Option 1 Mirages are amazing optical illusions. How to understand that something is wrong with the body

Option 1
Read the text and complete tasks 1 – 3

(1) Mirages - amazing optical illusions that appear in the desert - are not a figment of the imagination: they can be captured with a camera or video camera. (2) These optical illusions arise because in the desert, superheated air can refract the sun's rays in a special way. (3) travelers see water shimmering ahead, but in fact this water is a distorted reflection of the sky in the lower layer of hot air.

Beginning of the form
1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

Mirages cannot be captured with a camera or video camera, because they are a trick of the imagination, an optical illusion.

Most often, travelers see water shimmering ahead in the desert, which is a distorted reflection of the sky in the lower layer of hot air.

Mirages - optical illusions that occur in the desert - are the result of a special refraction of sunlight by superheated air.

In the desert, superheated air can refract the sun's rays in a special way, resulting in optical illusions called mirages.

Optical illusions - mirages - arise as a result of refraction of superheated air.

End of form

Beginning of the form
2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).
Vice versa,
For example,
Despite this,

End of form

Beginning of the form
3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word BOTTOM. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.
LOWER, -yaya, -ee.

Located downstairs. Bottom step.

Located close to the mouth, to low-lying areas. Lower reaches of the river.

About clothing: worn under a dress or directly on the body. Underwear.

Forming the lowest limit of the range of a voice or instrument (special). N. register.

End of form

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.
5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is used INCORRECTLY. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.
An antique BONE casket with carvings all over its surface was presented at the exhibition of rarities.
The valley gave way to a quagmire, where crooked and stunted SWAMP birches grew.
Andrey sheltered his nephew, dressed him and put on shoes, and helped him find a job.
FOREST smells came in waves; the breath of juniper, heather, and lingonberries was mixed in them.
In a dream, a person is able not only to distinguish speech, but also to answer questions.
6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.
FOUR sleigh
no time
Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



Everyone who has been to the Borodino field bares their head in front of the monuments to the defenders of Russia.

Subsequently, he could not even explain to himself what made him rush across the horses.

According to Kramskoy, despite the fact that many landscape painters depict trees, water and even air in their paintings, there is a soul only in the painting “The Rooks” by Savrasov.

People who read Russian fairy tales and epics in childhood were breathtaking from heroic deeds.

Using the letter “ъ” at the end of words, in the 19th century it was only a tribute to tradition.

incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

violation in the construction of sentences with a participial phrase

incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

8. Identify the word in which the alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.
9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.
be..connected, ra..reap
pr..brezhny, pr..off
on..sewing, oh..breathing
from..called, sent
pr..city, pr..grada
10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.
be honored

11. Write down the word in which the letter Y is written in place of the gap.
(they) are closed
thinker (person)
loader (gun)
(flags) re..t
(well) understanding
12. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.
In some places the light (DID NOT) PENETRATE at all under the thick canopy of pine branches.
The (UN)CLEAR outlines of huge trees appeared ahead.
The far (IN)HOSPITABLE forest stretched all the way to Nerekhta.
Every writer has a single, main, (NOT)WRITTEN book.
13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.
The poet’s calling is to create for eternity, (THUS) he is “his own highest court,” (AS) only a few are given the opportunity to appreciate his creations.
I want to talk to you (ABOUT) the apartment, (IN) CONNECTION with which I ask you to give me a little attention.
(SEEING the imminent end of the voyage, the mood of the team improved, SO (THAT) the last days of the journey flew by unnoticed.
Napoleon, from his long experience of war, knew well what it meant to have a battle that was not won for eight hours, (THUS) he had no doubt about the outcome of the matter.
It’s not easy to explain why ALL real poems differ from rhymed lines.
14. Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.
Light walls of exquisite (1) proportions, decorated with (2) ceramic tiles, crowned with (3) a decorative majolica belt with a fancy image of orchids

Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

Nature passes through the poet’s loving and ever-creating heart and is imprinted in his lyrical lines.

Inversion is one of the most important means of intonation-syntactic highlighting of words or phrases.

A light breeze woke up and then died down.

This portrait has lightness of manner and subtlety of color scheme and psychologism of the image.

The engine did not have time to truly cool down and was started within a few minutes.

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in sentences.
Birds (1) when choosing their (2) life partners (3) attach great importance to the shades of plumage. And if the feathered gentleman does not have (4) the cap characteristic of (5) his fellows, then the chances of receiving favor from the bride are slim.
17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.
Roman M.Yu. Lermontov (1) according to scientists (2) are imbued with unity of thought, and therefore it cannot be read in a manner other than the order in which the author himself arranged it: otherwise you will read two excellent (3) in my opinion (4) stories and several no less excellent stories, but you won’t know the novel.
18. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in the place of which(s) in the sentence there should be a comma(s).
Gradually (1) a city grew (2) in the name (3) of which (4) the aroma of the red pine trees that surrounded it was preserved.
19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.
Summer is in full swing (1) and (2) if you stay longer in the forest (3) you will see a warbler (4) flashing among the branches.
Read the text and complete tasks 20 – 25

(1) Tenderness is the most meek, timid, divine face of love. (2) Love-passion - always with an eye on yourself. (3) She wants to conquer, seduce, she wants to please, she preens herself, puts her hands on her hips, measures, and is always afraid of missing out on what she has lost. (4) Love-tenderness gives everything, and there is no limit to it. (5) And she will never look back at herself, because “she is not looking for her own.” (6) She’s the only one who’s not looking. (7) But one should not think that a feeling of tenderness degrades a person. (8)On the contrary. (9) Tenderness comes from above, it takes care of the beloved, protects, takes care of him. (10) But only a defenseless creature in need of care can be looked after and protected, therefore words of tenderness are diminutive words, going from the strong to the weak.
(11) Tenderness is rare and increasingly rare. (12) Modern life is difficult and complex. (13) Modern man, even in love, strives first of all to establish his personality. (14) Love is a martial arts.
- (15) Yeah! (16) Love? (17) Well, okay. (18) Roll up your sleeves, straighten your shoulders - come on, who will win?
(19) Is there any tenderness here? (20) And who to protect, who to pity - all are well done and heroes. (21) He who knows tenderness is marked.
(22) In the minds of many, tenderness is always depicted in the form of a meek woman bending towards the head of the bed. (23) No, that’s not where you need to look for tenderness. (24) I saw her differently: in forms that were not at all poetic, in simple, even funny ones.
(25) We lived in a sanatorium near Paris. (26) We walked, ate, listened to the radio, played bridge, and gossiped. (27) There was only one real patient - a feisty old man recovering from typhus.
(28) The old man often sat on the terrace in a chaise lounge, covered with pillows, wrapped in blankets, pale, bearded, always silent and, if anyone passed by, he turned away and closed his eyes. (29) His wife hovered around the old man, like a trembling bird. (30) The woman is middle-aged, dry, light, with a faded face and anxiously happy eyes. (31) And she never sat quietly. (32) She kept adjusting something around her patient. (33) Now she turned over the newspaper, now she fluffed the pillow, now she tucked in the blanket, now she ran to warm the milk, now she dripped medicine. (34) The old man accepted all these services with obvious disgust. (35) Every morning, with a newspaper in her hands, she rushed from table to table, talked friendly with everyone and asked:
“Here, maybe you can help me?” (36) Here is a crossword puzzle: “What happens in a residential building?” (37) Four letters. (38) I write it down on a piece of paper to help Sergei Sergeevich. (39) He always solves crosswords, and if he gets stuck, I come to his aid. (40) After all, this is his only entertainment. (41) Patients are like children. (42) I’m so glad that at least this amuses him.
(43) They pitied her and treated her with great sympathy.
(44) And somehow he crawled out onto the terrace earlier than usual. (45) She sat him down for a long time, covered him with blankets, and propped up pillows. (46) He winced and angrily pushed her hand away if she did not immediately guess his wishes. (47) She, shivering joyfully, grabbed the newspaper.
- (48) Here, Serezhenka, today it seems like a very interesting crossword puzzle.
(49) He suddenly raised his head, rolled out his angry yellow eyes and began to shake all over.
– (50) Finally, get to hell with your idiotic crossword puzzles! – he hissed furiously.
(51) She turned pale and somehow sank.
“(52) But you...,” she babbled in confusion. – (53) After all, you were always interested in...
– (54) I was never interested! – he kept shaking and hissing, looking with animal pleasure at her pale, desperate face. – (55) Never! (56) It was you who climbed with the tenacity of the degenerate that you are!
(57) She didn’t answer anything. (58) She just swallowed air with difficulty, pressed her hands tightly to her chest and looked around with such pain and such despair, as if she was looking for help. (59) But who can take such a funny and stupid grief seriously? (60) Only a little boy, sitting at the next table and seeing this scene, suddenly closed his eyes and cried bitterly.
(According to N.A. Teffi*)
* Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Teffi (1872–1952) – Russian writer, poet, memoirist and translator.

Beginning of the form
20. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

Love-passion ennobles a person, makes him be caring, gentle, attentive.

It cannot be said that the feeling of tenderness degrades a person.

Tenderness is often found in our lives; it helps a person to affirm his personality.

The rudeness of the sick husband offended and upset his caring, gentle and attentive wife.

End of form

Beginning of the form
21. Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

Sentences 7–10 contain reasoning.

Sentences 11–14 present the narrative.

Sentence 30 provides the description.

Sentences 44–45 present the narrative.

Sentences 57–58 contain reasoning.

End of form

Beginning of the form
22. From sentences 5–10, write down antonyms (antonymous pair).

End of form

Beginning of the form
23. Among sentences 28–34, find one that is connected to the previous one using a conjunction and a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

End of form

Beginning of the form
Read a fragment of a review based on the text that YOU analyzed while completing tasks 20 - 23.
This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.
“The text analyzes an issue that has troubled people for centuries. To express his understanding of love and tenderness, the author uses the technique - (A)__________ (sentences 2, 3 - 4, 5) and the syntactic device - (B)__________ (in sentences 1, 9). The writer is helped to create the image of a tender wife by the trope – (B)__________ (“with anxious-happy eyes” in sentence 30) and the syntactic device – (D)__________ (“like a tremulous bird” in sentence 29).”

List of terms:

comparative turnover


spoken words

series of homogeneous members of a sentence



phraseological units


rhetorical questions

End of form


Beginning of the form
25. Write an essay based on the text you read.
Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting).
Formulate the position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).
The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.
Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.
Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

End of form

Option 1:
3 4
For example
2 1 3 6 7
coastal accustomed
therefore since
1 2
3 5
1 3
1 2 3 4
1 3 4
2 5
1 3 4
strong weak
5 4 2 1

Option #1

Mirages cannot be captured with a camera or video camera, because they are a trick of the imagination, an optical illusion.

Most often, travelers see water shimmering ahead in the desert, which is a distorted reflection of the sky in the lower layer of hot air.

Mirages - optical illusions that occur in the desert - are the result of a special refraction of sunlight by superheated air.

In the desert, superheated air can refract the sun's rays in a special way, resulting in optical illusions called mirages.

Optical illusions - mirages - arise as a result of refraction of superheated air.

Beginning of the form

End of form

Beginning of the form

3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word BOTTOM. Determine the meaning in which this word is used
in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

LOWER, -yaya, -ee.

4. In one of the words below there is an error in the placement of stress: WRONG The letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down.


Answer: ___________________________.

5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is used INCORRECTLY. Correct a lexical error by choosing
to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the chosen word.

Sometimes rumors are generated by insufficient INFORMATION of those working at the enterprise.

Grishakov left, and now all questions concerning his life become UNANSWERABLE.

A STONE desert stretched around a boundless sea, in which cacti grew in groups, covered with large pink flowers.

Despite the hour of dawn, there were a lot of people: some HORSE unit was moving at a pace towards the outpost.

On holidays, all airports in the country are crowded with tourists.

Answer: ___________________________.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake write the word correctly.

kilogram of APPLES

SEVENTY percent

tongues of FLAME

Answer: ___________________________.

7. Match grammatical errors with

sentences in which they are admitted: to each position of the first

column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in construction

sentences with participle


B) error in construction

complex sentence

B) violation in construction

proposals with inconsistent


D) disruption of communication between

subject and predicate

D) violation of species and time

correlation of verbs


Everyone who visited Crimea took with them, after parting with it, vivid impressions of the sea, mountains, southern herbs and flowers.

S. Mikhalkov argued that the world of the merchant Zamoskvorechye can be seen on the stage of the Maly Theater thanks to the excellent acting of the actors.

The heart freezes for a moment and suddenly starts beating again.

In 1885 V.D. Polenov exhibited at a traveling exhibition ninety-seven sketches brought from a trip to the East.

In exile, Marina Tsvetaeva often recalled the poetry of Boris Pasternak and admired it.

This book taught me to value and respect friends, which I read as a child.

The work “The Tale of a Real Man” is based on real events that happened to Alexei Maresyev.

Going up to the observation deck

The site, you see the city at a glance.

The sisters were well versed in both music and painting.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

8. Identify the word that is missing unstressed alternating vowel root Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.






Answer: ___________________________.

9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

and..wasted, ra..awakened

pr..strange, pr..off

raz..gral, over..deed

n..load, dis..took

under.. drive, once.. clarified

Answer: ___________________________.

10. Write down the word in which a letter is written in place of the gap E.




be honored


Answer: ___________________________.

11. Write down the word in which a letter is written in place of the gap AND.




Answer: ___________________________.

12. Identify the sentence in which NOT is written with the word FULL. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Lingonberry bushes are strewn with (UN)RIPED berries.

Even the smell of gasoline (NOT) COULD drown out the aroma of the meadow.

IN THE (NOT) LARGE, but spacious hall it was light and quiet.

The potatoes in the gardens are still (NOT) DIGGED.

(NOT) RECOGNIZING their purpose, the heroes of A.P.’s plays. Chekhov often live their lives mechanically.

Answer: ___________________________.

13. Identify the sentence in which both highlighted words are written FULL. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

(And) SO, Konstantin claimed that this trip added vitality,
I said the SAME thing.

TO be happy, you need to strive for success and at the SAME time you need to learn nobility in relation to the people around you.

Soon the birds (WITH) ALL fell silent, except for one, which (IN) DISCONTINUANCE with everyone chirped monotonously.

The stranger disappeared around the bend AS suddenly as he appeared, (THUS) it was not possible to see him.

(FINALLY) the rain stopped, but SOMEWHERE there were still heavy masses of partially scattered clouds.

Answer: ___________________________.

14. written NN.

Alexander Blok created a special (1) poetic world, permeated (2) with blue and purple colors, weaved (3) with highlights and filled (4) with amazing melody.

Answer: ___________________________.

15. Place punctuation marks. Specify two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place

Birds (1) when choosing their (2) life partners (3) attach great importance to the shades of plumage. And if the feathered gentleman does not have (4) the cap characteristic of (5) his fellows, then the chances of receiving favor from the bride are slim.

Answer: ___________________________.

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place
Sentences must contain commas.

Encounters with the art of painting give the joy of discovery (1) exclusively to (2) an attentive and patient viewer. Visiting an art museum (3) for example (4) requires us to be able
and readiness to perceive and experience what is seen.

Answer: ___________________________.

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Gradually (1) a city grew (2) in the name (3) of which (4) the aroma of the red pine trees that surrounded it was preserved.

Answer: ___________________________.

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place
There must be commas in the sentence.

At home, my guest immediately began to complain to me (1) that (2) while he was driving to me (3) he got lost in the forest (4) and was forced to spend the night in the forester’s lodge.

Answer: ___________________________.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.

(1) Man was created to last for centuries, judging by the enormous, incomparable waste of energy. (2) The lion, having killed the antelope, rests for a day in a well-fed sleep. (3) After an hour-long battle with an opponent, a powerful elk stands in the thicket for half a day, frantically moving its sunken sides. (4) Aitmatov’s Karanar accumulated strength for a year to rage, rage and triumph for half a month. (5) For a person, such feats are the brilliance of a moment, for which he pays with such a small fraction of his reserves that he does not need rest at all.

(6) The goal of the beast is to live out the time allotted by nature. (7) The amount of energy embedded in it is correlated with this period, and a living creature spends not as much as it wants, but as much as it needs, as if some kind of dosing device is provided in it: the beast does not know desire, it exists according to the law of necessity. (8) Isn’t that why animals don’t suspect that life is finite?

(9) The life of animals is the time from birth to death: animals live in absolute time, not knowing that there is also relative time; in this relative time only man can exist. (10) His life never fits into the dates on the gravestone. (11) It is larger, it contains seconds known only to him, which dragged on like hours, and days that flew by like moments. (12) And the higher a person’s spiritual structure, the more opportunities he has to live not only in absolute, but also in relative time. (13) For me, the global super task of art is its ability to prolong human life, imbue it with meaning, teach people to actively exist in relative time, that is, to doubt, feel and suffer.

(14) This is about spirituality, but even in ordinary, physical life, a person is given obviously more “fuel” than is needed in order to live according to the laws of nature. (15) Why? (16) For what purpose? (17) After all, in nature everything is reasonable, everything has been verified, tested over millions of years, and even the appendix, as it turned out, is still needed for something. (18) Why was a huge supply of energy many times greater than needed given to man?

(19) I asked this question in the fifth or sixth grade, when I got to elementary physics, and decided that it explained everything. (20) And she really explained everything to me then. (21) Except for humans. (22) But I couldn’t explain it. (23) It was here that the straightforward logic of knowledge ended and the frighteningly multivariate logic of understanding began.
(24) At that time, of course, I didn’t imagine this, but the energy balance did not converge, and I asked my father why a person was given so much.

− (25) For work.

“(26) I see,” I said, not understanding anything, but did not ask questions.

(27) This property - to agree with the interlocutor not when I have understood everything, but when I have not understood anything - is apparently inherent in me by nature. (28) In everyday life, it always bothered me, because I couldn’t get out of my troubles, writing my own theories, hypotheses, and often laws. (29) But there was still one beneficial side to this strangeness: I remembered without understanding, and got to the bottom of the answers myself; now it’s not so important that most often the answer was wrong. (30) Life requires from a person not answers, but the desire to seek them.

(31) I am writing about this only for the sake of two words from my father, which determined the whole meaning of existence for me. (32) This became the main commandment, the alpha and omega of my worldview. (33) And I became a writer, probably not at all because I was born with such brilliance in my eyes, but only because I sacredly believed in the need for persistent, daily, frantic work.

(According to B.L. Vasiliev*)

* Boris Lvovich Vasiliev(1924-2013) - Soviet writer, prose writer, publicist, public figure, author of the works “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “Tomorrow There Was War”, “Not on the Lists”, etc.

20. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

A person by nature has more energy than any, even the largest, animal.

A person perceives time in a special way: sometimes seconds can seem like hours, and a day can fly by instantly.

Physics can explain the laws of nature, but this science is not able to explain the nature of man, the purpose of the energy inherent in man by nature.

The narrator immediately realized the meaning of his father’s statement that great energy is given to a person for work.

The narrator successfully studied at school, which was facilitated by his desire to thoroughly study every subject.

Answer: ___________________________.

23. Among sentences 6-11, find one that is related to the previous one
using a possessive pronoun and lexical repetition. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: ___________________________.

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20-23. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert into the blanks (A, B, C, D) the numbers corresponding to the numbers of the terms from the list. Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas or other additional characters. Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Do not forget to transfer all answers to answer form No. 1 in accordance with the instructions for completing the work. End of form

Part 2

To answer this task, use ANSWER FORM No. 2.

25. Write an essay based on the text you read.

State one of the problems delivered author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

For example



More sonorous or more sonorous


entrance explained




quite contrary to


Grade 11 Test No. 1 VOCABULARY

(1) Mirages - amazing optical illusions that appear in the desert - are not a figment of the imagination: they can be captured with a camera or video camera. (2) These optical illusions arise because in the desert, superheated air can refract the sun's rays in a special way. (3)<…>travelers see water shimmering ahead, but in fact this water is a distorted reflection of the sky in the lower layer of hot air.

Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Mirages cannot be captured with a camera or video camera, because it is a trick of the imagination, an optical illusion.

2) Most often, travelers see water shimmering ahead in the desert, which is a distorted reflection of the sky in the lower layer of hot air.

3) Mirages - optical illusions that occur in the desert - are the result of a special refraction of sunlight by superheated air.

4) In the desert, superheated air can refract the sun's rays in a special way, resulting in optical illusions called mirages.

5) Optical illusions - mirages - arise as a result of refraction of superheated air.

Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

Vice versa,

For example,

Despite this,

Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word LOWER. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

LOWER, -yaya, -ee.

1) Located at the bottom. Bottom step.

2) Located close to the mouth, to low-lying areas. Lower reaches of the river.

3) About clothing: worn under a dress or directly on the body. Underwear.

(1) Discussions about the state of the Russian language have been going on since the times of the mighty revolutions of the past centuries: A.S. Pushkina, F.I. Tyutcheva, A.I. Herzen, V.G. Belinsky, F.M. Dostoevsky. (2) Nowadays for us their disputes and reflections on the fate of their native language are high lessons of Russian literature and human thought.

(3) As for the “degradation,” “weakening,” and even the inevitable “death” of the Russian language and literature, this is nothing more than hyperbole, based quite often on sincere, natural and understandable anxiety for the fate of one’s people, especially in times changes, shocks.

(4) The current upheavals and profound changes in Russia are occurring, in my opinion, rather in the minds and souls of people. (5) For the Russian language, they do not seem very significant to me, if we recall such trials as the “Mongol invasion” or Peter the Great’s “window to Europe”.

(6) “Eastern wind” and “Western wind” come and go, unable to shake the mighty tree of the Russian language, rooted over centuries and across vast expanses, only refreshing it, and therefore strengthening it.

(7) In such cases and trials, the mighty ocean of the great language (and not only Russian), with its incomparable mass, power, energy, measured and tireless work, will limit, polish other people’s words, adapting them to its own needs, sprinkle them with the living keys of their native land, taking into folk speech, writing, and fiction. (8) It was so. (9) Apparently this will happen. (10) Two hundred thousand words of V.I.’s dictionary alone. Dalia - isn't it an ocean? (11) He will grind and grind someone else’s things, and throw away the dirty ones with foam. (12) An ordinary, current, spelling dictionary, and that one - a hundred thousand words, each of which is not old mold, but living speech, which, of course, is richer than any dictionaries, it is not for nothing that people draw generously from it, but the bottom, thank God, is not it is seen. (13) The Russian language not only lives, but gives life! (14) One of the chemical industries has been pumping its waste, of course poisonous, into the deep layers of the earth for a long time and to this day, destroying living waters. (15) They do not listen to reproaches and reproaches. (16) The main thing for them is profit.

(17) On this same land, preserving the living waters, schoolchildren from the farms of Malogolubinsky, Pyatnitsky and others, of course with their teachers, protect the earth’s springs and springs, clean them. (18) To each his own.

(19) The same is true in our literature and journalism, which, of course, influence the state of the Russian language. (20) It’s a matter of conscience and, most importantly, talent. (21) Tolstoy, Turgenev, Sholokhov, Shukshin did not set themselves the task of protecting the Russian language. (22) They did this naturally, because they were born on the Russian soil, from which they received a great gift and used it worthily. (23) That's the whole explanation. (24) For me personally it is profound. (25) To the best of my ability and ability, I follow him, realizing my small strength. (26) But on the Malogolubinsky farm, the springs are cleared by very small children from elementary school. (27) These springs and springs flow little by little, reviving the rivers Malaya Golubaya, Rostosh, Eruslan, and then the Don, its mighty waters.

(According to B.P. Ekimov*)

*Boris Petrovich Ekimov (born in 1938) is a Russian prose writer and publicist.

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) The changes taking place in the Russian language are capable, without exaggeration, of destroying it.

2) The language accepts borrowed words into popular speech, polishing them.

3) When creating their works, classical writers set themselves the goal of protecting the Russian language.

4) The actions of people to cleanse springs and springs are akin to the actions of writers to preserve their native language.

5) By clearing the springs on the Malogolubinsky farm, schoolchildren thereby contributed to the purification of the waters of the Don.

Which of the following statements are incorrect? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Sentences 1–2 provide a description.

2) Sentences 4–5 present the reasoning.

3) Sentences 12–13 present the narrative.

4) Sentence 16 explains the content of sentences 14–15.

5) Sentences 21–22 illustrate the points made in sentences 19–20.

From sentences 1–2, write down synonyms (synonymous pair).

Among sentences 17–25, find one that is related to the previous one

using personal and demonstrative pronouns. Write the number of this offer.

“About the Russian language B.P. Ekimov talks very figuratively and colorfully. The emotional tone of his reasoning is set by the trope - (A)__________ (for example, in sentence 6), as well as the device - (B)__________ (“not old mold, but living speech” in sentence 12). Speaking about changes in the native language, the author tries to convey their essence as accurately as possible, in which he is helped by the lexical device - (B)__________ (“changes, shocks” in sentence 3, “cut, polished” in sentence 7). However, the fate of the Russian language does not cause concern to the author, which is why he uses a technique such as (G)__________ (“of course” in sentences 14, 17, 19).”

List of terms:

1) quoting

2) exclamatory sentences

3) lexical repetition

4) opposition

5) anaphora

6) extended metaphor

7) parcellation

8) spoken words

9) contextual synonyms

WE'RE PREPARING for the Unified State Exam in Literature

Preparation materials can be found at this address
  1. One of the poems by V. Bryusov ( "Sonnet to Form", "To the Young Poet", "The Coming Huns")
  2. One poem by K. Balmont “With a dream I caught the passing shadows...”, “Verblessness”, I came to this world to see the sun...”) or Andrei Bely (“Thought”, “Rus”, “Motherland”)

3. One poem by N. Gumilyov. (“Giraffe”, “Magic Violin”, “Lost Tram”, “Captains”, “The Word”)

4.Excerpt from A. Blok’s poem “The Twelve” (Chapter 1)

5. One poem by S. Yesenin (“The feather grass is sleeping. The dear plain...”, “Sorokoust” (chapter 3) “Soviet Russia” (from the words “This is the country! To the end”), “To Kachalov’s Dog”)

6. An excerpt from the poem by V. Mayakovsky “Conversation with the financial inspector about poetry” (from the words “Poetry is the whole journey into the unknown... to the words “Of course, they are different...)

  1. One poem by A. Akhmatova “I learned to live simply, wisely...”, Creativity (“It happens like this: some kind of languor...”), an excerpt from the poem “Requiem” (Epilogue Chapter 2).

Literature for summer reading

Incredible facts

There are phenomena in nature that, looking at them, you may not believe your eyes. Mirages and optical illusions found in nature amaze our imagination.

Since ancient times, people have encountered visions of ships, buildings, mountains and could not find an explanation for this. Unlike hallucinations, mirages are real optical phenomena that can be photographed. Another thing is that these phenomena do not arise by order. However, there are places on our planet where the chances of seeing a unique optical illusion are much greater.

1. Fata Morgana, Antarctica

In Antarctica, clear and clean air brings distant objects into sharp focus. Depth perception becomes impossible and the world takes on an amazing two-dimensional appearance. Early explorers of Antarctica painstakingly mapped and charted islands, capes, and mountain ranges that were never seen again.

A funny example of this phenomenon was the case of a Swedish explorer who, in his notebook, described a rocky cape with two unusual symmetrical valley glaciers. As it turns out, he was actually looking at a walrus.

Fata Morgana is caused by reflection from water, ice and snow, and when combined with a temperature inversion, it creates the illusion of a clear, defined appearance that does not actually exist.

2. St. Elmo's Fire, Edinburgh, Scotland

Physically, St. Elmo's Fire is a bright blue or purple fire-like glow from tall, pointed structures such as lightning rods, masts, spiers, and chimneys. They are a mixture of gas, plasma, just like fire and stars. The electric field around the object causes the air molecules to ionize, resulting in a faint glow that is clearly visible in low-light conditions.

American writer Herman Melville He called this phenomenon the “flaming finger of God.” Caesar saw it on the spears of his troops the night before the battle. This impressive effect, which is caused by an electrical discharge from thunderclouds to the ground, has always suggested divine intervention. St. Elmo's Lights can be seen on the masts of ships during storms, and sailors are in awe of this phenomenon, which often occurs as the storm begins to subside. This natural phenomenon is often observed on the heights of Edinburgh Castle on Castle Rock.

3. Aurora, Alta, Norway

The polar lights are an incredibly spectacular sight in the Arctic and Antarctica. Colorful layers of light turn endless winter nights into real lava lamps. The aurora, or more specifically the northern and southern aurora, occurs when solar particles ejected by solar flares are pulled toward the north or south pole by the Earth's magnetic field, colliding with atmospheric gases and emitting photons, or particles of light. The result is glowing sheets of green, red, white, purple and blue light.

The Norwegian city of Alta, which is located at the 69th parallel north latitude, is known as a great place to admire the aurora.

4. Brocken Ghost, Goslar, Germany

For thousands of years, anyone lucky enough to witness this supernatural optical phenomenon believed they were in the presence of God or undergoing their own spiritual rebirth. This is because the observer sees an image of a shadow surrounded by a halo of light, usually around the head. This phenomenon most often occurs near mountain peaks, where the air is humid and the sun is low. The name of the phenomenon owes its origin to the Brocken peak, which, at an altitude of 1141 m, is the highest point of the Harz Mountains, located in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in Germany. You can go to the top of the Harz Mountains from the city of Goslar in Germany.

5. Green Ray, Saint-Jean-de-Luz, France

The green ray, a favorite phenomenon among those who are not alien to romantic fantasies, seems to capture the very frailty of existence. This effect, which can be seen at the end of sunset, appears as a green dot or green ray that appears to burst from the sun. The reasons for this illusion are quite complex and are related to the refraction of light, the thickness of the atmosphere and the curvature of the Earth. You have a small chance of seeing the green ray, for example, by going to the city of Saint-Jean-de-Luz, which is depicted in the French film "Green Ray".

6. Young coniferous trees, Mount St. Helens, USA

As you approach Mount St. Helens in Washington State, you may notice new growth of pale green shoots on dark green conifers. This creates the curved shape of the eye, similar to a piece of optical art. In May 1980, Mount St. Helens erupted massively, causing the northern side to collapse and producing a large ash cloud. Many people died, and the area took on the appearance of a featureless lunar landscape. Since then, this area has been protected and restored.

7. Magnetic Hill, Ladakh, India

Ladakh is a land of high snowy passes and ancient structures - gopm. Here you may encounter a phenomenon called a magnetic hill or gravity hill, where a vehicle with the gearbox turned off appears to rise to the top. This astonishing effect has led to speculation that the magnetic force is throwing planes off course. In fact, it's all just one big illusion: the descent is slightly downward, but the shape of the surrounding landscape and the mountain horizon cause our usual landmarks to become unclear. This magnetic hill can be found 30 km from the historical capital of Leh and the place itself is marked with a large sign.

8. Inferior Mirage, Nullarbor Plain, Australia

This is a fairly commonly observed phenomenon - a haze that makes the air shimmer and makes roads appear damp. In fact, this is a common illusion. The imaginary lake in the distance that weary travelers see in the desert gives them imaginary hope. In reality, the illusion of water is an image of the sky in the distance, which appears from the refraction of light rays through the air. On the other hand, if you take a bottle of water and go to the Australian Nullarbor Plain, where there are no trees, you can see the mirage with your own eyes in a calm atmosphere.

9. Devils of Paasselka, Lake Paasselka, Finland

Paaselk's Devils are a phenomenon called "will-o'-the-wisps" in which light appears at night, mainly on marshy ground. If you follow them, they retreat. They also often seem to follow you. In many cultures, such lights were considered evil spirits that lured travelers to their deaths, or harbingers of natural disaster. Lake Paasselka is famous for its mysterious balls of light, and in Finnish folklore these lights indicated places where treasures were found.

10. Parhelium, Timbuktu, Mali

Parhelium is an effect that can be observed around the sun. It appears as bright spots or "false suns" located on either side of the sun itself. This phenomenon can last for hours. Previously, this was seen as a frightening omen of bad times. However, these are all just ice crystals creating a prism in the air. You have a good chance of seeing parhelium on the flat horizon of Timbuktu in Mali.

There are tangible signs that the body needs your attention. The following symptoms indicate the need to make lifestyle and dietary changes.


Problematic skin is the first signal. If you have been out of pregnancy for a long time, and your skin is still often inflamed, pay attention to nutrition and intestinal health. Difficulties with the skin indicate that the intestines are not coping with the elimination of toxins.


It’s also a clear signal that you need to reconsider your lifestyle and diet. Explore natural remedies to strengthen and enhance your immune system. These are spices, herbs, drinks.

Lack of energy

If you feel a lack of vital energy and strength for two weeks, your body is ringing all the bells. One-time fatigue, which can be restored by sound sleep and rest, is common. But feeling overwhelmed in the morning, apathy, and reluctance to get down to work and lead an active life are no longer the norm. Also, pay attention to your adrenal health.


Excessive hair loss can be an indirect sign of a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Review your diet - add more fresh fruits and vegetables, and thermally unprocessed foods to your diet.


A waist circumference exceeding 80 cm for women and 90 cm for men is a signal to change your daily diet and cleanse your diet of fatty foods, sugar and gluten. This indicator indicates the risk of cardiovascular diseases.


Gas formation, severe and painful bloating indicate an unhealthy intestinal condition. Namely, irritable bowel syndrome or bacterial growth. These symptoms are easily treatable. The main thing is to pay attention to the sensations and condition of the body in order to take timely measures.