warm.

Game "Mirror".

The teacher, standing facing the children, performs various movements: raises his right (left) hand, puts it on his belt, raises his right (left) leg. Children should mirror these movements.

Physical education minute

Our rest is a physical education minute, -

Take your seats:

Step in place left, right,

One and two, one and two!

Keep your back straight,

One and two, one and two!

And don't look at your feet,

One and two, one and two!

Lesson analysis.

Lesson No. 24

Game "Words-relatives".

Game conditions: Children select related words for the word “snow”.

Rules of the game: children work in “threes” - one child selects a word, another makes a sentence with this word, the third “writes” the sentence on the board with short lines.

Questions for children:

What is the name of the lump of snow that is thrown while playing? (Snowball.)

And a star made of snow? (Snowflake.)

- What do children make out of snow in winter? (Snowman.)

- What is the name of the granddaughter of Santa Claus - the snow girl? (Snow Maiden.)

- And the flowers that were the first to grow

Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in the senior group

Objectives: to give the concept of “Letter”, “Sound”; vowel, consonant (hard, soft);

the ability to divide words into syllables; make sentences based on words,

suggested by the teacher.

1. In front of you is a house and this house is not simple, but magical, letters have settled in it. Each letter has its own window, its own apartment.

Very interesting residents live on the top floor: they wear red caftans and red sundresses, they have a very loud voice, they are vociferous. These residents wake up every morning, open their windows wide and begin to sing loudly and loudly. Because these residents have a loud voice, they were called vowels.

Air flows freely through the mouth,

There are no different obstacles

The sound is vowel

2. Other residents live a little lower on the floor: they wear blue caftans and blue sundresses. They are a little offended by the residents living on the floor above. They also want to live in comfortable, bright and warm apartments. And they even wanted to quarrel with the red tenants and evict them from their apartments. But when they were asked to sing as loudly and as long as the red residents did, they could not. It turned out that they only know how to growl, moo, whistle, hiss, puff, puff, rustle and will never be able to sing the way vowels sing.

And the blue tenants agreed that they should live on a floor lower than the vowels.

For this they were called consonants.

Consonants agree

Rustle, whisper, creak,

Even snort and hiss,

But I don’t want to sing to them.

Guys, do you know why we sometimes say “letter” and sometimes “sound”? How are these concepts different?

A letter is what you and I see, write or read (shows). These are all the letters.

We make the sound.

3.- I’ll tell you a riddle.

The tail is fluffy,

Golden fur

Lives in the forest

Chicken steals (Fox).

I propose to parse the word "Fox"

But first, let's remember what sounds are there?

(Consonants, vowels).

What are the consonant sounds?

(Hard, soft)

What chips do we use to indicate hard consonant sounds?


What chips do we use to denote soft consonant sounds?


What chips do we use to indicate vowel sounds?


4. Educate. Look at the picture. Who is in the picture? "Fox"

What do the cells represent?

How many sounds are in the word “Fox” (Four sounds).

What is the first sound in the word "Fox". Let's say it together. (L)

What is he like? (Consonant, soft)

What kind of chip do we denote? (Green)

What gets in the way in the mouth when we pronounce this sound (L). - Language.

What is the second sound in the word “Fox”. Let's say it together. (AND)

What is he like? (Vowel)

When we pronounce the vowel sound (I), does anything bother us? (Nothing interferes).

Now let's look for the third sound. What is the third sound in the word "Fox".

Let's say it together. (WITH)

What is he like? (Consonant, hard)

What kind of chip do we denote? (blue)

What gets in the way in the mouth when we pronounce the sound (C). - tongue, teeth.

What is the fourth sound in the word "Fox". Let's say it together. (A)

What is he like? (Vowel)

What kind of chip do we denote? (Red)

When we pronounce the vowel sound (A), does anything bother us? (Nothing interferes).

How many sounds are in the word "Fox". (Four sounds).

How many syllables are in the word "Fox". (Two syllables)

What is the first syllable (LI).

What is the second syllable (Sa).

How many vowel sounds are in the word “Fox” (Two vowel sounds). Name them. (I, A)

How many consonant sounds are in the word “Fox” (Two consonant sounds). Name them. (L, S)

5 . Fizminutka

I'm a miserable fox

A wasp grabbed my tail,

Me. Poor thing, I was spinning around like that.

That broke into pieces.

We will help you, fox.

We will put you together again from letters.

6. - What word did we understand? (Fox).

Let's make a sentence with this word.

What do the proposals consist of? (from words).

Short words and long words

7. Guys, I completely forgot. On the way to kindergarten I met the postman Pechkin, he gave me a letter from Dunno. What's there, let's see.

Dunno composed a short poem, but he mixed something up and his poem turned out awkwardly. Asks for help. Listen to what Dunno composed.

Pour milk into the loaf

A can crawls across the grass

A bud was baked in the oven

And a python bloomed in the garden.

Iron, empty - can

Fragrant, pink, delicate - bud

(Rose (Bud) – a Rose that has not blossomed.

Fresh, fragrant - loaf.

Long, motley - Python.

Snake (Python)

Pour milk into a can.

A python crawls through the grass.

A loaf of bread was baked in the oven.

And a bud blossomed in the garden.

8. There are three baskets in front of you. You need to select pictures and distribute them into baskets.

In the yellow basket - pictures with one syllable,

In the blue basket are pictures with two syllables.

In the orange basket are pictures with three syllables.

Bottom line. What word did you understand?

What word did you use to make sentences?

Who did they help?

Sections: Speech therapy

  • generalization of knowledge about the sound composition of a word;
  • differentiation of the concepts “vowels and consonants”
  • development of phonemic hearing;
  • clarification of the dictionary on the lexical topic "Transport",
  • development of fine motor skills of the fingers
  • development of attention; thinking


  • dolls Krosh, Nyusha,
  • audio recording of a song from the film "Locomotive from Romashkovo";
  • red and blue balloons;
  • pictures: train, fairy-tale city

Progress of the lesson

1. Start of class ritual

Hello guys! Guests will come to us today. Let's show them what we can do and what we've learned. First of all, let’s remember the rule that helps us speak beautifully.

We always speak beautifully, clearly and slowly

We speak smoothly, loudly and, of course, in no hurry.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

Let's help our tongues pronounce sounds correctly. Let's warm it up.

Guess what sound I want to say:

(children guess the sound by articulation: A, O, U, I, Y)

3. Guys, guess the riddle. Who is this? What kind of fairy-tale hero? (Riddle about Krosh)

Even though he is a big-eared guy,
Good looking!
Did you find out who it is?
Of course... (Krosh)

From which cartoon? - (Smeshariki)

What other heroes do you know? (Nyusha, Hedgehog, Barash, Losyash, etc.)

Today our guests are Krosh and Nyusha. and they invite us on a journey to an unusual city called Zvukarinsk.

4. - How can you go to this city? (children name different types of transport)

How can they be called in one word? (Transport)

What is the word for transport that moves on rails? (railway)

Name railway transport. (children call)

And we will go by train from Romashkovo! Take your seats on the train! Go!

(song from the movie "Locomotive from Romashkovo" sounds)

And in order not to get bored on the road, Nyusha will ask riddles, and you need to guess them and name the first sound.

Himself - scarlet, sugar;
caftan - green. velvet. (watermelon)
The first sound is _A

Long and flexible
Hunts for fish.
Sometimes empty as a pipe,
But he can't sing... (fishing rod)

Not motors, but noise.
They are not pilots, but they fly,
Not snakes, but stings (wasps).

A thin thread is threaded into the narrow eyelet,
And she quickly swam after the boat.
Sews, sews up, and injects sharply
And they call it a boat - .......(needle)

What sounds did we name? (Vowels.) What other sounds are there?) consonants) Well done! We can move on. Our little train stopped at Slogovaya station.

5. Station Syllabic.

If I say the sound A first, and then Sh. What syllable will it be? - ( AS)


Guess the riddle and divide the answer into syllables:

You see us every day
In a book on a page,
We are not the least bit lazy
Get into lines. - (Letters).

What vowels are found in the word? (U,Y)

How many syllables? How did you find out?

Black Ivashka,
Wooden shirt,
Where the nose will pass -
He puts a note there.
(pencil) -

What vowels are found in the word? (a, a, a)

6. Station "Fizkulturnaya"

And now we have arrived at Fizkulturnaya station.

Let's clap our hands, ( children make movements in accordance with the text)
On a flat path
Let our feet dance.
Let our feet dance
On a flat path
Our legs are tired.

7. Station "Say the Word"

Guys! Nyusha asks for your help. Her words were mixed up. We need to help her.

It is not known what happened, only the letter is mischievous,

She dropped into someone's house and took charge of it.

And this is what came out of it. And think about whether everything is correct.

We wanted to go for a walk
T They put the caps on their heads.

Ten long days in a row
Aibolit sculpted the boys.

T A glasses are floating across the sky,
People take umbrellas.

To run to the garden,
Above at You need boots.

Dusk fell quietly
TO The glasses were spinning in the air...

You see what happens when you mix up the letters in a word.

8. Station "Surpriznaya".

Guys, our train has arrived at the Surpriznaya station. A surprise awaits us here.

Guess the riddle.

Round, smooth like a watermelon
Any color, for different tastes.
If you let me off the leash,
It will fly away into the sky. ( balloon)

(the teacher brings in blue and red balls)

Guys! These balls are not simple, but magical. They are friends only with sounds. If you draw a red ball, then you need to name a vowel sound, and if you draw a blue ball, then name a consonant sound.

(Children, one by one, pull the balls by the strings and name the sounds)

The train arrived at the final station in the city of Zvukarinsk. Who lives in this city? (Sounds and letters)!

Who traveled with us? ( Krosh and Nyusha)

The city of Zvukarinsk is very large and interesting, and on our next trip we will go through this wonderful city.

Lesson objectives:

  • "y"
  • learn to isolate sound "y" from a series of vowels
  • introduce the letter "U" .
  • develop auditory attention
  • develop fine motor skills
  • develop fine motor skills.

Correctional and educational:

  • develop the ability to work in a team.


"U" "U"

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment

II. Main part.

1. - Guys, our guest today is a doll. Her name is Ulya. (Slide No. 2)

What sound does her name start with? Who's to say?

Ulya has prepared a task for you: listen and name the first sound in the words:

ears, snail, iron, duck, street. (Slide No. 3)

- That's right, I hear a sound "U"

2. Articulation of sound.

Look at the picture: a train is moving and blows its whistle. "UUUUH" . (Slide No. 4)

"U" , you need to stretch your lips with a tube:

Pull your lips with a tube

And we won’t get tired at all.

– Repeat the poem after me: (Slide No. 5)

Ducks swim in the pond

They are looking for food there.

– What sound do you hear in the poem more often than others?

3. – Vowel sounds and letters are indicated in red. Now look, I have a red circle in my hands - this is a symbol of sound "U" .

4. Game “Clap your hands when you hear the sound “U” :

a, y, o, a, y, and, a, y, y, a.

5. Game "Third wheel" .

"U" .

Ears, fishing rod, table. (Slide No. 6)

Street, teacher, arch. (Slide No. 7)

Iron, mustache, fence. (Slide No. 8)

6. Introducing the letter "U" . (Slide No. 9)

– Listen to the poem:

"U" - bitch.

In any forest

You will see a letter "U" .

- Look, here’s the letter "U" . "U" ) .

– Find the letter "U" (circle)

- Because the sound "U"

7. - Let's take a rest:

Gray geese were flying. Perform movements according to the text.

They sat quietly on the lawn.

They walked around, pecked,

Then they quickly ran away.

Gray geese were flying

They sat quietly on the lawn.

8. – Draw a letter in the air "U" . (Slide No. 10)

Lay out the letter "U" from sticks.

9. Type the letter "U" in your notebooks.

- With what letter?

– What color do we use?

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 16"

Literacy activity

“Introduction to the sound and letter “U”

(older age)

Compiled by: teacher-speech therapist Burova O.A.

Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in the senior group

"Introduction to the sound "A" and letter "A"

Lesson objectives:

Correctional and educational:

  • develop the skill of clear pronunciation of sounds "A"
  • learn to isolate sound "A" from a series of vowels
  • develop the ability to coordinate a possessive pronoun with a noun

Introduce the letter "A" .

Correctional and developmental:

  • develop auditory attention
  • develop phonemic processes
  • develop fine motor skills

Develop fine motor skills.

Correctional and educational:

Develop the ability to work in a team.


Interactive whiteboard, laptop, slide collection, sound symbol "A" - red circle, card with a letter "A" , counting sticks, workbook, pencil.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment

Children, who can name what time of year it is now?

Who can tell me the name of the birds that fly away in the fall?

Well done. Today in class we will get acquainted with sounds and letters.

II. Main part.

2. - Guys, our guest today is a doll. Her name is Anya, she cries bitterly: ah-ah-ah (Slide No. 2)

What sound does her name start with? Who's to say? What sound does she make when she cries?

Anya has prepared a task for you: listen and name the first sound in the words:

Aster, arch, stork. (Slide No. 3)

– What sound do you hear at the beginning of each word?

- That's right, I hear a sound "A" . This is a vowel sound, it is sung and we don’t feel any obstacle in our mouth when we pronounce it.

2. Articulation of sound.

Look at the picture: Anya is crying and we hear the sound "AAAAAA" . (Slide No. 4)

Let's make a sound together "A" , you need to open your mouth wide and say: "ahhhh"

(Pronounced individually and in chorus, with different voice strengths - quieter, louder.)

3. Symbol of sound.

– Vowel sounds and letters are indicated in red. Now look, I have a red circle in my hands - this is a symbol of sound "A" .

4. Game “Clap your hands when you hear the sound “A” :

a, y, o, a, y, and, a, y, y, a.

5. Game "Third wheel" .

– I will name the objects depicted, and you name the extra object that does not begin with the sound "A" .

Bus, antenna, house. (Slide No. 5)

Stork, umbrella, album. (Slide No. 6)

Automatic, elephant, arch. (Slide No. 7)

6. Introducing the letter "A" . (Slide No. 8)

- Look, here’s the letter "A" . (A card with a picture of a letter is displayed "A" ) .

– Find the letter "A" in your notebook. Run your finger over it (circle) and shade it with a red pencil. Why red, who can tell me?

- Because the sound "A" vowel and we denote it in red.

7. - Let's take a rest: (exercise to develop general motor skills)

Instructions from the teacher Movements performed

Autumn leaves

We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches. The children sit on the floor and do not move.

The wind blew and they flew.

We flew, we flew. Children quietly run after each other.

And they sat quietly on the ground, The children sit on the floor.

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves.

Twisted them, twirled them Children spin around themselves

And he lowered it to the ground. The children sit quietly on the floor.

8. Place of sound in a word.

What do you think, in the words: stork, bus, arch, where the sound is "A" ? Label it. (Slide No. 9)

9. – Draw a letter in the air "A" . (Slide No. 10)

Lay out the letter "A" from sticks.

- How many sticks did you need?

10. Type the letter "A" in your notebooks.

Sh. Summary of the lesson, assessment of children.

- Guys, remember what sound we met in class today?

- With what letter?

– What color do we use?

– What did you like most?

- Well done, they studied well, listened carefully, answered questions.

Topic: Introductory lesson.

Goals: To develop in children the necessary readiness to learn to read and write.


    Developing the ability to listen to words; development of active mental activity.

    Practice differentiating words and sounds by ear; learn to compare, generalize.

    Show how sounds are represented by colored symbols; give a definition of place in sound-letter rivers (in the Blue-Green or Red River).

    Clarification and enrichment of vocabulary with a more precise understanding of the world around us.

    Developing the ability to navigate the system of rules necessary for educational work.

Didactic material (equipment): bell, coloring books with drawings, pencils and colored pencils, erasers, fairy-tale characters Slysh and Bukovka, bell,flat images of two boats, a set of magnetic sounds.

Progress of the lesson.

    Organizing time.

Target: Awakening interest in learning new sounds.

We draw up rules of conduct in class:

Do not touch anything without the teacher's permission.

Don't get up without permission.

Don't disturb others.

Don't shout, but raise your hand.

If you want to ask something, raise your hand.

    Getting to know sound.

In one beautiful fairy-tale country there lived Slysh. Slysh had big ears because he loved to listen to how different sounds sounded. And Slysh had a big mouth, because more than anything else he loved to pronounce the sounds he liked. And he was helped by the cheerful tongue that lived in Slysh’s big mouth.

Slysh loved to walk in his fairy-tale city and in the fairy-tale forest located near the city, he listened to different sounds, memorized them and played with them.

Residents of the magical city hung ringing bells on the doors of fairy-tale houses. One day Slysh was walking down the street and suddenly heard a bell ringing on the right side of the door of the house. Someone entered the house.

And then another bell rang - on the door of the house on the left. Little Hearing liked the ringing of the bells so much that he straightened his big ears and began to listen: the ringing came from the right, then from the left, now in front, now from behind.

    Characteristics of sounds by articulatory and acoustic characteristics.

Target: Introduce sounds: whether a sound is sung or not sung (vowels and consonants);

A game “Where does the bell ring?”

Target: development of auditory attention.

The bell rings, and the children, with their eyes closed, determine where the bell is ringing: to the right, to the left, below, above, behind it.

Tell me how the bell rings?

One morning, Slysh thoroughly washed his face and his big ears, then went out onto the balcony of his fairy-tale house and began to listen. His neighbors played different musical instruments every day: here someone plays the drum - “boom-boom-boom.” But another neighbor began to play the pipe: “ti-lili.” Suddenly the beautiful sounds of a metallophone were heard: “la-la-la.” Hearing remembered the sound of each musical instrument and from then on always correctly guessed which instrument sounded.

Everything that we hear is called sounds.

    Meet the Sounders.

Target : Teach the basics of sound analysis, help remember letters. Develop phonemic awareness.

All sounds settled in the fairy-tale country “Zvukograd”. There are two rivers in this country, the waves of which are our sounds. We will call them Zvukariks and we will get to know what river they live in.

Let's sing the sounds “A”, “O”, “U”, how are they pronounced? (No barrier).

For example: sound [A] - the mouth is open, the tongue lies calmly, the air does not meet an obstacle, the sound can be sung with a voice (“I conduct” and together with the children I sing the sound higher and lower).

These sounds are calledvowels e. And they live in the river on which the Red Ship floats; it sails without sails (after all, when pronouncing vowel sounds, we do not encounter obstacles). The waves in it are special: red.

Sound [M] - lips are closed, air cannot escape freely, because the lips interfere with it; the sound can be pulled (the teacher and the children pronounce the sound for a long time, showing with their hands that the sound is “stretched”, but it cannot be pronounced higher or lower, i.e. it cannot be sung).

- These are consonant sounds.

Let's put our hand on our neck and say the sound [M] repeatedly: “What do you feel?”

When everyone is convinced that the “neck is trembling,” I explain that this is the vocal cords working and this sound is calledsonorous .

There are consonants that are pronounced without voice: dull, they are calleddeaf.

Children analyze its sound, characterize the sound, determining whether it is a vowel or a consonant, and form them into “waves” for boats.

But there are consonant sounds that are pronouncedvery soft . For example, “l”, “m”? (Show)

And there are strict consonant sounds, such as “m”, “n”. They were calledhard (showing).

You and I will determine what color the wave will be.

A game " What sounds do you hear?

Target: development of auditory attention.

Children listen to sounds and guess what or who makes them.

Imagine that you are sitting in a clearing and listening to different sounds.

Sounds are pronounced: “s-s-s”, “sh-sh-sh”, etc. The children answer what it sounds like or who says that in the clearing.

    Physical education minute.

Purpose: relieving fatigue and tension;

The children planted a birch tree.

The children planted a birch tree.

She began to grow.

Suddenly the wind came and shook the birch tree.

It began to rain and hail.

Then the sun shone again.

The birch straightened up and began to grow further.

Performed while standing. To wordsThe children planted a birch tree squat: to the wordsshe began to grow slowly get up.

Under the wordssuddenly the wind came and shook the birch tree swing from side to side; Under the following words, the children straighten up, take a deep breath and exhale. They take their seats.

    Introducing letters.

Not far from Slysh, in a fairy-tale town, Bukovka lived. She had beautiful big eyes because she loved to read. She also loved to draw and write, so she always carried a magic pencil with her. This pencil drew in the color that its owner needed.

More than anything else, Bukovka liked to read and write letters. True, she did not do this very well, because she had just begun to learn to read and write.

A game “Shade the path.”

Target: development of visual perception of rows.

At first, Bukovka drew simple pictures with her pencil: “paths.” So you and I will help her: we’ll draw a path.

    Comparison of sound and letter.

Meeting of Slysh and Bukovka.

One beautifulIn the morning, Slysh sat on a small bench in the park and ate fragrant vanilla ice cream. Suddenly he heard someone crying pitifully: “ah-ah-ah.” Hearing looked around and sawongirl with big eyes on the lawn. She was looking for something in the grass and sobbing.

Slysh approached the stranger and asked:

- Why are you crying?Youdid anyone offend?

- No, she answered. - I was catching a butterfly on the lawn and lost my magic pencil. And without it I can’t draw beautiful pictures or write letters.

- “Don’t cry,” Slysh felt sorry for the girl. - I'll help you find your pencil. In the meantime, try the vanilla ice cream.

Slysh treated the stranger to delicious ice cream, and she stopped crying. Then Slysh began to look for the magic pencil. Not far from a large tree, he noticed a fallen leaf, lifted it and saw a beautiful twig. He picked it up and asked:

- Is this your pencil by any chance?

- Yes, yes, it's him! - the girl was happy. - Thank you for helping me, let's be friends. My name is Bukovka. And you?

- What about me- I hear you.

And they went for a walk, talking about everything in the world.

Game "Sound, letter"

Target: teach children to distinguish sounds from letters.

Let's check how you know the sounds. What is sound? (That's what we say)

Name the sounds (children take turns naming)

Let's check how you know the letters. What is a letter? (This is what we write)

Show the letters (children take turns showing)

Now let’s play: I say or show, and say: this is a sound or a letter.