Composition of number 9 in preparatory. Summary of a math lesson for the preparatory group "in the kingdom of the number nine"

Tatiana Nikitina
Summary of GCD in the preparatory group “Composition of the number 9”

Composition of the number 9"

Age group: preparatory group(6 -7 years old)


Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge on the topic « Composition of number 9»



1. Strengthen ideas about composition of the number 9, counting skills within 10

2. Fix ordinal and reverse counting within 10

3. Develop the skill of answering questions completely.

4. Continue to teach how to navigate on a sheet of paper;


1. Develop logical thinking and the ability to perform graphic dictation.

2. Create conditions for the development of logical thinking and intelligence.

3. Develop auditory and visual attention, memory.

Educational tasks:

1. Foster friendly relationships between children, the habit of completing tasks together;

2. The ability to rejoice in your success and the success of your friend.

Material and equipment: numerical a row with numbers from 1 to 10; pictures of wild animals (hare, squirrel, wolf, bear, leopard, lynx, moose, hedgehog, fox, houses "Comparing Numbers", counting sticks, pencils according to the number of children, sheets of paper (notebooks) for graphic dictation.

GCD move:

Reading a poem

Sit down more comfortably,

Don't make noise, don't move around.

Consider everything carefully

And if I ask you, answer.

Do you understand the condition?

I'm pleased to hear this.

Mathematics awaits us

Let's start counting verbally. Children listen to the teacher

Listening skills

Joint activities Working with numbers, guessing riddles, comparing numbers, solving problems, writing graphic dictation

Riddles 1. Oral counting

Count to 10, count back.

Count from 3 to 9, from 5 to 10, from 6 to 1, from 10 to 5.

Which the number is between the numbers 3 and 5, 7 and 9, 1 and 3.

Well done, everyone completed the task.

2. Game task "Neighbours numbers»

V. I call number, and you are his neighbors. Name your neighbors numbers 3;) neighbors number 5;) neighbors number 7;) neighbors number 9.

Guess the riddles.

The teacher asks riddles, the children guess them. Pictures of the guessed animals are displayed on the board at the same time.

1. I wear a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I'm gnawing nuts. (Squirrel)

2. Clubfooted and big,

He sleeps in a den in winter.

Loves pine cones, loves honey,

Well, who will name it? (Bear)

3. On the back of the needle

Long and stinging.

And curls up into a ball -

There is no head, no legs. (Hedgehog)

4. He looks like a shepherd

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his mouth bared,

Ready to attack a sheep. (Wolf)

5. Touching the grass with your hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest,

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide. (Elk)

6. White in winter,

And in the summer it’s gray.

Doesn't offend anyone

And he is afraid of everyone. (Hare)

7. I have a luxurious tail,

But my character is not simple -

I am cunning and cunning.

Deep is my hole. (Fox)

8. When he is in a cage, he is pleasant.

There are many black spots on the skin.

He is a beast of prey, albeit a little bit,

Like a lion and a tiger, similar to a cat. (Leopard)

How can you call these animals in one word?

How many are there?

Makes another riddle

Less tiger, more cat

There are horn-like brushes above the ears. (Lynx)

He puts a picture of a fox on the board and asks the children how many animals there are in total? (9) How did we get number 9? 8+1=9.

From which two numbers consists of the number 9? Let's use counting sticks to fill the house. Count out 9 sticks. There are already 6 tenants living in one apartment, how many would need to be moved into another apartment to make it work? number 9?

8 and 1; 8 and 7; 5 and 4; 5 and 4; 3 and 6; 6 and 3; 2 and 7.

Physical education minute.

Once - rise, stretch,

Two - bend over, straighten up,

Three - three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave your arms

And quietly stand in place.

4. Comparison of numbers.

Guys you need to compare numbers with the number of dots and put signs "more", "less" or (=)

Well done! We did well.

And now you and I will decide "Fun Challenges". Listen carefully!

1. Mom put it in the oven

Bake pies with cabbage.

For Natasha, Kolya, Vova

The pies are already ready

Yes, one more pie

The cat was dragged under the bench.

Yes, even from the stove five

Mom needs to take it out.

If you can, help -

Count the pies! (9)

2. The seagull warmed up the kettle,

She invited eight seagulls.

“Come everyone for tea!”

How many seagulls, answer! (9)

4. Are all the chickens, children,

Six in the garden, three in the rye.

How many are there in total, tell me?

5. Six funny little bears

They rush into the forest for raspberries.

But one kid is tired,

I fell behind my comrades.

Now find the answer: How many bears are there ahead? (5)

6. There were 4 bears and 3 rams in the zoo. How many wild animals were there in the zoo?

7. There were 5 apples growing on the birch tree. 3 apples fell to the ground. How many apples are left on the birch tree? (not at all, apples don’t grow on birch trees)

8. The rooster laid an egg. Who will get it? (to no one)

Well done boys!

Look, guys, there is another checkered piece of paper in front of you, now you will write a graphic dictation under my dictation. Listen carefully.

Retreat 2 cells from above and 5 cells to the left. Place a dot and start drawing. Children count

Called numbers neighbors

Children guess riddles and answer the teacher’s questions

Answer: wild animals

Perform physical education.

Compare numbers

Children solve problems

Perform graphic dictation Development of attention and memory

Reflection Conversation Guys, what did we learn today? Show me the number "9" what does she look like? Let's write down the number 9 in our notebooks. Children talk with the teacher Consolidating the acquired knowledge

Open End Our lesson is over, let's collect the notebooks....

Publications on the topic:

Abstract of GCD for children aged 5 to 6 years “Number and figure 7. Composition of the number 7” Program content: introduce the number and number 7, the composition of the number 7; consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes: triangle, square,.

Abstract of GCD for FEMP “Composition of the number 5” Topic: “Formation of the number 5” Purpose: to introduce children to the composition of the number 5 from units. Objectives: 1. Teach children to form the number 5 from ones.

Topic: “Composition of the number three” Objectives: 1. To form in children an idea of ​​the composition of the number 3, to teach how to compose the number three from two smaller numbers.

Summary of the educational situation “Composition of the number seven” Goal: 1) to form an idea of ​​the composition of the number 7; 2) to form the experience of independently overcoming difficulties under the guidance of a teacher;

Summary of OD on FEMP in the preparatory group “Composition of the number five” Topic: Composition of the number five Purpose: to introduce children to the composition of the number five from two smaller numbers; practice counting within 10; learn to name.

Municipal preschool educational institution

Suksun kindergarten "Bell".

Abstract of NOD OO "Cognitive Development"

section "FEMP"

Topic: “Introduction to the composition of the number 9 from two smaller ones”

Preparatory group

Preparatory group teacher:


Target: introduce the composition of the number 9 from two smaller ones.


1. Educational:

Introduce the composition of the number 9 from two smaller ones;

Exercise children in solving problems of finding the minuend;

Practice orientation on a plane;

Practice laying out figures according to a contour pattern.

2. Developmental:

Development of logical thinking, memory, attention.

Form activity and creative imagination;

Expand children's vocabulary with words: detective, route, arithmetic problem.

3. Educational:

Teach children to be persevering, attentive, and raise their hand when answering.

Material: a letter from Matroskin, a picture of a detective, a route, letters for making words, a picture of a sandwich, a picture of mugs, a picture and a picture of the composition of the number 9 from two smaller ones.

GCD move:

1. Organizing time:

Children enter the group and stand in a semicircle.

The teacher addresses the children: Hello guys, I’m very glad to see you all today.

Educator: Guys, today we have guests, let’s greet them and say hello.

Children: Hello!

Educator: And now you and I will hold hands and give each other a smile, for a good mood for the upcoming work. Okay, well done.

2. Motivational moment:

Guys, today we will turn into detectives. Do you know who the detectives are?

The teacher shows a picture of a detective and says that a detective is a person who solves crimes.

And so guys, today we received a letter from the cat Matroskin.

Let's read it.

The teacher reads the letter: “My friend Uncle Fyodor sent a very tasty sandwich as a gift and I was happy to invite guests, but it turned out that there was nothing to treat me because the sandwich was stolen. “Please find my sandwich.” Sincerely, Matroskin the cat.

Educator: Shall we help the cat Matroskin find his sandwich?

Educator: Now let’s take our seats, straighten our backs and get ready for work.

3. Main stage:

Educator: Each detective begins his investigation by finding out all the details of the crime.

And guys, in the letter the cat Matroskin indicated that he does not know how to count and therefore does not know how many guests should come.

What do you guys think, how many guests came to Matroskin?

Children: 9 guests.

Educator: Why did you decide that?

Children: counted the circles.

Educator: That's right.

Educator: Now let's open the notebooks and see:

“Black and white cats came to visit the cat Matroskin. Now we will find out how many and what kind of cats there were: if there were 8 white cats, then how many black ones? Let's count 8 white cats and not paint them over, but now tell me, how many black cats does it mean?

Educator: Let's paint it black, and next to it write down in numbers how many black cats you got.

Educator: And so you and I now know how many guests there were.

Educator: Repeats with the children, so how many guests were there?

Educator: But which one of them is the thief?

Educator: Oh, guys, look, there is a note under one of the mugs. Let's read it: “If you want to get a sandwich, you must solve my problem.”

Educator: But before solving problems, let's repeat what should be in the problem?

Children: Condition, question, solution and answer.

Educator: Correct.

Educator: Now listen to the tasks:

1. “I really love fish. Recently I caught several fish and put them in a bucket, when I came home there were 6 fish in the bucket because I ate one on the way. How many fish did I catch?

2. “I caught several mice, but 2 of them escaped. When I counted the remaining ones, there were 6 of them. How many mice did I catch?

Educator: Well, the problems have been solved, but one more task has been prepared for us, only it is written not in numbers, but in the letters PO+ROG. Let's see what word came out?

The threshold is correct, so where do we need to look for a sandwich?

Children: On the threshold!

The teacher goes to the doorstep and finds another note with a conventional image of the route (the route is put on the board).

Educator: Guys, what is this?

Children: the route along which we will look for a sandwich.

Educator: Irina, go to the board and try to write down the route. And the rest are in their notebooks.

Educator: along the route described in the code, you and I came to the shadow of the cat.

Educator: Let's look at the figure of a cat and divide it into geometric shapes. How are we going to do this?

The teacher asks the children: first we divide the head into a square and get 2 small triangles, and then move on to the body, also divide it into a square and get 1 large triangle and select the paw - this is a small triangle.

Educator: we divided it well, and now we will lay out our cat from “Tangram”. One child is at the board, the rest are on the tables.

Educator: So we caught the thief! But where is the sandwich?

Educator: Guys, our cat repents and will no longer steal, but he cannot remember where he hid the sandwich, but he has an encryption, listen and guess:

1. Is this a place where children come every day? (kindergarten).

2. Is this the room where you play in kindergarten? (group).

3. Is this a piece of furniture at which the teacher sits? (table)

Educator: Now we have solved the encryption, and now let’s see where the sandwich is hidden on the table (they find a sandwich).

Educator: Guys, what wonderful detectives we are, we helped the cat Matroskin find a sandwich, and we will ask the cat not to steal anymore.

4. Summary:

What did we do today? What have you learned?

What went well and what didn't work? Rate yourself, draw yourself a sun or a cloud?

That's all, thanks for your attention!


  • to form an idea of ​​the number 9, its composition, the ability to write it, depict it on a number line, add and subtract within 9;
  • consolidate the relationship between part and whole; clarify the names of the components of addition and subtraction, develop the ability to use them correctly in speech;
  • train mental operations, speech, and creative abilities of students;
  • contribute to the formation of positive learning motivation, health promotion and the development of a sense of mutual assistance and support in the team.


  • textbooks L.G. Peterson Mathematics. 1 class. Part 2., pictures (toys) of Aibolit, his “sick” animals;
  • individual numerical segments, physical map, seagulls;
  • four sets of cut out flowers, 9 pieces each, four inlaid canvases with mathematical numbers and signs;
  • support for the composition of the number 9, number 9;
  • relaxation melody for physical exercise; a drawing of a pentagon similar to the outline of the African continent;
  • seven butterflies: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, letters for the word “well done.”

During the classes

1. Self-determination for activity: Children work while standing.

Guess the riddle:

Treats small children
Heals birds and animals
He looks through his glasses
Good doctor... (Aibolit).

What is the best medicine for any disease?..

(Laughter, smile and good mood).

Smile at each other and wish each other good luck in your class work. After all, today we

Let's go with Aibolit to Africa to treat animals. So, let's go.

2. Updating knowledge:

Children have individual segments from 1 to 20.

  • Count from 8 to 16; from 12 to 5;
  • Name the next number 8, 14. How much is the next number greater than the previous one?
  • Name the previous number 11, 20. How much is the previous number less than the next one?
  • What number is to the right of 11, to the left of 14?
  • What number is between 8 and 10? 16 and 18?

b) – Establish a pattern and you will find out how many mountains - obstacles we face

pass: (6 + 2 = 8 – mountains)

What expression did you choose? Why? Why do you have to fold here? (We are looking for the whole).

Name the whole and parts. (9 – whole, 8 and 1 – parts).

Name the topic of the lesson... (Number and number 9). The teacher opens the topic of the lesson on the board.

What should we learn? (Learn the composition of the number 9, learn to write the number 9...)

4. “Discovery” of new knowledge: Work is done while standing.

a) composition of the number 9:

Tell us everything you know about the number 9.

(The number 9 is in ninth place in the natural series of numbers. It is greater than the previous number 8 by 1 and less than the subsequent number 10 by 1. To get the number 9, you need to add 1 to 8 or subtract 1 from 10.)

But not only... You will find out the full composition of the number 9 if you sort all the medicinal flowers that Aibolit collected at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Work in groups: 4 groups.

Each team is given 9 cut out flowers and a typesetting canvas with the corresponding numbers and signs. See Figure 1.

Divide all the flowers into two groups and make up expressions:

Picture 1.

How do you get the number 9? Children recite the composition of the number 9 in chorus.

1 and 8 or 8 and 1

2 and 7 or 7 and 2

3 and 6 or 6 and 3

4 and 5 or 5 and 4

b) – How does the number 9 differ from the number 9?

(The number 9 is just a sign to indicate the quantity equal to 9.)

What does the number 9 look like? Let's learn how to write it correctly and beautifully.

Number nine, or nine, -
Circus acrobat:
If it gets on your head,
The number six will become nine.

The teacher explains the writing of numbers, the children write in the air,

with your finger on your palm, then in your notebook. The most beautiful number is emphasized.

So how many sick animals did Aibolit cure on the first day? (9)

5. Physical exercise: to the music

Oh! Out of joy, one moth could not resist and fell on your head.

Stroke him: be careful, don’t scare him away!

Then he moved onto his forehead, rolled down to his nose, jumped onto his cheek, climbed up behind his collar - pet him there too. He got to his tummy and then hid under his heel.

Catch him, put him on your palm, cover him so that he doesn’t run away. Well, it's time for the healthy moth to return home... Let's let him go and wave after him!

6. Primary consolidation: Children sit down.

P.18, No. 2 - the composition of the number 9, the relationship between part and whole, is fixed; names of addition and subtraction components.

1 column - in chorus;

2-3 columns – with comments;

4th column - independently.

What parts does the number 9 consist of? On the support, repeat the composition of the number 9 again.

7. Independent work with self-test:

P.19, No. 3 – Now you will find out which of the animals needed help first.

1st column - girls decide;

2nd column – boys.

(Fur seal, dolphin, hedgehog - for girls; sparrow, butterfly, puppy - for boys.)

8. Repetition: Children work standing.

What does this closed figure look like? See Figure 2.

(Children's options).

And also on the contour of the African continent.

What is the name of the figure? (Polygon or ninegon.)

Why exactly a hexagon?

(Nine corners, we talk about the number and the number 9 in class.)

What does any polygon consist of? (From segments.)

Find all polygons. How many are there? (6) Africa

Figure 2.

9. Lesson summary. Reflection:

What number did you learn to write in class? What number do we need to remember?

Above the board are seven colorful butterflies in order of the colors of the rainbow. See Figure 3.

On each butterfly there is a letter:

Figure 3.

Follow the butterflies with your eyes in the order in which I name them, connect the letters and read the word: green butterfly, red, purple, yellow, blue, orange, blue. What word did you get? (Well done.)

This is how Aibolit appreciated your work in the lesson. Do you agree with his assessment?

Additional Information:

Very often in Russian folk tales there is an expression: “Beyond distant lands, in a distant kingdom,” which means a very long distance. Far away - three times nine (9 x 3) equals 27. And according to some sources, the distance from the Earth to the Moon is equal to 27 diameters of the globe. Therefore, this expression really means “very far.”

Boos Tatyana Iosifovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 100 "Forget-me-not"
Locality: Prokopyevsk city, Kemerovo region
Name of material: lesson notes
Subject:"The composition of the number nine from two smaller numbers"
Publication date: 14.03.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Mathematics lesson for children of the preparatory group.

(composition of the number 9 from two smaller numbers)

Lesson objectives:


Continue the formation of mental operations (analysis, synthesis,

comparisons, generalizations, classifications).

Improve knowledge about the composition of the number 9 from 2 smaller numbers.

Strengthen children's knowledge of time.

Strengthen counting skills within 20.

Strengthen children's knowledge of the sequence of days of the week.


Develop speech, observation, mental activity, ability

express and justify your opinions.

Develop auditory and visual attention, memory, logical


Develop constructive and creative abilities, imagination,

creative imagination.


Cultivate interest in mathematical studies.

Foster a desire to help others who find themselves

in a difficult situation.

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards others.

Introduce basic concepts of morality.

Progress of the lesson.

Teacher: Guys, as usual, we will start our lesson with a warm-up.

Remember counting down from 20.

Count by twos from 6.

Name the number that I missed.(7,6,5,4,..,2,1)

What number did I have in mind if it is 1 less than the number 17.

Name the day of the week that I missed. (Monday Tuesday,

..., Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

Tomorrow is the fourth day of the week, as it is called, and the fifth.

If tomorrow is Thursday, then today is ..., and yesterday is ...?

(SMS arrives

I have to meet guests, but I don’t have time to do anything. HELP. Can

get there by train, Dot will show you the way. My watch always shows

It's not three o'clock, but not yet four o'clock. Dwarf.)

Teacher: So we can go to help the Gnome by train.

In my opinion there is a problem with the train, we need to attach the cars, but

the train carriages must be arranged according to the principle - the answer is one

example is the beginning of the following example:

7+2 9-4 5+3 8-2 6+1

(The guys are doing the task)

And so, the train is ready, you can hit the road. But who will show us

the road? (Dot)

Why do you think she is? Where does Tochka live? (on line)

This means she knows everything about lines - paths, here they are.

Which way should we go? What path do you think we are on exactly?

can't get there, why? Which one will get you faster in a straight line?

or along a curve, why? Let's check

Some of the children run to the chair along a straight path, and some along

curve (geometric bodies serve as an obstacle while they are placing,

repeat).2 people run. They draw a conclusion.

Which path will we take? (in a straight line)

Children become a chain, walk along a straight path to the side

mathematical village (model of the village is covered with a screen) on

chairs. (Dienesh blocks lie chaotically on the floor)

Guys, look, the Dwarf didn’t have time to take away the precious stones

place. Shall we help him?

Laying out the blocks

But where did our owner call his assistants and not meet them?

I wonder what house our Dwarf lives in? (children's answers)

And I think I understand why the Gnome texted us about the time

hours. Who remembers what time the clock outside the house shows?

Gnome? (not three, but not yet four o'clock)

Let's find a clock that shows this time.

They determine the time on the clock and find the Gnome's house.

Guys, it turns out that our Dwarf invited a lot of guests, and he has a table

No. He asks us to help him, make a table. Shall we help? (Yes)

Children go to the tables. (On the tables there are Cuisenaire sticks and


We have a table top for the table, what is missing? (legs)

The gnome says that the height of the table should be 9cm. What kind of stick

what lengths will we take? (9 cm.)

How many of these sticks do we need? (4 things.)

Why? (4 legs for the table)

Children find only one stick at a time

What to do? (children's answers)

Let's try to assemble the legs from two smaller sticks.

(children complete the task, assemble the table)

From which two smaller sticks did you get a 9 cm stick?

(children's answers)

The Gnome wants to thank you for your help, and at the same time check

your tables are durable.

A teacher with a Gnome distributes candy to children. Each one is placed on

child's table.

Equipment: Train (examples on trailers), Point with lines,

geometric bodies, 3 hoops, cards with

symbols and several Dienesh blocks, layout

villages, hours, Gnome.

For each child, tabletops (cardboard),